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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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versatile ['[email protected]:[email protected]], shove [SVv], barber ['bA:[email protected]]

"Stabbed this time?"

"Yes, varies his methods a bit, doesn't he? Biff on the head, strangling, now a knife. Versatile devil — what? Here are the medical details if you care to see 'em."

He shoved a paper towards Poirot.

"A.B.C. down on the floor between the dead man's feet," he added.

"Has the dead man been identified?" asked Poirot.

"Yes. A.B.C.'s slipped up for once — if that's any satisfaction to us. Deceased's a man called Earlsfield — George Earlsfield. Barber by profession."

"Curious," commented Poirot (любопытно, — прокомментировал Пуаро).

"May have skipped a letter," suggested the Colonel (возможно, пропустил букву, — предположил полковник).

My friend shook his head doubtfully (мой друг с сомнением покачал головой).

"Shall we have in the next witness?" asked Crome (нам вызвать следующего свидетеля?; to have in — вызывать; приглашать). "He's anxious to get home (он беспокоится попасть домой; anxious — озабоченный, беспокоящийся; сильно желающий)."

"Yes, yes — let's get on (да, давайте продолжим)."

A middle-aged gentleman (джентльмен средних лет) strongly resembling the frog footman in Alice in Wonderland (сильно напоминающий лягушку-лакея в «Алисе в стране чудес») was led in (был введен /внутрь/; to lead). He was highly excited (он был сильно взволнован) and his voice was shrill with emotion (и его голос был резок/пронзителен от эмоции/взволнованности).

skip [skIp], resemble [rI'sembl], shrill [SrIl]

"Curious," commented Poirot.

"May have skipped a letter," suggested the Colonel.

My friend shook his head doubtfully.

"Shall we have in the next witness?" asked Crome. "He's anxious to get home."

"Yes, yes — let's get on."

A middle-aged gentleman strongly resembling the frog footman in Alice in Wonderland was led in. He was highly excited and his voice was shrill with emotion.

"Most shocking experience I have ever known," he squeaked (самый шокирующий опыт, /который/ я когда-либо знал, — взвизгнул он). "I have a weak heart, sir (у меня слабое сердце, сэр) — a very weak heart (очень слабое сердце); it might have been the death of me (это могла бы быть моя смерть)."

"Your name, please," said the inspector (/назовите/ ваше имя, пожалуйста).

"Downes (Даунс). Roger Emmanuel Downes (Роджер Эммануэль Даунс)."

"Profession (Профессия)?"

"I am a master at Highfield School for boys (я учитель в школе для мальчиков в Хайфильде)."

"Now, Mr. Downes (так, мистер Даунс), will you tell us in your own words what happened (вы /не/ расскажете нам своими словами, что произошло)?"

weak [wi:k], Emmanuel [I'm&[email protected]], Highfield ['haIfi:ld]

"Most shocking experience I have ever known," he squeaked. "I have a weak heart, sir — a very weak heart; it might have been the death of me."

"Your name, please," said the inspector.

"Downes. Roger Emmanuel Downes."


"I am a master at Highfield School for boys."

"Now, Mr. Downes, will you tell us in your own words what happened?"

"I can tell you that very shortly, gentlemen (я могу рассказать вам это очень кратко, джентельмены). At the close of the performance I rose from my seat (в конце сеанса я поднялся с своего места). The seat on my left was empty (сидение слева от меня было пусто) but in the one beyond a man was sitting (но в кресле за ним сидел мужчина), apparently asleep (предположительно спящий). I was unable to pass him to get out (я был не в состоянии пройти мимо него, чтобы выйти наружу) as his legs were stuck out in front of him (так как его ноги были вытянуты впереди него; to stick out — высовывать/ся/, торчать). I asked him to allow me to pass (я попросил его позволить мне пройти). As he did not move (так как он не двинулся) I repeated my request in (я повторил мою просьбу в) — a (а) — er (э) — slightly louder tone (слегка более громком тоне). He still made no response (он все еще не дал ответа). I then took him by the shoulder to waken him (тогда я взял его за плечо, чтобы разбудить его). His body slumped down further (его тело дальше сползло вниз) and I came aware (и я понял: «я стал осознающим») that he was either unconscious (что либо он без сознания) or seriously ill (либо серьезно болен).

beyond [bI'jOnd], response [rIs'pOns], stuck [stVk]

"I can tell you that very shortly, gentlemen. At the close of the performance I rose from my seat. The seat on my left was empty but in the one beyond a man was sitting, apparently asleep. I was unable to pass him to get out as his legs were stuck out in front of him. I asked him to allow me to pass. As he did not move I repeated my request in — a — er — slightly louder tone. He still made no response. I then took him by the shoulder to waken him. His body slumped down further and I came aware that he was either unconscious or seriously ill.

