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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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He never left the cinema very quickly (он никогда не выходил из кинотеатра очень быстро). It always took him a moment or two (всегда занимало у него мгновение или два) to return to the prosaic reality of everyday life (чтобы вернуться к прозаической реальности ежедневной жизни). He glanced round (он посмотрел вокруг). Not many people this afternoon (не много людей этим днем) — naturally (естественно). They were all at the races (они были все на скачках). Mr. Leadbetter did not approve of racing (мистер Ледбеттер не одобрял скачки) or of playing cards (или игру в карты) or of drinking (или выпивку) or of smoking (или курение). This left him more energy to enjoy going to the pictures (это оставляло ему больше энергии, /чтобы/ наслаждаться походом в кино).

Everyone was hurrying towards the exit (все торопились по направлению к выходу) Mr. Leadbetter prepared to follow suit (мистер Ледбеттер приготовился последовать за всеми; suit — свита, эскорт, кортеж). The man in the seat in front of him was asleep (человек на сидении перед ним спал: «был уснувшим») — slumped down in his chair (сползши вниз по креслу; to slump — резко падать; сползать). Mr. Leadbetter felt indignant to think (мистер Ледбеттер чувствовал негодование, думая) that anyone could sleep with such a drama as Not a Sparrow going on (что кто-то мог спать, /пока/ идет такая драма как «Ни воробушек»).

prosaic [[email protected]'zeIIk], slump [slVmp], sparrow ['sp&[email protected]]

He never left the cinema very quickly. It always took him a moment or two to return to the prosaic reality of everyday life. He glanced round. Not many people this afternoon — naturally. They were all at the races. Mr. Leadbetter did not approve of racing or of playing cards or of drinking or of smoking. This left him more energy to enjoy going to the pictures.

Everyone was hurrying towards the exit. Mr. Leadbetter prepared to follow suit. The man in the seat in front of him was asleep — slumped down in his chair. Mr. Leadbetter felt indignant to think that anyone could sleep with such a drama as Not a Sparrow going on.

An irate gentleman was saying to the sleeping man (разгневанный джентльмен говорил спящему человеку) whose legs were stretched out blocking the way (чьи ноги были вытянуты, перегородив дорогу): "Excuse me, sir (извините меня, сэр)."

Mr. Leadbetter reached the exit (мистер Ледбеттер достиг выхода). He looked back (он посмотрел назад). There seemed to be some sort of commotion (там, казалось, была какая-то суета; commotion — беспорядки; суета). A commissionaire (контролер; commissionaire — швейцар; контролер, билетер /в театре, кинотеатре/) … a little knot of people (небольшая группа людей; knot — узел; группа) Perhaps that man in front of him was dead drunk (возможно, что человек впереди него был смертельно пьян) and not asleep (а не спал) … He hesitated (он поколебался) and then passed out (а затем вышел наружу) — and in so doing (и делая так) missed the sensation of the day (пропустил сенсацию дня) — a greater sensation even (даже большую сенсацию) than Not Half winning the St. Leger at 85 to 1 (чем /лошадь/ Нот Хаф, победившая в Сент-Леджере при восьмидесяти пяти к одному; not half — не половина; вовсе не; еще как!).

commotion [[email protected]'[email protected](@)n], commissionaire [[email protected],[email protected]'[email protected]], sensation [[email protected]'seIS(@)n]

An irate gentleman was saying to the sleeping man whose legs were stretched out blocking the way: "Excuse me, sir."

Mr. Leadbetter reached the exit. He looked back. There seemed to be some sort of commotion. A commissionaire … a little knot of people. Perhaps that man in front of him was dead drunk and not asleep … He hesitated and then passed out — and in so doing missed the sensation of the day — a greater sensation even than Not Half winning the St. Leger at 85 to 1.

The commissionaire was saying (контролер говорил): "Believe you're right, sir (полагаю, вы правы, сэр) … He's ill (он болен). Why (так) — what's the matter, sir (в чем дело, сэр)?"

The other had drawn away his hand with an exclamation (другой с восклицанием отдернул свою руку; to draw away — уводить; отвлекать) and was examining a red sticky smear (и изучал красное липкое пятно; smear — (грязное) пятно).

"Blood (кровь) …"

The commissionaire gave a stifled exclamation (контролер издал приглушенное восклицание). He had caught sight of the corner of something yellow (он заметил уголок чего-то желтого) projecting from under the seat (выглядывающего из-под сидения; to project — проектировать; вырисовываться на фоне /чего-л./).

"Gor blimey!" he said (Бог ты мой, — сказал он; blimey — чтоб мне провалиться!, иди ты!; Gor blimey = God blind /or blame/ me! — да ослепит /или осудит/ меня Бог). "It is ab — A.B.C. (это /железнодорожный справочник/ «Эй-би-си»)."

exclamation [,@[email protected]'meIS(@)n], smear [[email protected]], project v. [[email protected]'dZekt]

The commissionaire was saying: "Believe you're right, sir … He's ill. Why — what's the matter, sir?"

