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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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telephone ['[email protected]@Un], station [steISn], other ['[email protected]]

"Come on then!"

"All right — half a minute. I must just telephone from the station."

"Who to?"

"A girl I was going to meet." She slipped across the road, and rejoined him three minutes later, looking rather flushed.

"Now then, Tom." She slipped her arm in his. "Tell me more about Scotland Yard. You didn't see the other one there?"

"What other one?"

"The Belgian gentleman (бельгийского джентельмена). The one that A.B.C. writes to always (того, кому Эй-би-си пишет всегда)."

"No. He wasn't there (его там не было)."

"Well, tell me all about it (расскажи мне все об этом). What happened when you got inside (что случилось, когда ты попал внутрь)? Who did you speak to (с кем ты говорил) and what did you say (и что ты сказал)?"

Mr. Cust put the receiver back very gently on the hook (мистер Каст мягко повесил трубку назад на крючок).

He turned to where Mrs. Marbury was standing in the doorway of a room (он повернулся туда, где стояла миссис Марбери в дверях в комнату), clearly devoured with curiosity (явно пожираемая любопыством).

"Not often you have a telephone call, Mr. Cust (нечасто вам звонят: «не часто вы имеете телефонный звонок», мистер Каст)."

"No — er — no, Mrs. Marbury (нет, миссис Марбери). It isn't (не часто)."

"Not bad news (нет плохих новостей), I trust (я верю/полагаю = надеюсь)?"

hook [hUk], devour [dI'[email protected]], trust [trVst]

"The Belgian gentleman. The one that A.B.C. writes to always."

"No. He wasn't there."

"Well, tell me all about it. What happened when you got inside? Who did you speak to and what did you say?"

Mr. Cust put the receiver back very gently on the hook.

He turned to where Mrs. Marbury was standing in the doorway of a room, clearly devoured with curiosity.

"Not often you have a telephone call, Mr. Cust."

"No — no." How persistent the woman was (как настойчива эта женщина). His eye caught the legend on the newspaper (его взгляд упал на надпись в газете) he was carrying (которую он нес).

Births (рождения) — Marriages (бракосочетания) — Deaths (смерти).

"My sister's just had a little boy," he blurted out (моя сестра только что родила маленького мальчика, — он выпалил).

He — who had never had a sister (он — у которого никогда не было сестры)!

persistent [[email protected]'[email protected]], legend ['[email protected]], marriage ['m&rIdZ]

"No — er — no, Mrs. Marbury. It isn't."

"Not bad news, I trust?"

"No — no." How persistent the woman was. His eye caught the legend on the newspaper he was carrying.

Births — Marriages — Deaths .

"My sister's just had a little boy," he blurted out.

He — who had never had a sister!

"Oh, dear (о, Боже)! Now (ну) — well, that is nice (это мило), I am sure (право: «я уверена»). ('And never once mentioned a sister all these years (и никогда /ни/ разу /не/ упомянул сестру за эти годы),' was her inward thought (сказал ее внутренний голос: «была ее внутренная мысль»). 'If that isn't just like a man (разве это не похоже на мужчину)!') I was surprised (я была удивлена), I'll tell you (я скажу вам), when the lady asked to speak to Mr. Cust (когда женщина попросила поговорить с мистером Кастом). Just at first (просто сначала) I fancied it was my Lily's voice (я вообразила, это был голос моей Лили) — something like hers, it was (как-то похож на ее он был) — but haughtier (но выше/надменнее; haughty — высокомерный, надменный) if you know what I mean (если вы понимаете, что я имею в виду) — sort of high up in the air (как-то повыше на слух: «как-то высоко в воздухе»). Well, Mr. Cust (так, мистер Каст), my congratulations (мои поздравления), I'm sure (право). Is it the first one (это первый), or have you other little nephews and nieces (или у вас есть другие маленькие племянники и племянницы)?"

inward ['[email protected]], haughty ['hO:tI], nephew ['nevju:]

"Oh, dear! Now — well, that is nice, I am sure. ('And never once mentioned a sister all these years,' was her inward thought. 'If that isn't just like a man!') I was surprised, I'll tell you, when the lady asked to speak to Mr. Cust. Just at first I fancied it was my Lily's voice — something like hers, it was — but haughtier if you know what I mean — sort of high up in the air. Well, Mr. Cust, my congratulations, I'm sure. Is it the first one, or have you other little nephews and nieces?"

"It's the only one," said Mr. Cust (это единственный). "The only one I've ever had (единственный, /который/ у меня когда-либо был) or likely to have (или вероятно будет), and — er — I think (я думаю) I must go off at once (я должен уехать сейчас же). They — they want me to come (они хотят, чтобы я приехал). I — I think (я думаю) I can just catch a train (я могу как раз успеть на поезд) if I hurry (если я потороплюсь)."

"Will you be away long, Mr. Cust?" called Mrs. Marbury (вы долго будете отсутствовать, мистер Каст? — окликнула /его/ миссис Марбери) as he ran up the stairs (пока он бежал вверх по лестнице).

