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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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To Let (сдается).

Empty (пусто)

Lifeless (безжизненно)

across [@k'rOs], tobacconist [[email protected]'b&[email protected]], lifeless ['[email protected]]

Mr. Cust stood by a greengrocer's shop.

He stared across the road.

Yes, that was it.

Mrs. Ascher. Newsagent and Tobacconist … In the empty window was a sign.

To Let.

Empty …

Lifeless …

"Excuse me, sir (извините меня, сэр)."

The greengrocer's wife (жена зеленщика), trying to get at some lemons (пытающаяся дотянуться до каких-то лемонов).

He apologized (он извинился), moved to one side (сдвинулся в одну сторону).

Slowly he shuffled away (медленно волоча ноги, он двинулся прочь) — back towards the main street of the town (назад к главной улице города)

It was difficult (это было трудно) — very difficult (очень трудно) — now that he hadn't any money left (теперь, когда у него не осталось денег)

Not having had anything to eat all day (если не поешь целый день) made one feel very queer (это заставит тебя чувствовать очень странно) and light-headed (и /заставит испытывать/ головокружение)

He looked at a poster outside a newsagent's shop (он посмотрел на плакат на газетном киоске: «снаружи газетного киоска»).

lemon ['[email protected]], shuffle [SVfl], poster ['[email protected]@]

"Excuse me, sir."

The greengrocer's wife, trying to get at some lemons.

He apologized, moved to one side.

Slowly he shuffled away — back towards the main street of the town …

It was difficult — very difficult — now that he hadn't any money left …

Not having had anything to eat all day made one feel very queer and light-headed …

He looked at a poster outside a newsagent's shop.

The A.B.C. Case(дело Эй-би-си). Murderer Still at Large(убийца все еще на свободе; to be at large — быть на свободе; на просторе). Interview with M. Hercule Poirot(интервью с мсье Эркюлем Пуаро).

Mr. Cust said to himself (мистер Каст сказал самому себе): "Hercule Poirot (Эркюль Пуаро). I wonder if he knows (мне интересно, знает ли он) —"

He walked on again (он снова подолжил идти).

It wouldn't do to stand staring at that poster (не годилось стоять, уставившись на этот плакат)

He thought (он подумал): "I can't go on much longer (я больше не могу: «я не могу дольше продолжать»)."

Foot in front of foot (шаг за шагом: «ступня впереди ступни»; foot — ступня; шаг) … what an odd thing walking was (какая странная вещь ходьба)

Foot in front of foot (шаг за шагом) — ridiculous (нелепо).

large [lA:dZ], again [@'geIn], walking ['wO:kIN]

The A.B.C. Case. Murderer Still at Large. Interview with M. Hercule Poirot.

Mr. Cust said to himself: "Hercule Poirot. I wonder if he knows — "

He walked on again.

It wouldn't do to stand staring at that poster …

He thought: "I can't go on much longer …"

Foot in front of foot … what an odd thing walking was …

Foot in front of foot — ridiculous.

Highly ridiculous (совершенно нелепо)

But man was a ridiculous animal anyway (но человек — нелепое существо все равно)

And he (а он), Alexander Bonaparte Cust (Александр Бонапарт Каст), was particularly ridiculous (был особенно нелеп)

He always had been (он всегда был)

People had always laughed at him (люди всегда смеялись над ним)

He couldn't blame them (он не мог винить их)

Where was he going (куда он шел)? He didn't know (он не знал). He'd come to the end (он дошел до предела). He no longer looked anywhere (он больше никуда не смотрел) but at his feet (кроме как под ноги).

Alexander [,&lIk'zA:[email protected]], Bonaparte ['[email protected]@pA:t], anywhere ['[email protected]]

Highly ridiculous …

But man was a ridiculous animal anyway …

And he, Alexander Bonaparte Cust, was particularly ridiculous …

He always had been …

People had always laughed at him …

He couldn't blame them …

Where was he going? He didn't know. He'd come to the end. He no longer looked anywhere but at his feet.

Foot in front of foot (шаг за шагом).

He looked up (он посмотрел вверх). Lights in front of him (огни перед ним). And letters (и буквы)

Police Station (полицейский участок).

"That's funny," said Mr. Cust (это забавно). He gave a little giggle (и слегка хихикнул: «он издал небольшое хихиканье»).

Then he stepped inside (затем он ступил внутрь). Suddenly (неожиданно), as he did so (когда он так сделал), he swayed and fell forward (он покачнулся и упал вперед).

letter ['[email protected]], inside [In'saId], sway [sweI]

Foot in front of foot.

He looked up. Lights in front of him. And letters …

Police Station.

"That's funny," said Mr. Cust. He gave a little giggle.

Then he stepped inside. Suddenly, as he did so, he swayed and fell forward.

