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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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"There is also the press campaign (а также кампания в прессе). The public is fully warned (общественность полностью предупреждена)."

Donald Fraser shook his head (Дональд Фрейзер покачал головой). "He'll never attempt it, I'm thinking," he said more hopefully (он никогда не попытается, я думаю, — сказал он с большей надеждой). "The man would just be mad (этот человек был бы просто сумасшедшим)!"

patrol [[email protected]'[email protected]], plainclothes ['[email protected]], attempt [@'tempt]

"You must remember, Hastings, that the police are doing everything reasonably possible. Special constables have been enrolled. The good Inspector Crome may have the irritating manner, but he is a very able police officer, and Colonel Anderson, the Chief Constable, is a man of action. They have taken the fullest measures for watching and patrolling the town and the racecourse. There will be plainclothes men everywhere."

"There is also the press campaign. The public is fully warned."

Donald Fraser shook his head. "He'll never attempt it, I'm thinking," he said more hopefully. "The man would just be mad!"

"Unfortunately," said Clarke dryly (к несчастью, — сухо сказал Кларк), "he is mad (он /и/ есть сумасшедший)! What do you think, M. Poirot (что вы думаете, мсье Пуаро)? Will he give it up (он сдастся) or will he try to carry it through (или он пойдет до конца; to carry through — доводить до конца)?"

"In my opinion (по моему мнению) the strength of his obsession is such (сила его одержимости такая) that he must attempt to carry out his promise (что он должен попытаться выполнить свое обещание; to carry out — производить; выполнять)! Not to do so would he to admit failure (не сделав этого, он признает свое поражение; to fail — потерпеть неудачу; не иметь успеха; не исполнить, не сделать; подвести), and that his insane egoism would never allow (а этого его безумный эгоизм никогда не позволит /сделать/). That, I may say, is also Dr. Thompson's opinion (это, я могу сказать, также мнение доктора Томпсона). Our hope is that (наша надежда в том) he may be caught in the attempt (что он может быть пойман при попытке)."

Donald shook his head again (Дональд снова покачал головой). "He'll be very cunning (он будет очень хитер)."

obsession [@b'seS(@)n], egoism ['i:[email protected]], promise ['prOmIs]

"Unfortunately," said Clarke dryly, "he is mad! What do you think, M. Poirot? Will he give it up or will he try to carry it through?"

"In my opinion the strength of his obsession is such that he must attempt to carry out his promise! Not to do so would he to admit failure, and that his insane egoism would never allow. That, I may say, is also Dr. Thompson's opinion. Our hope is that he may be caught in the attempt."

Donald shook his head again. "He'll be very cunning."

Poirot glanced at his watch (Пуаро посмотрел на часы). We took the hint (мы поняли намек). It had been agreed (было согласовано = решено) that we were to make an all-day session of it (что мы должны быть заняты целый день: «что мы должны сделать занятие на целый день из этого»; session — заседание; время, отведенное какой-л. деятельности или занятию), patrolling as many streets as possible in the morning (патрулируя утром так много улиц, как это возможно), and later (и позднее), stationing ourselves at various likely points on the racecourse (размещаясь на различных подходящих точках ипподрома).

I say "we (я говорю «мы»)." Of course (конечно), in my own case such a patrol was of little avail (в моем собственном случае такое патрулирование было мало полезным; avail — выгода, польза) since I was never likely to have set eyes on A.B.C. (поскольку я, вероятно, никогда /не/ останавливал взгляд на Эй-би-си). However (однако), as the idea was to separate so (так как идея была разделиться так) as to cover as wide an area as possible (/чтобы/ охватить столь широкую зону, насколько возможно) I had suggested (я предложил) that I should act as escort to one of the ladies (что я буду выступать как сопровождение для одной из дам).

Poirot had agreed (Пуаро согласился) — I am afraid with somewhat of a twinkle in his eye (я боюсь, что с неким огоньком в глазах; twinkle — мигание; огонек, блеск в глазах).

avail [@'veIl], area ['[email protected]@], escort ['eskO:t]

Poirot glanced at his watch. We took the hint. It had been agreed that we were to make an all-day session of it, patrolling as many streets as possible in the morning, and later, stationing ourselves at various likely points on the racecourse.

I say "we." Of course, in my own case such a patrol was of little avail since I was never likely to have set eyes on A.B.C… However, as the idea was to separate so as to cover as wide an area as possible I ha suggested that I should act as escort to one of the ladies.

Poirot had agreed — I am afraid with somewhat of a twinkle in his eye.

The girls went off to get their hats on (девушки вышли надеть свои шляпки). Donald Fraser was standing by the window looking out (Дональд Фрейзер стоял у окна, выглядывая наружу), apparently lost in thought (очевидно погруженный в мысли: «потерянный в мыслях»).

Franklin Clarke glanced over at him (Франклин Кларк оглядел его), then evidently deciding (затем, по-видимому, посчитав) that the other was too abstracted to count as a listener (что другой был слишком задумчив, чтобы считать /его/ собеседником), he lowered his voice a little (он слегка понизил голос) and addressed Poirot (и обратился к Пуаро).