"Oh, no — two or three days (два или три дня) — that's all (это все)."

catch [k&tS], call [kO:l], three [Tri:]

"It's the only one," said Mr. Cust. "The only one I've ever had or likely to have, and — er — I think I must go off at once. They — they want me to come. I — I think I can just catch a train if I hurry."

"Will you be away long, Mr. Cust?" called Mrs. Marbury as he ran up the stairs.

"Oh, no — two or three days — that's all."

He disappeared into his bedroom (он исчез в своей спальне). Mrs. Marbury retired into the kitchen (миссис Марбери ретировалась в кухню), thinking sentimentally of "the dear little mite (сентиментально думая о «дорогой маленькой крошке»; mite — ист. грош, полушка; крошечное существо)."

Her conscience gave her a sudden twinge (у нее неожиданно начались угрызения совести: «ее совесть неожиданно причинила ей боль»; twinge — приступ боли; моральная мука).

Last night (прошлой ночью) Tom and Lily (Том и Лили) and all the hunting back over dates (и все прослеживание прошлых дат)! Trying to make out (попытка выяснить) that Mr. Cust was that dreadful monster (что мистер Каст был тот отвратительный монстр), A.B.C. (Эй-би-си). Just because of his initials (просто из-за его инициалов) and because of a few coincidences (и из-за нескольких совпадений).

"I don't suppose they meant it seriously," she thought comfortably (я не считаю, что они серьезно имели это в виду, — спокойно подумала она; comfortable — расслабленный, спокойный). "And now I hope (и теперь я надеюсь) they'll be ashamed of themselves (им будет стыдно за самих себя)."

mite [maIt], twinge [twIndZ], comfortably ['kVmf(@)[email protected]]

He disappeared into his bedroom. Mrs. Marbury retired into the kitchen, thinking sentimentally of "the dear little mite."

Her conscience gave her a sudden twinge.

Last night Tom and Lily and all the hunting back over dates! Trying to make out that Mr. Cust was that dreadful monster, A.B.C.. Just because of his initials and because of a few coincidences.

"I don't suppose they meant it seriously," she thought comfortably. "And now I hope they'll be ashamed of themselves."

In some obscure way (каким-то неясным образом; obscure — темный, слабо освещенный, тусклый; невразумительный, неясный; неразборчивый) that she could not have explained (который она не могла объяснить), Mr. Cust's statement (заявление мистера Каста) that his sister had had a baby (что его сестра только что родила ребенка) had effectually removed any doubts (эффективно удалило любые сомнения) Mrs. Marbury might have had of her lodger's bonafides (/которые/ миссис Марбери могла иметь о благонадежности своего жильца; bonafides — честное намерение; добросовестность).

"I hope (я надеюсь) she didn't have too bad a time of it, poor dear," thought Mrs. Marbury (ей не было очень плохо из-за родов, бедняжке: «она не имела плохое время из этого, бедняжка», — думала миссис Марбери), testing an iron against her cheek (проверяя утюг /поднеся его к/ своей щеке) before beginning to iron out Lily's silk slip (прежде чем начать гладить шелковую комбинацию Лили).

Her mind ran comfortably on a well-worn obstetric track (ее мысли спокойно обдумавали акушерские вопросы: «ее мысли спокойно бежали по хорошо проезженной акушерской дорожке»).

Mr. Cust came quietly down the stairs (мистер Каст тихо спустился вниз по лестнице), a bag in his hand (/с/ сумкой в руке). His eyes rested a minute on the telephone (его глаза остановились на минуту на телефоне).

effectually [@'[email protected]], bonafides ['[email protected]@'faIdi:z], obstetric [@b'sterIk]

In some obscure way that she could not have explained, Mr. Cust's statement that his sister had had a baby had effectually removed any doubts Mrs. Marbury might have had of her lodger's bonafides.

"I hope she didn't have too bad a time of it, poor dear," thought Mrs. Marbury, testing an iron against her cheek before beginning to iron out Lily's silk slip.

Her mind ran comfortably on a well-worn obstetric track.

Mr. Cust came quietly down the stairs, a bag in his hand. His eyes rested a minute on the telephone.

That brief conversation re-echoed in his brain (тот краткий разговор эхом прозвучал в его голове: «мозгу»).

"Is that you, Mr. Cust (это вы, мистер Каст)? I thought (я подумала) you might like to know (вам, вероятно, захочется узнать) there's an inspector from Scotland Yard may be coming to see you (там инспектор из Скотланд-Ярда, может быть, придет повидаться с вами)."

What had he said (что он сказал)? He couldn't remember (он не мог вспомнить).

"Thank you (благодарю вас) — thank you, my dear (благодарю вас, моя дорогая) … very kind of you (очень мило с вашей /стороны/)."

Something like that (что-то похожее на это).

Why had she telephoned to him (почему она позвонила ему)? Could she possibly have guessed (могла ли она, вероятно, догадаться)? Or did she just want to make sure (или она просто хотела убедиться) he would stay in for the inspector's visit (что он останется /дома/ до визита инспектора)?

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