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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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"It's promising," said Inspector Crome (это /много/обещающе). "That is (то есть), if the facts are (если факты /такие/) as the boy stated them (как парень изложил их). We've had no luck with the stocking manufacturers yet (пока нам не повезло с производителями чулок). It was time we got hold of something (пора нам зацепиться за что-то). By the way (кстати), give me that file of the Churston case (дайте мне ту папку с черстонским делом)."

goods [gUdz], manufacturer [,m&nju'f&[email protected]@], file [faIl]

He rose and shook hands.

"You may be quite satisfied you did the right thing in coming to us. Good morning, Mr. Hartigan."

"Well, sir?" asked Jacobs, re-entering the room a few minutes later. "Think it's the goods?"

"It's promising," said Inspector Crome. "That is, if the facts are as the boy stated them. We've had no luck with the stocking manufacturers yet. It was time we got hold of something. By the way, give me that file of the Churston case."

He spent some minutes (он провел несколько минут; to spend — тратить; проводить /время/) looking for what he wanted (высматривая то, что он хотел). "Ah, here it is (а, вот оно есть). It's amongst the statements made to the Torquay police (это среди показаний сделанных в полиции в Торки). Young man of the name of Hill (молодой человек по имени Хилл). Deposes (дает показания под присягой) he was leaving Torquay Pavilion after the film Not a Sparrow (что он выходил из Торки Павилион после фильма «ни воробушек») and noticed a man behaving queerly (и заметил человека, ведущего себя странно). He was talking to himself (он разговаривал сам с собой). Hill heard him say (Хилл слышал, как он сказал), 'That's an idea (это идея).' Not a Sparrow («Ни воробушек») — that's the film (это тот фильм) that was on at the Regal in Doncaster (который показывали в Регале в Донкастере)?"

"Yes, sir."

depose [dI'[email protected]], pavilion [[email protected]'[email protected]], behaving [bI'heIvIN]

He spent some minutes looking for what he wanted. "Ah, here it is. It's amongst the statements made to the Torquay police. Young man of the name of Hill. Deposes he was leaving Torquay Pavilion after the film Not a Sparrow and noticed a man behaving queerly. He was talking to himself. Hill heard him say, 'That's an idea.' Not a Sparrow — that's the film that was on at the Regal in Doncaster?"

"Yes, sir."

"There may be something in that (в этом что-то может быть). Nothing to it at the time (не стоит об этом пока: «ничего об этом в это время») — but it's possible (но это возможно) that the idea of the modus operandi for his next crime occurred to our man then (что идея плана для его следующего преступления пришла к нашему человеку тогда; modus operandi — способ действия; план /лат./). We've got Hill's name and address (у нас есть имя и адрес Хилла), I see (/как/ я вижу). His description of the man is vague (его описание этого человека рысплывчато) but it links up well enough with the descriptions of Mary Stroud (но оно достаточно связано с описаниями Мэри Страуд) and this Tom Hartigan (и этого Тома Хартигана) "

He nodded thoughtfully (он задумчиво кивнул).

modus ['[email protected]@s], operandi ['[email protected]&ndI], link [lINk]

"There may be something in that. Nothing to it at the time — but it's possible that the idea of the modus operandi for his next crime occurred to our man then. We've got Hill's name and address, I see. His description of the man is vague but it links up well enough with the descriptions of Mary Stroud and this Tom Hartigan …"

He nodded thoughtfully.

"We're getting warm," said Inspector Crome (мы нападаем на след: «мы согреваемся») — rather inaccurately (несколько неточно), for he himself was always slightly chilly (так как ему самому всегда было холодно).

"Any instructions, sir (какие-нибудь инструкции, сэр)?"

"Put on a couple of men to watch this Camden Town address (поставьте пару людей наблюдать за этим адресом в Кэмден Тауне), but I don't want our bird frightened (я не хочу напугать нашу птичку). I must have a word with the A.C. (я должен поговорить с этим Эй. Си.). Then I think it would be as well (тогда, я думаю, это было бы лучше) if Cust was brought along here (если бы Каста привели сюда) and asked (и спросили) if he'd like to make a statement (не хотел бы он сделать заявление). It sounds (это звучит) as though he's quite ready to get rattled (как будто он вполне готов потерять самообладание; to rattle — грохотать; вывести из себя)."

chilly ['tSIlI], bird [[email protected]:d], rattle [r&tl]

"We're getting warm," said Inspector Crome — rather inaccurately, for he himself was always slightly chilly.

"Any instructions, sir?"

"Put on a couple of men to watch this Camden Town address, but I don't want our bird frightened. I must have a word with the A.C.. Then I think it would be as well if Cust was brought along here and asked if he'd like to make a statement. It sounds as though he's quite ready to get rattled."

Outside Tom Hartigan had rejoined Lily Marbury (снаружи Том Хартиган снова присоединился к Лили Марбери) who was waiting for him on the Embankment[43] (которая ждала его на Эмбанкмент).

"All right, Tom (все в порядке, Том)?" Tom nodded (Том кивнул).

