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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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Laughing like (смеха ради), I asks her whether he was at Bexhill the time before (я спрашиваю ее, был ли он в Бэксхилле до этого), and she says (и она говорит) she don't know where he was (она не знает, где он был), but he was away at the seaside (но он уезжал на побережье) — that she does know (это она действительно знает). And then I said to her (а затем я сказал ей) it would be odd (это было бы странно) if he was the A.B.C. himself (если он был сам Эй-би-си) and she said (и она сказала) poor Mr. Cust wouldn't hurt a fly (бедный мистер Каст не обидит и мухи) — and that was all at the time (и это было все на то время). We didn't think no more about it (мы больше об этом не думали). At least (в конце), in a sort of way I did, sir (каким-то образом я это делал, сэр), underneath like (как-то подсознательно; underneath — вниз; внизу). I began wondering about this Cust fellow (я начал интересоваться этим парнем, Кастом) and thinking that (и думая что), after all (в конце концов), harmless as he seemed (безвредным, как он казался), he might be a bit batty (он, возможно, был слегка того)."

distinctly [dIs'tInktlI], cop [kOp], underneath [,[email protected]'ni:T]

"You see, sir, look at it how you will, it's funny like. Lily, that's my young lady, sir — she was quite positive that it was Cheltenham he said, and her mother says the same — says she remembers distinctly talking about it the morning he went off. Of course, I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Lily — my young lady said as how she hoped he wouldn't cop it for this A.B.C. fellow going to Doncaster — and then she says it's rather a coincidence because he was down Churston way at the time of the last crime.

Laughing like, I asks her whether he was at Bexhill the time before, and she says she don't know where he was, but he was away at the seaside — that she does know. And then I said to her it would be odd if he was the A.B.C. himself and she said poor Mr. Cust wouldn't hurt a fly — and that was all at the time. We didn't think no more about it. At least, in a sort of way I did, sir, underneath like. I began wondering about this Cust fellow and thinking that, after all, harmless as he seemed, he might be a bit batty."

Tom took a breath (Том вдохнул) and then went on (а затем продолжил). Inspector Crome was listening intently now (теперь инспектор Кроум слушал внимательно; intent — внимательный, пристальный).

"And then after the Doncaster murder, sir (а затем, после донкастерского убийства, сэр), it was in all the papers (это было во всех газетах) that information was wanted (что информация требовалась) as to the whereabouts of a certain A.B. Case or Cash (о местонахождении некоего Эй. Би. Кейса или Кэша; whereabouts — местонахождение), and it gave a description (и давалось описание) that fitted well enough (которое достаточно хорошо подходило). First evening off I had (в первый выходной вечер, который у меня был), I went round to Lily's (я поехал к Лили) and asked her what her Mr. Cust's initials were (и спросил ее, какие у ее мистера Каста были инициалы). She couldn't remember at first (сначала она не могла вспомнить), but her mother did (но ее мать /вспомнила/)."

intently ['[email protected]], whereabouts ['[email protected]@baUts], initial [I'[email protected]]

Tom took a breath and then went on. Inspector Crome was listening intently now.

"And then after the Doncaster murder, sir, it was in all the papers that information was wanted as to the whereabouts of a certain A.B. Case or Cash, and it gave a description that fitted well enough. First evening off I had, I went round to Lily's and asked her what her Mr. Cust's initials were. She couldn't remember at first, but her mother did."

"Said they were A. B. right enough (сказала, что они как раз были Эй. Би.). Then we got down to it (затем мы засели за это) and tried to figure out (и попытались выяснить) if Cust had been away at the time of the first murder at Andover (был ли мистер Каст в отсутствии во время первого убийства в Эндовере). Well, as you know, sir (как вы знаете, сэр), it isn't too easy to remember things three months back (непросто вспомнить вещи, которые случились три месяца назад). We had a job of it (мы потрудились: «мы имели работу из этого»), but we got it fixed down in the end (но у нас все сошлось в конце), because Mrs. Marbury had a brother come from Canada to see her on June 21st (потому что у миссис Марбери был брат, который приехал навестить ее из Канады двадцать первого июня).

He arrived unexpected like (он приехал как-то неожиданно) and she wanted to give him a bed (и она хотела предложить ему переночевать: «кровать»), and Lily suggested (и Лили предложила) that as Mr. Cust was away (что, так как мистер Каст отсутствовал) Bert Marbury might have his bed (Берт Марбери мог бы получить /в распоряжение/ его кровать). But Mrs. Marbury wouldn't agree (но миссис Марбери не согласилась), because she said (потому что она сказала) it wasn't acting right by her lodger (это было неправильное поведение /по отношению/ к ее жильцу), and she always liked to act fair and square (а ей всегда нравилось вести себя правильно и честно). But we fixed the date all right (но мы определили точную дату) because of Bert Marbury's ship docking at Southampton that day (потому что корабль Берта Марбери стоял в доке в Саусгэмптоне в тот день)."