The other had drawn away his hand with an exclamation and was examining a red sticky smear.

"Blood …"

The commissionaire gave a stifled exclamation. He had caught sight of the corner of something yellow projecting from under the seat.

"Gor blimey!" he said. " It is ab — A.B.C."

XXV. (Not from Captain Hastings' Personal Narrative)

(не из личного повествования капитана Гастингса)

Mr. Cust came out of the Regal Cinema (мистер Каст вышел из кинотеатра «Регал»; regal — королевский) and looked up at the sky (и посмотрел вверх на небо).

A beautiful evening (прекрасный вечер) … A really beautiful evening (действительно прекрасный вечер)

A quotation from Browning[41] came into his head (цитата из Браунинга пришла ему в голову).

"God's in His heaven (Бог на небесах Своих; heaven — небеса, небо). All's right with the world (все хорошо в мире)."

He had always been fond of that quotation (ему всегда нравилась эта цитата).

Only there were times (только/однако были времена), very often (очень часто), when he had felt it wasn't true (когда он чувствовал, что это не было правдой).

regal ['ri:g(@)l], quotation [[email protected]'teIS(@)n], heaven [hevn]

Mr. Cust came out of the Regal Cinema and looked up at the sky.

A beautiful evening … A really beautiful evening …

A quotation from Browning came into his head.

"God's in His heaven. All's right with the world."

He had always been fond of that quotation. Only there were times, very often, when he had felt it wasn't true.

He trotted along the street (он поспешил вниз по улице; to trot — идти рысью; спешить) smiling to himself (улыбаясь самому себе) until he came to the Black Swan (пока он не дошел до /гостиницы/ «Черный лебедь») where he was staying (где он остановился). He climbed the stairs to his bedroom (он взобрался по ступенькам в спальню), a stuffy little room on the second floor (душную маленькую комнату на третьем этаже; second floor — третий этаж; амер. второй этаж), giving over a paved inner court and garage (выходящую на мощеный внутренний двор и гараж).

As he entered the room (когда он вошел в комнату), his smile faded suddenly (его улыбка неожиданно увяла). There was a stain on his sleeve near the cuff (было пятно на его рукаве возле манжеты). He touched it tentatively (он осторожно прикоснулся к нему; tentatively — предварительно; неуверенно, осторожно) — wet and red (влажное и красное) — blood (кровь)

swan [swOn], stuffy ['stVfI], garage ['g&rA:Z]

He trotted along the street smiling to himself until he came to the Black Swan where he was staying. He climbed the stairs to his bedroom, a stuffy little room on the second floor, giving over a paved inner court and garage.

As he entered the room, his smile faded suddenly. There was a stain on his sleeve near the cuff. He touched it tentatively — wet and red — blood …

His hand dipped into his pocket (его рука опустилась в карман; to dip — макать; опускаться) and brought out something (и вынула что-то) — a long (длинный), slender knife (узкий нож; slender — стройный; тонкий, узкий (о предметах)). The blade of that, too, was sticky and red (лезвие его тоже было липким и красным)

Mr. Cust sat there a long time (мистер Каст сидел там долгое время).

Once his eyes shot round the room (один раз его глаза оглядели комнату; to shoot) like those of a hunted animal (как /глаза/ затравленного зверя; to hunt — охотиться; травить /зверя/). His tongue passed feverishly over his lips (его язык лихорадочно провел по губам; fever — лихорадка)

"It isn't my fault," said Mr. Cust (это не моя вина).

He sounded as though he were arguing with somebody (он звучал /так/, как будто спорил с кем-то) — a schoolboy pleading to his schoolmaster (школьник, умоляющий своего учителя; to plead — просить, умолять).

He passed his tongue over his lips again (он снова провел языком по губам)

knife [naIf], fault [fO:lt], plead [pli:d]

His hand dipped into his pocket and brought out something — a long, slender knife. The blade of that, too, was sticky and red …

Mr. Cust sat there a long time.

Once his eyes shot round the room like those of a hunted animal. His tongue passed feverishly over his lips …

"It isn't my fault," said Mr. Cust.

He sounded as though he were arguing with somebody — a schoolboy pleading to his schoolmaster.

He passed his tongue over his lips again …

Again (снова), tentatively (осторожно; tentatively — неуверенно, осторожно, с сомнением), he felt his coat sleeve (он пощупал рукав пальто).

His eyes crossed the room to the washbasin (его взгляд пересек комнату, /остановившись/ на рукомойнике: «его глаза пересекли комнату до рукомойника»; washbasin — /умывальный/ таз, раковина).

A minute later (минуту спустя) he was pouring out water from the old-fashioned jug into the basin (он наливал воду в таз из старомодного кувшина). Removing his coat (сняв пальто), he rinsed the sleeve (он прополоскал рукав), carefully squeezing it out (тщательно выжимая его; to squeeze — сжимать).

Ugh (ух)! The water was red now (вода теперь была красная).

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