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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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re-echoe [ri(:)'[email protected]], kind [kaInd], possibly ['pOsIblI]

That brief conversation re-echoed in his brain.

"Is that you, Mr. Cust? I thought you might like to know there's an inspector from Scotland Yard may be coming to see you."

What had he said? He couldn't remember.

"Thank you — thank you, my dear … very kind of you."

Something like that.

Why had she telephoned to him? Could she possibly have guessed? Or did she just want to make sure he would stay in for the inspector's visit?

But how did she know the inspector was coming (но как она узнала, что инспектор придет)? And her voice (а ее голос) — she'd disguised her voice from her mother (она замаскировала свой голос от матери) … It looked (это выглядело) — it looked (это выглядело) — as though she knew (как будто она знала) … But surely (но, конечно) if she knew (если бы она знала), she wouldn't (она бы не)

She might, though (хотя, она могла). Women were very queer (женщины очень странные). Unexpectedly cruel (неожиданно жестокие) and unexpectedly kind (и неожиданно добрые). He'd seen Lily once letting a mouse out of a mousetrap (однажды он видел, как Лили выпустила мышь из мышеловки).

A kind girl (добрая девушка)

A kind, pretty girl (добрая, симпатичная девушка)

unexpectedly ['VnIks'[email protected]], cruel ['[email protected]], mousetrap ['maUstr&p]

But how did she know the inspector was coming? And her voice — she'd disguised her voice from her mother … It looked — it looked — as though she knew … But surely if she knew, she wouldn't …

She might, though. Women were very queer. Unexpectedly cruel and unexpectedly kind. He'd seen Lily once letting a mouse out of a mousetrap.

A kind girl …

A kind, pretty girl …

He paused by the hall stand (он остановился рядом с вешалкой в холле) with its load of umbrellas and coats (с ее грузом из зонтиков и пальто).

Should he (следует ли ему) — ?

A slight noise from the kitchen decided him (легкий шум из кухни /заставил/ его решиться)

No, there wasn't time (не было времени)

Mrs. Marbury might come out (миссис Марбери могла выйти)

He opened the front door (он открыл парадную дверь), passed through (прошел сквозь) and closed it behind him … (и закрыл ее за собой)

Where (куда) … ?

umbrella [Vm'[email protected]], load [[email protected]], noise [nOIz]

He paused by the hall stand with its load of umbrellas and coats.

Should he — ?

A slight noise from the kitchen decided him …

No, there wasn't time …

Mrs. Marbury might come out …

He opened the front door, passed through and closed it behind him …

Where … ?

XXIX. At Scotland Yard

(в Скотланд-Ярде)

Conference again (снова совещание).

The Assistant Commissioner (заместитель комиссара), Inspector Crome (инспектор Кроум), Poirot (Пуаро) and myself (и я сам).

The A.C. was saying (заместитель коммисара говорил): "A good tip that of yours, M. Poirot (это была хорошая подсказка от вас, мсье Пуаро), about checking a large sale of stockings (о проверке крупных продаж чулок)."

Poirot spread out his hands (Пуаро развел руками: «Пуаро разложил руки») "It was indicated (это было обозначено; to indicate — показывать; означать). This man could not be a regular agent (этот человек не мог быть постоянным агентом). He sold outright (он продавал напрямую; to sell) instead of touting for orders (вместо того, чтобы докучать заказами)."

"Got everything clear so far, inspector (пока все выяснили, инспектор)?"

"I think so, sir." Crome consulted a file (я так думаю, сэр, — Кроум заглянул в папку). "Shall I run over the position to date (следует мне сделать обзор ситуации на сегодняшний день)?"

"Yes, please (да, пожалуйста)."

A.C. ['eI'sI], outright ['aUtraIt], tout [taUt]

Conference again.

The Assistant Commissioner, Inspector Crome, Poirot and myself.

The A.C. was saying: "A good tip that of yours, M. Poirot, about checking a large sale of stockings."

Poirot spread out his hands. "It was indicated. This man could not be a regular agent. He sold outright instead of touting for orders."

"Got everything clear so far, inspector?"

"I think so, sir." Crome consulted a file. "Shall I run over the position to date?"

"Yes, please."

"I've checked up with Churston (я проверил по Черстону), Paignton (Пейнтону) and Torquay (и Торки). Got a list of people (получил список людей) where he went (к которым: «куда» он ходил) and offered stockings (и предлагал чулки). I must say (я должен сказать) he did the thing thoroughly (он делал все тщательно). Stayed at the Pitt (остановился в «Питте»), small hotel near Torre Station (маленьком отеле рядом со станцией Торр). Returned to the hotel at 10:30 on the night of the murder (вернулся в отель в десять тридцать в ночь убийства). Could have taken a train from Churston at 10:05 (вероятно, сел на поезд из Черстона на десять ноль пять), getting to Paignton at 10:15 (прибывающий до Пейнтона в десять пятнадцать). No one answering to his description noticed on train (ни один, отвечающий его описанию, не был замечен в поезде) or at stations (или на станциях), but that Thursday was Dartmouth Regatta (но в тот четверг была регата в Дартмуте) and the trains back from Kingswear were pretty full (и поезда, возвращающиеся из Кингсвера, были сильно наполнены)."