I called out (я выкрикнул): 'This gentleman is taken ill (этому джентльмену стало плохо). Fetch the commissionaire (приведите конролера).' The commissionaire came (контролер пришел). As I took my hand from the man's shoulder (когда я убрал руку с плеча мужчины) I found it was wet and red (я обнаружил, что она была влажной и мокрой) … I realized (я понял) that the man had been stabbed (что мужчина был заколот). At the same moment (в этот самый момент) the commissionaire noticed the A.B.C. railway guide (контролер заметил железнодорожный справочник «Эй-би-си») … I can assure you, gentlemen (я могу заверить вас, джентельмены), the shock was terrific (потрясение было ужасено)! Anything might have happened (что угодно могло произойти)! For years I have suffered from cardiac weakness (многие годы я страдаю от сердечной недостаточности: «годами я страдаю от сердечной слабости») — "

fetch [fetS], terrific [[email protected]'rIfIk], cardiac ['kA:dI&k]

I called out: 'This gentleman is taken ill. Fetch the commissionaire.' The commissionaire came. As I took my hand from the man's shoulder I found it was wet and red … I realized that the man had been stabbed. At the same moment the commissionaire noticed the A.B.C. railway guide … I can assure you, gentlemen, the shock was terrific! Anything might have happened! For years I have suffered from cardiac weakness — "

Colonel Anderson was looking at Mr. Downes with a very curious expression (полковник Андерсон смотрел на мистера Даунса с очень странным выражением /лица/; curious — любопытный; любознательный, пытливый; возбуждающий любопытство; чудной, необычный).

"You can consider that you're a lucky man, Mr. Downes (вы можете считать, что вы счастливый человек, мистер Даунс)."

"I do, sir (я считаю /так/, сэр). Not even a palpitation (не /было/ даже сильного сердцебиения; to palpitate — сильно биться, пульсировать)!"

"You don't quite take my meaning, Mr. Downes (вы не совсем улавливаете, что я имею в виду, мистер Даунс). You were sitting two seats away (вы сидели через два места: «вы сидели на отдалении двух сидений»), you say (вы говорите)?"

"Actually I was sitting at first in the next seat to the murdered man (в действительности, я сначала сидел на следующем сидении от убитого мужчины) — then I moved along (затем я передвинулся) so as to be behind an empty seat (так, чтобы быть позади пустого сидения)."

palpitation [,p&lpI'teIS(@)n], meaning ['mi:nIN], so [[email protected]]

Colonel Anderson was looking at Mr. Downes with a very curious expression.

"You can consider that you're a lucky man, Mr. Downes."

"I do, sir. Not even a palpitation!"

"You don't quite take my meaning, Mr. Downes. You were sitting two seats away, you say?"

"Actually I was sitting at first in the next seat to the murdered man — then I moved along so as to be behind an empty seat."

"You're about the same height and build as the dead man, are you, and you were wearing a woollen scarf round your neck just as he was?"

"You're about the same height and build as the dead man (вы примерно того же роста и телосложения, как убитый; build — внешний вид; телосложение), are you (не так ли), and you were wearing a woollen scarf round your neck just as he was (и на вас был надет шерстяной шарф вокруг шеи, как на нем)?"

"I fail to see — " began Mr. Downes stiffly (мне /не/ удается понять, — начал мистер Даунс сухо/чопорно; stiff — тугой, негибкий, неэластичный, жесткий).

"I'm telling you, man," said Colonel Anderson (я расскажу вам, молодой человек), "just where your luck came in (где именно ваша удача пригодилась; to come in — входить; пригодиться). Somehow or other (так или иначе), when the murderer followed you in (кода убийца зашел за вами внутрь), he got confused (он запутался). He picked on the wrong back (он выбрал неправильную спину). I'll eat my hat, Mr. Downes (я съем свою шляпу, мистер Даунс), if that knife wasn't meant for you (если тот нож не предназначался вам)!"

However well Mr. Downes' heart had stood former tests (как бы хорошо сердце мистера Даунса ни перенесло предыдущие испытания; test — проверка, испытание), it was unable to stand up to this one (оно было не в состоянии вынести это). Mr. Downes sank on a chair (мистер Даунс опустился на стул), gasped (/начал/ задыхаться), and turned purple in the face (и его лицо стало багровым: «и стал багровым в лице»).

"Water," he gasped (воды, — он, задыхаясь, /сказал/). "Water (воды) …"

build [bIld], confuse [[email protected]'fju:z], purple [[email protected]:pl]

"I fail to see — " began Mr. Downes stiffly.

"I'm telling you, man," said Colonel Anderson, "just where your luck came in. Somehow or other, when the murderer followed you in, he got confused. He picked on the wrong back. I'll eat my hat, Mr. Downes, if that knife wasn't meant for you!"

However well Mr. Downes' heart had stood former tests, it was unable to stand up to this one. Mr. Downes sank on a chair, gasped, and turned purple in the face.

"Water," he gasped. "Water …"

A glass was brought him (ему принесли стакан воды). He sipped it (он пил его маленькими глотками) whilst his complexion gradually returned to normal (пока его кожа постепенно становилась нормального /цвета/; complexion — цвет лица).

"Me?" he said. "Why me (почему мне /предназначался нож/)?"

"It looks like it," said Crome (похоже на это: «это выглядит так»). "In fact (фактически), it's the only explanation (это единственное объяснение)."

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"Убийство миссис Спэнлоу" от Агаты Кристи – это великолепный детектив, который завораживает с первой страницы и держит в напряжении до последнего момента. Кристи, как всегда, мастерски строит