Canada ['k&[email protected]@], lodger ['[email protected]], dock [dOk]

"Said they were A.B. right enough. Then we got down to it and tried to figure out if Cust had been away at the time of the first murder at Andover. Well, as you know, sir, it isn't too easy to remember things three months back. We had a job of it, but we got it fixed down in the end, because Mrs. Marbury had a brother come from Canada to see her on June 21st.

He arrived unexpected like and she wanted to give him a bed, and Lily suggested that as Mr. Cust was away Bert Marbury might have his bed. But Mrs. Marbury wouldn't agree, because she said it wasn't acting right by her lodger, and she always liked to act fair and square. But we fixed the date all right because of Bert Marbury's ship docking at Southampton that day."

Inspector Crome had listened very attentively (инспектор Кроум выслушал очень внимательно), jotting down an occasional note (временами делая краткие записи; to jot down — кратко записать; бегло набросать; записать).

"That's all?" he asked (это все?).

"That's all, sir (это все, сэр). I hope (я надеюсь) you don't think I'm making a lot of nothing (вы не думаете, что я делаю много /шума/ из ничего)." Tom flushed slightly (Том слегка покраснел).

"Not at all (вовсе нет). You were quite right to come here (вы были совершенно правы, что пришли сюда). Of course, it's very slight evidence (конечно, это очень незначительные свидетельства; slight — легкий, небольшой, незначительный) — these dates may be mere coincidence (эти даты могут быть просто совпадениями) and the likeness of the name, too (и похожесть имени тоже). But it certainly warrants my having an interview with your Mr. Cust (но это, конечно, дает мне основания побеседовать с вашим мистером Кастом; warrant — ордер; основание; to warrant — служить оправданием, основанием; давать право, полномочия). Is he at home now (он дома сейчас)?"

"Yes, sir."

"When did he return (когда он вернулся)?"

"The evening of the Doncaster murder, sir (в вечер донкастерского убийства, сэр)."

"What's he been doing since (что он делал с тех пор)?"

jot [dZOt], occasional [@'[email protected]@l], warrant ['[email protected]]

Inspector Crome had listened very attentively, jotting down an occasional note.

"That's all?" he asked.

"That's all, sir. I hope you don't think I'm making a lot of nothing." Tom flushed slightly.

"Not at all. You were quite right to come here. Of course, it's very slight evidence — these dates may be mere coincidence and the likeness of the name, too. But it certainly warrants my having an interview with your Mr. Cust. Is he at home now?"

"Yes, sir."

"When did he return?"

"The evening of the Doncaster murder, sir."

"What's he been doing since?"

"He's stayed in mostly, sir (большей частью он сидит дома: «он большей частью остается внутри»). And he's been looking very queer (и он выглядит очень странным), Mrs. Marbury says (/как/ миссис Марбери говорит). He buys a lot of newspapers (он покупает много газет) — goes out early (выходит рано) and gets the morning ones (и покупает утренние /газеты/), and then after dark he goes out (а затем вечером он выходит: «после темноты он выходит») and gets the evening ones (и покупает вечерние). Mrs. Marbury says he talks a lot to himself, too (миссис Марбери говорит, что он также много разговаривает сам с собой). She thinks (она думает) he's getting queerer (что он становится более странным)."

"What is this Mrs. Marbury's address (какой адрес у миссис Марбери)?"

Tom gave it to him (Том дал его ему).

"I thank you (я благодарю вас). I shall probably be calling round in the course of the day (я, возможно, буду звонить в течение дня). I need hardly tell you to be careful of your manner (мне едва ли нужно говорить вам, чтобы вы были осторожным в вашем поведении) if you come across this Cust (если вы столкнетесь с мистером Кастом)."

mostly ['[email protected]], careful ['[email protected]], across [@'krOs]

"He's stayed in mostly, sir. And he's been looking very queer, Mrs. Marbury says. He buys a lot of newspapers — goes out early and gets the morning ones, and then after dark he goes out and gets the evening ones. Mrs. Marbury says he talks a lot to himself, too. She thinks he's getting queerer."

"What is this Mrs. Marbury's address?"

Tom gave it to him.

"I thank you. I shall probably be calling round in the course of the day. I need hardly tell you to be careful of your manner if you come across this Cust."

He rose and shook hands (он встал и попрощался: «пожал руку»).

"You may be quite satisfied (вы можете быть совершенно удовлетворенным = уверенным) you did the right thing in coming to us (что вы сделали правильную вещь, что зашли к нам). Good morning, Mr. Hartigan (доброго утра, мистер Хартиган)."

"Well, sir?" asked Jacobs (ну, сэр?), re-entering the room a few minutes later (снова входя в комнату несколькими минутами спустя). "Think it's the goods (думаете это то, что нужно; goods — товар; необходимое)?"

"It's promising," said Inspector Crome (это /много/обещающе). "That is (то есть), if the facts are (если факты /такие/) as the boy stated them (как парень изложил их). We've had no luck with the stocking manufacturers yet (пока нам не повезло с производителями чулок). It was time we got hold of something (пора нам зацепиться за что-то). By the way (кстати), give me that file of the Churston case (дайте мне ту папку с черстонским делом)."

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