answering ['A:[email protected]], Dartmouth ['dA:[email protected]], regatta [rI'g&[email protected]]

"I've checked up with Churston, Paignton and Torquay. Got a list of people where he went and offered stockings. I must say he did the thing thoroughly. Stayed at the Pitt, small hotel near Torre Station. Returned to the hotel at 10:30 on the night of the murder. Could have taken a train from Churston at 10:05, getting to Paignton at 10:15. No one answering to his description noticed on train or at stations, but that Thursday was Dartmouth Regatta and the trains back from Kingswear were pretty full."

"Bexhill much the same (/в/ Бексхилле почти то же самое). Stayed at the Glove under his own name (остановился в «Перчатке» под своим собственным именем). Offered stockings to about a dozen addresses (предлагал чулки примерно по дюжине адресов), including Mrs. Barnard (включая миссис Барнард) and including the Ginger Cat (и включая /кафе/ «Рыжий кот»). Left hotel early in the evening (покинул отель ранним вечером). Arrived back in London about 11:30 the following morning (вернулся: «прибыл назад» в Лондон около одиннадцати тридцати на следующее утро). As to Andover (что касается Эндовера), same procedure (те же действия: «такая же процедура»). Stayed at the Feathers (останавливался в «Перьях»). Offered stockings to Mrs. Fowler (предлагал чулки миссис Фаулер), next door to Mrs. Ascher (по-соседству от миссис Эшер: «следующая дверь от миссис Эшер»), and to half a dozen other people in the street (и полудюжине других людей на улице). The pair Mrs. Ascher had (/ту/ пару, /которая/ была у миссис Эшер) I got from the niece (я получил от племянницы) (name of Drower (/по/ имени Дроуер)) — they're identical with Cust's supply (они идентичны запасу Каста)."

"So far, good," said the A.C. (пока хорошо, — сказал заместитель комиссара; so far so good — пока все идет нормально).

include [In'klu:d], street [stri:t], supply [[email protected]'plaI]

"Bexhill much the same. Stayed at the Glove under his own name. Offered stockings to about a dozen addresses, including Mrs. Barnard and including the Ginger Cat. Left hotel early in the evening. Arrived back in London about 11:30 the following morning. As to Andover, same procedure. Stayed at the Feathers. Offered stockings to Mrs. Fowler, next door to Mrs. Ascher, and to half a dozen other people in the street. The pair Mrs. Ascher had I got from the niece (name of Drower) — they're identical with Cust's supply."

"So far, good," said the A.C..

"Acting on information received," said the inspector (действуя /согласно/ полученной информации), "I went to the address (я отправился по адресу) given me by Hartigan (/который/ мне дал Хартиган), but found (но обнаружил) that Cust had left the house about half an hour previously (что Каст покинул дом получасом ранее). He received a telephone message (он получил телефонный звонок: «сообщение»), I'm told (мне сказали). First time such a thing had happened to him (в первый раз с ним случилась такая вещь), so his landlady told me (так его домовладелица сказала мне)."

"An accomplice?" suggested the Assistant Commissioner (соучастник? — предположил заместитель комиссара).

"Hardly," said Poirot (едва ли). "It is odd that (это странно, что) — unless (если не) —"

We all looked at him inquiringly (мы все вопросительно посмотрели на него) as he paused (когда он прервался).

acting ['&ktIN], message ['[email protected]], accomplice [@'kOmplIs]

"Acting on information received," said the inspector, "I went to the address given me by Hartigan, but found that Cust had left the house about half an hour previously. He received a telephone message, I'm told. First time such a thing had happened to him, so his landlady told me."

"An accomplice?" suggested the Assistant Commissioner.

"Hardly," said Poirot. "It is odd that — unless — "

We all looked at him inquiringly as he paused.

He shook his head, however (однако он покачал головой), and the inspector proceeded (и инспектор продолжил).

"I made a thorough search of the room (я произвел тщательный осмотр комнаты) he had occupied (/которую/ он занимал). That search puts the matter beyond doubt (этот поиск ставит дело вне сомнения). I found a block of notepaper similar to that (я нашел блок почтовой бумаги, похожей на ту) on which the letters were written (на которой были написаны письма), a large quantity of hosiery (большое количество чулочных изделий) and — at the back of the cupboard (внизу шкафа) where the hosiery was stored (где хранились чулочные изделия) — a parcel much the same shape and size (сверток почти такой же формы и размера) but which turned out to contain (но которая, оказалось, содержит) — not hosiery (не чулочные изделия) — but eight new A.B.C. railway guides (а восемь новых железнодорожных справочников «Эй-би-си»)!"

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