"I saw Inspector Crome himself (я видел самого инспектора Кроума). The one who's in charge of the case (того, кто ведет это дело; charge — нагрузка; заведование; руководство; ответственность)."

"What's he like (какой он: «на кого он похож»)?"

"A bit quiet (немного тихий) and la-di-da (и жеманный; la-di-da — вызывающий; la-di-da — франт, щеголь) — not my idea of a detective (не мое представление о детективе = не такой, каким, по-моему, должен быть детектив)."

rejoin [rI'dZOIn], Embankmen [Im'b&[email protected]], la-di-da ['lA:dI'dA:] [,lA:dI'dV]

Outside Tom Hartigan had rejoined Lily Marbury who was waiting for him on the Embankment.

"All right, Tom?" Tom nodded.

"I saw Inspector Crome himself. The one who's in charge of the case."

"What's he like?"

"A bit quiet and la-di-da — not my idea of a detective."

"That's Lord Trenchard's new kind," said Lily with respect (это новый человек лорда Тренчарда, — сказала уважительно Лили: «с уважением»; kind — сорт;, человек). "Some of them are ever so grand (некоторые из них всегда такие исполненные самомнения). Well (так), what did he say (что он сказал)?" Tom gave her a brief resume of the interview (Том кратко изложил ей беседу: «Том дал ей краткое резюме беседы»).

"So they think as it really was him (так они думают, что это действительно был он)?"

"They think it might be (они думают, так могло бы быть). Anyway (в любом случае), they'll come along (они придут) and ask him a question or two (и зададут ему пару вопросов: «один вопрос или два»)."

"Poor Mr. Cust (бедный мистер Каст)."

"It's no good saying poor Mr. Cust, my girl (не стоит говорить «бедный мистер Каст», девочка моя). If he's A.B.C. (если он — Эй-би-си), he committed four terrible murders (он совершил четыре ужасных убийства)."

Lily sighed and shook her head (Лили вздохнула и покачала головой). "It does seem awful," she observed (это действительно кажется ужасным, — заметила она).

grand [gr&nd], respect [rIs'pekt], anyway ['enIweI]

"That's Lord Trenchard's new kind," said Lily with respect. "Some of them are ever so grand. Well, what did he say?" Tom gave her a brief resume of the interview.

"So they think as it really was him?"

"They think it might be. Anyway, they'll come along and ask him a question or two."

"Poor Mr. Cust."

"It's no good saying poor Mr. Cust, my girl. If he's A.B.C., he committed four terrible murders."

Lily sighed and shook her head. "It does seem awful," she observed.

"Well, now you're going to come and have a bite of lunch, my girl (теперь давай-ка пойдем и съедим ленч, девочка моя). Just you think (ты только подумай) that if we're right (что если мы правы) I expect my name will be in the papers (я ожидаю, что мое имя будет в газетах)!''

"Oh, Tom, will it (в самом деле: «будет ли оно»)?"

"Rather (пожалуй). And yours, too (и твое тоже). And your mother's (и твоей матери). And I dare say you'll have your picture in, too (и я полагаю, ты получишь свою фотографию в /газете/ тоже; to daresay — полагать, думать, считать: «осмелиться сказать»)."

"Oh, Tom." Lily squeezed his arm in an ecstasy (Лили от восторга сжала его руку).

"And in the meantime (а между тем) what do you say to a bite at the Corner House (что ты скажешь насчет перекусить в «Корнер-хаус»: «дом на углу»)."

Lily squeezed tighter (Лили сжала /руку/ сильнее).

lunch [lVntS], paper ['[email protected]], ecstasy ['[email protected]]

"Well, now you're going to come and have a bite of lunch, my girl. Just you think that if we're right I expect my name will be in the papers!''

"Oh, Tom, will it?"

"Rather. And yours, too. And your mother's. And I dare say you'll have your picture in, too."

"Oh, Tom." Lily squeezed his arm in an ecstasy.

"And in the meantime, what do you say to a bite at the Corner House?"

Lily squeezed tighter.

"Come on then (идем тогда)!"

"All right (хорошо) — half a minute (полминуты). I must just telephone from the station (я только должна позвонить со станции)."

"Who to (кому)?"

"A girl I was going to meet (девушке, /с которой/ я собиралась встретиться)." She slipped across the road (она скользнула через дорогу), and rejoined him three minutes later (и снова присоединилась к нему три минуты спустя), looking rather flushed (выглядя несколько покрасневшей).

"Now then, Tom (ну-ка, Том)." She slipped her arm in his (она взяла его под руку: «она скользнула своей рукой в его»). "Tell me more about Scotland Yard (расскажи мне еще о Скотланд-Ярде). You didn't see the other one there (ты там другого не видел)?"

"What other one (какого другого)?"

telephone ['[email protected]@Un], station [steISn], other ['[email protected]]

"Come on then!"

"All right — half a minute. I must just telephone from the station."

"Who to?"

"A girl I was going to meet." She slipped across the road, and rejoined him three minutes later, looking rather flushed.

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