"Look here, M. Poirot (послушайте, мсье Пуаро). You went down to Churston (вы ездили в Черстон), I know (я знаю), and saw my sister-in-law (и виделись с моей невесткой). Did she say (она говорила) — or hint (или намекала) — I mean (я имею в виду) — did she suggest anything at all (она намекала на что-нибудь) — ?" He stopped (он прервался), embarrassed (смущенный; to embarrass — затруднять, мешать, препятствовать, стеснять; сбивать с толку, приводить в замешательство, удивлять; смущать, ставить в неудобное положение).

Poirot answered with a face of blank innocence (Пуаро ответил с выражением полной невинности на лице; face — лицо; выражение лица; blank — пустой, чистый, неисписанный /о листе бумаги/; полный, чистейший, абсолютный) that aroused my strongest suspicions (что вызвало во мне сильнейшее подозрение; to arouse — будить; вызывать).

apparently [@'p&[email protected]], listener ['[email protected]@], innocence ['[email protected]@ns]

The girls went off to get their hats on. Donald Fraser was standing by the window looking out apparently lost in thought.

Franklin Clarke glanced over at him, then evidently deciding that the other was too abstracted to count as a listener, he lowered his voice a little and addressed Poirot.

"Look here, M. Poirot. You went down to Churston, I know, and saw my sister-in-law. Did she say — or hint — I mean — did she suggest anything at all — ?" He stopped, embarrassed.

Poirot answered with a face of blank innocence that aroused my strongest suspicions.

"Comment (фр. как = что такое)? Did your sister-in-law say (говорила ли ваша невестка), hint (намекала) or suggest (или предполагала) — what (что)?"

Franklin Clarke got rather red (Франклин Кларк сильно покраснел: «стал сильно красным»). "Perhaps you think (возможно, вы подумаете) this isn't a time for butting in with personal things (что это не время приставать с личными вопросами; to butt — ударять головой; заклиниться) — "

"Du tout (фр. отнюдь)!"

"But I feel I'd like to get things quite straight (но я чувствую, что мне бы хотелось выложить все очень прямо)."

"An admirable course (восхитительный подход)."

This time I think (в этот раз я подумал) Clarke began to suspect Poirot's bland face of concealing some inner amusement (Кларк начал подозревать, что вежливое лицо Пуаро срывало некое внутреннее веселье: «развлеченность, позабавленность»; bland — вежливый). He ploughed on rather heavily (он начал несколько тяжело; to plough — пахать; пробивать с трудом).

butting ['bVtIN], admirable ['&[email protected]], plough [plaU]

"Comment? Did your sister-in-law say, hint or suggest — what?"

Franklin Clarke got rather red. "Perhaps you think this isn't a time for butting in with personal things — "

"Du tout!"

"But I feel I'd like to get things quite straight."

"An admirable course."

This time I think Clarke began to suspect Poirot's bland face of concealing some inner amusement. He ploughed on rather heavily.

"My sister-in-law's an awfully nice woman (моя невестка ужасно милая женщина). I've been very fond of her always (я всегда ее очень любил) — but of course she's been ill some time (но, конечно, она больна уже некоторое время) — and in that kind of illness (а в такой болезни), being given drugs (/когда/ дают лекарства) and all that (и все такое) — one tends to (/человек/ склонен; to tend — иметь тенденцию, склоняться) — well (ну) — to fancy things about people (воображать что-то о людях)!"

"Ah (а)?" By now there was no mistaking the twinkle in Poirot's eye (теперь уже нельзя было не уловить огонек в глазах Пуаро).

But Franklin Clarke (но Франклин Кларк), absorbed in his diplomatic task (поглощенный своим дипломатическим заданием), was past noticing it (не заметил этого: «был мимо замечания этого»). "It's about Thora (это о Торе) — Miss Grey," he said.

"Oh, it is of Miss Grey you speak (вы говорите о мисс Грей)?" Poirot's tone held innocent surprise (тон Пуаро содержал невинное удивление).

illness ['[email protected]], absorb [@b'sO:b], diplomatic [,[email protected]'m&tIk]

"My sister-in-law's an awfully nice woman. I've been very fond of her always — but of course she's been ill some time — and in that kind of illness, being given drugs and all that — one tends to — well — to fancy things about people!"

"Ah?" By now there was no mistaking the twinkle in Poirot's eye.

But Franklin Clarke, absorbed in his diplomatic task, was past noticing it. "It's about Thora — Miss Grey," he said.

"Oh, it is of Miss Grey you speak?" Poirot's tone held innocent surprise.

"Yes. Lady Clarke got certain ideas in her head (у леди Кларк в голове было несколько определенных представлений). You see, Thora (вы понимаете, Тора) — Miss Grey is well, rather a good-looking girl (довольно хорошенькая девушка) — "

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