XXXI. Hercule Poirot Asks Questions

(Эркюль Пуаро задает вопросы)

It was a clear November day (был ясный ноябрьский день). Dr. Thompson and Chief Inspector Japp had come round (зашли доктор Томпсон и главный инспектор Джепп) to acquaint Poirot with the result of the police court proceedings in the case of Rex v. Alexander Bonaparte Cust (чтобы ознакомить Пуаро с результатом разбирательств полицейского суда по делу «Король против Александра Бонапарта Каста»; v. = vs. = versus — против).

Poirot himself had had a slight bronchial chill (у самого Пуаро была легкая простуда: «легкая бронхиальная простуда»; chill — простуда; озноб) which had prevented his attending (которая помешала ему присутствовать). Fortunately (к счастью) he had not insisted on having my company (он не настаивал на том, чтобы я составил ему компанию: «он не настаивал на /том, чтобы/ иметь мою компанию»).

proceeding [[email protected]'si:dIN], versus ['[email protected]:[email protected]], bronchial ['[email protected]]

It was a clear November day. Dr. Thompson and Chief Inspector Japp had come round to acquaint Poirot with the result of the police court proceedings in the case of Rex v. Alexander Bonaparte Cust.

Poirot himself had had a slight bronchial chill which had prevented his attending. Fortunately he had not insisted on having my company.

"Committed for trial," said Japp (передано в суд; to commit — совершать; передавать). "So that's that (так, такие-то дела)."

"Isn't it unusual," I asked (не правда ли, это необычно: «разве это не необычно»), "for a defence to be offered at this stage (чтобы защита была предложена на этой ступени; stage — сцена; период, ступень)? I thought prisoners always reserved their defence (я думал, заключенные всегда приберегают защиту)."

"It's the usual course," said Japp (это обычный ход /вещей/). "I suppose (я полагаю) young Lucas thought (молодой Лукас думал) he might rush it through (что он, вероятно, сможет быстро провести это /дело/; to rush — мчаться; выполнять слишком поспешно). He's a trier (он из тех, кто всегда старается взять нахрапом; trier — человек, делающий все, что в его силах; to try — пробовать, стараться, пытаться), I will say (я скажу). Insanity's the only defence possible (невменяемость является единственной возможной защитой)."

Poirot shrugged his shoulders (Пуаро пожал плечами). "With insanity there can be no acquittal (с невменяемостью там не может быть никакого оправдания). Imprisonment during His Majesty's pleasure[44] is hardly preferable to death (бессрочное заключение: «заключение пока угодно Его Величеству» является едва ли предпочтительнее смерти)."

trial ['[email protected]], trier ['[email protected]], acquittal [@k'wItl]

"Committed for trial," said Japp. "So that's that."

"Isn't it unusual," I asked, "for a defence to be offered at this stage? I thought prisoners always reserved their defence."

"It's the usual course," said Japp. "I suppose young Lucas thought he might rush it through. He's a trier, I will say. Insanity's the only defence possible."

Poirot shrugged his shoulders. "With insanity there can be no acquittal. Imprisonment during His Majesty's pleasure is hardly preferable to death."

"I suppose (я полагаю) Lucas thought there was a chance," said Japp (Лукас думал, что тут есть шанс). "With a first-class alibi for the Bexhill murder (с первоклассным алиби для бексхиллского убийства), the whole case might be weakened (все дело могло быть ослаблено). I don't think (я не думаю) he realized how strong our case is (что он понимает, как сильно наше дело). Anyway Lucas goes in for originality (в любом случае Лукас любит оригинальничать: «Лукас увлекается оригинальностью»; to go in for — заниматься, увлекаться). He's a young man (он молодой человек), and he wanted to hit the public eye (и он хотел поразить публику)."

Poirot turned to Thompson (Пуаро повернулся к Томпсону). "What's your opinion, doctor (ваше мнение, доктор)?"

"Of Cust (о Касте)? Upon my soul (честное слово: «/клянусь/ моей душой»), I don't know what to say (я не знаю, что сказать). He's playing the sane man remarkably well (он играет нормального человека удивительно хорошо). He's an epileptic (он эпилептик), of course (конечно)."

"What an amazing denouement that was," I said (какая это была поразительная развязка).

strong [strON], epileptic [,epI'leptIk], denouement [deI'nu:mA:N]

"I suppose Lucas thought there was a chance," said Japp. "With a first-class alibi for the Bexhill murder, the whole case might be weakened. I don't think he realized how strong our case is. Anyway Lucas goes in for originality. He's a young man, and he wanted to hit the public eye."

Poirot turned to Thompson. "What's your opinion, doctor?"

"Of Cust? Upon my soul, I don't know what to say. He's playing the sane man remarkably well. He's an epileptic, of course."

"What an amazing denouement that was," I said.

"His falling into the Andover police station in a fit (/то, что/ он ввалился в полицейский участок в Эндовере в припадке)? Yes — it was a fitting dramatic curtain to the drama (это был подходящий драматический занавес для этой драмы). A.B.C. had always timed his effects well (Эй-би-си всегда хорошо расчитывал свои эффекты)."

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