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Новые законы робототехники. Апология человеческих знаний в эпоху искусственного интеллекта - Фрэнк Паскуале

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Write: An Autonomous Teachable Humanoid Which Uses Simulated Handwriting,” Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM / IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction АСМ (2015), 83–90, https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/20489o/files/ h00d2015when.pdf.


Fisher Price, “Think & Learn Code-a-pillar,” https://www.fisher-price.com/en-us/product/think-learn-code-a-pillar-twist-gfp25; KinderLab Robotics, “Kibo,” http://kinderlabrobotics.com/kibo/; Nathan Olivares-Giles, “Toys That Teach the Basics of Coding,” Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2015, https://www.wsj.com/articles/ toys-that-teach-the-basics-of-coding-1440093255.


Darling, “Extending Legal Protection to Social Robots.”


A. Michael Froomkin and P. Zak Colangelo, “Self-Defense against Robots and Drones,” Connecticut Law Review 48 (2015): 1-70.


Evgeny Morozov, То Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism (New York: Public Affairs, 2013).


Sherry Turkle, “A Nascent Robotics Culture: New Complicities for Companionship,” in Annual Editions: Computers in Society 10/11, ed. Paul De Palma, 16th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010), chapter 37.


Margot Kaminski, “Robots in the Home: What Will We Have Agreed to?” Idaho Law Review 51 (2015): 661–678; Woodrow Hartzog, “Unfair and Deceptive Robots,” Maryland Law Review 74 (2015): 785–832; Joanna J. Bryson, “The Meaning of the EPSRC Principles of Robotics,” Connection Science 29, no. 2 (2017): 130–136.


Neda Atanasoski and Kalindi Vora, Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures (Chapel Hill: Duke University Press, 2019).


Kentaro Toyama, Geek Heresy: Rescuing Social Change from the Cult of Technology (New York: Public Affairs, 2015).


Пол Принслу предложил подробный и глубокий анализ глобальных влияний разницы в силе на датафикацию образования. См.: Paul Prins100, “Data Frontiers and Frontiers of Power in (Higher) Education: A View of/from the Global South,” Teachingin Higher Education: Critical Perspectives 25, no. 4 (2019): 366–383.


Andrew Brooks, “The Hidden Trade in Our Second-Hand Clothes Given to Charity,” Guardian, February 13, 2015, https://www.theguard-ian.com/sustainable-business/sustainable-fashion-blog/2015/feb/13/ second-hand-clothes-charity-donations-africa.


Shoshana Zuboff, “The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism,” Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung, March 5, 2016, http://www.faz.net/aktuell/ feuilleton/debatten/the-digital-debate/shoshana-zuboff-secrets-of-surveillance-capitalism-14103616-p2.html.


Steven Rosenfeld, “Online Public Schools Are a Disaster, Admits Billionaire, Charter School-Promoter Walton Family Foundation,” AlterNet, February 6, 2016, http://www.alternet.org/educa-tion/online-public-schools-are-disaster-admits-billionaire-charter-school-promoter-walton; Credo Center for Research on Education Outcomes, Online Charter School Study 2015 (Stanford, CA: Center for Research on Education Outcomes, 2015), https://credo.stanford.edu/ pdfs/OnlineCharterStudyFinal2015.pdf.


Audrey Watters, “Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2016: The Business of Education Technology,” Hack Education (blog), December 5, 2016, http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/business.html; “Eschools Say They Will Appeal Audits Determining Inflated Attendance,” Columbus Dispatch, October 4, 2016, http://www.dispatch.com/news/20161003/ e schools-say-they-will-appeal-audits-de termining-infl ated-attendance/i; Benjamin Herold, “Problems with For-Profit Management of Pa. Cybers,” Education Week, November 3, 2016, http:// www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2016/11/o3/problems-with-for-profit-management-of-pa-cybers.html; Benjamin Herold, “A Virtual Mess: Inside Colorado’s Largest Online Charter School,” Education Week, November 3, 2016, http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2016/11/03/ a-virtual-mess-colorados-largest-cyber-charter.html; Erin McIntyre, “Dismal Performance by Idaho Virtual Charters Result in 20 % Grad Rate,” Education Dive, January 29, 2016, http://www.educationdive, com/news/dismal-performance-by-idaho-virtual-charters-result-in-20-grad-rate/4i2945/.


Watters, “Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2016”; “The 100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles.”


Watters, “The Business of Education Technology.”


Donald Т. Campbell, “Assessing the Impact of Planned Social Change,” in Social Research and Public Policies, ed. Gene M. Lyons (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1975), 35; Brian Kernighan, “We’re Number One!” Daily Prince Ionian, October 25, 2010.


Watters, “The Business of Education Technology.”


Lilly Irani, “Justice for ‘Data Janitors,’ ” Public Books, January 15, 2015, http://www.publicbooks.org/nonfiction/justice-for-data-jani-tors; Trebor Scholz, Introduction to Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory (New York: Routledge, 2013), 1.


Phil McCausland, “A Rural School Turns to Digital Education.

Is It a Savior or Devil’s Bargain?” NBC News, May 28, 2018, https:// www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/rural-school-turns-digital-education-it-savior-or-devil-s-n877806.


Douglas Rushkoff, Program or be Programmed: Ten Commandsfor a Digital Age (New York: OR Books, 2010), 7–8.


Ibid., 9.


Ofcom, “Children and Parents: Media Uses and Attitudes Report: 2018,” January 29, 2019, 11, https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/as-sets/pdf_file/oo24/i349O7/children-and-parents-media-use-and-attitudes-2018.pdf; Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe and Kathleen Clarke-Pearson, “The Impact of Social Media on Children,” Pediatrics 127, no. 4 (2011): 800, 802.


Сенатор Берни Сандерс предложил план, который бы позволил помочь колледжам на этапе этого цифрового перехода, перенаправив фонды со спорта на «деятельность, которая улучшает качество образования и академические результаты». См.: College for All Act of 2019, S.1947,116th Cong. (2019).


Todd E. Vachon and Josef (Kuo-Hsun) Ma, “Bargaining for Success: Examining the Relationship between Teacher Unions and Student Achievement,” Sociological Forum 30 (2015): 391, 397–399. Майкл Годси утверждает, что «есть существенная разница между местным экспертом-учителем, использующим интернет и все его ресурсы для дополнения и улучшения своих уроков, и учителем, который упрощает образовательные планы крупных организаций. Почему эта линия не получает четкого публичного выражения и почему она не становится предметом общего обсуждения?». См.: Michael Godsey, “The Deconstruction of the K-12 Teacher: When Kids Can Get Their Lessons from the Internet, What’s Left for Classroom Instructors to Do?” Atlantic, March 25, 2015, https://www.theatlantic.com/educati0n/archive/2015/03/ the-deconstruction-of-the-k-i2-teacher/38863i/.


Дополнительное описание специальных комиссий, предложенных для решения проблем новых технологий, см.: Oren Bracha and Frank Pasquale, “Federal Search Commission? Access, Fairness, and Accountability in the Law of Search,” Cornell Law Review 93 (2008): 1149; Ryan Calo, “The Case for a Federal Robotics Commission,” Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings, September 15, 2014, https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/o9/ R0b0ticsC0mmissi0nR2_Cal0.pdf. Недавняя работа, в которой поддерживаются те же идеи: Elizabeth Warren, “Unsafe at Any Rate,” Democracy Journal, Summer 2007, no. 5, https://democracy-j0urnal.0rg/magazine/5/unsafe-at-any-rate/.


Hartmut Rosa, Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity (New

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