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Trotter Th. A View of the Nervous Temperament. L.: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1812. P. 93.


Flint K. The Woman Reader 1837–1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. P. 208–209.


Ellis S. S. The Mothers of England. [L.], 1843. P. 338–339.


Tadmor N. «In the Even My Wife Read to Me»: Women, Reading and Household Life in the Eighteenth Century // The Practice and Representation of Reading in England. P. 162–174; Pearson J. Women’s Reading in Britain, 1750–1835: A Dangerous Recreation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. P. 170–175.


Williams A. The Social Life of Books: Reading Together in the Eighteenth-Century Home. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017. P. 36–63.


Sewell E. M. The Autobiography of Elizabeth M. Sewell. L.: Longmans, Green, 1907. P. 16. См. также: Jackson A. H. A Victorian Childhood. L.: Methuen, 1932. P. 13; Rhondda, The Viscountess. This Was My World. L.: Macmillan, 1933. P. 35.


Thompson P., Lummis T. Family Life and Work Experience Before 1918, 1870–1973 (data collection). 7th edn., 2009. UK Data Service, SN: 2000, http://dx.doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-2000-1. Mr Mulligan.


Foley A. A Bolton Childhood. Manchester: Manchester University Extra-Mural Department, 1973. P. 12, 25.


Thompson P., Lummis T. Family Life and Work Experience… Miss Pool.


Ibid. Mr. Wildman.


Sims G. R. How the Poor Live. L.: Chatto & Windus, 1883. P. 5.


Ibid. P. 7.


Constantine S. Amateur Gardening and Popular Recreation in the 19th and 20th Centuries // Journal of Social History. 1981. Vol. 14. № 3. P. 388.


Hogg Th. A Concise and Practical Treatise… P. XV–XVII.


Thomas K. Man and the Natural World. L.: Allen Lane, 1983. P. 236.


Loudon, Mrs. Instructions in Gardening for Ladies. L.: John Murray, 1840. См. также посвященную «юным леди Англии» книгу: Francis G. W. The Little English Flora or a Botanical and Popular Account of All Our Common Field Flowers. L.: Simpkin Marshall, 1839.


Johnson L. Every Lady Her Own Flower Gardener [3rd edn.]. L.: W. S. Orr, 1840. P. 4.


Loudon J. C. The Suburban Gardener and Villa Companion. P. 6.


Hibberd J. Sh. The Town Garden: A Manual for the Management of City and Suburban Gardens. L.: Groombridge & Sons, 1855. P. 6.


О ноттингемских участках см.: Howitt W. The Rural Life of England [1844; 3rd edn.]. Shannon: Irish University Press, 1971. P. 551–553. О распространенности участков в конце XIX в. см.: Gaskell S. M. Gardens for the Working Class: Victorian Practical Pleasure // Victorian Studies. 1980. Vol. 23. № 4. P. 484–487.


Соревновательный характер рекреационной культуры рабочего класса обсуждается в: Holt R. Introduction // Sport and the Working Class in Modern Britain / Ed. R. Holt. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990. P. 5; Constantine S. Amateur Gardening and Popular Recreation… P. 393.


Willes M. The Gardens of the British Working Class. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014. P. 97–106.


Duthie R. Florists’ Flowers and Societies. Princes Risborough: Shire Publications, 1988. P. 25.


Worboys M., Strange J.-M., Pemberton N. The Invention of the Modern Dog: Breed and Blood in Victorian Britain. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 2018. P. 45–47.


Ritvo H. Pride and Pedigree: The Evolution of the Victorian Dog Fancy // Victorian Studies. 1986. Vol. 29. № 2. P. 227–253; Walton J. K. Mad Dogs and Englishmen: The Conflict over Rabies in Late Victorian England // Journal of Social History. 1979. Vol. 13. № 2. Р. 222–226. О зарождении культуры селекции и судейства см.: Lane Ch. H. All About Dogs. L.: John Lane, 1900.


Weir H. Our Cats and All About Them. Tunbridge Wells: R. Clements, 1889. P. 1–5; Simpson F., Miss. All About Cats // Compton H. et al. Home Pets. L.: Greening & Co, 1907. P. 38. О том, сколько в этот период зарабатывали на разведении голубей, см.: Bretton P. Pigeons for Profit. L.: C. Arthur Pearson, 1914. P. 13.


О расцвете голубеводства см.: Müller E., Schrag L., Dr. Fancy Pigeons. Hengersberg: Schober Verlags, 1985. P. 15–16.


Fradd M. Rabbits and Rabbit Keeping // Compton H. et al. Home Pets. P. 65.


«An Old Fancier». Fancy Mice: Their Varieties, Management and Breeding. [4th edn.]. L.: L. Upcott Gill, 1896.


Ibid. P. 1.


Stables G. Dogs. L.: Dean & Son, [1909]. P. 40.


Worboys M., Strange J.-M., Pemberton N. The Invention of the Modern Dog. P. 225.


Weir H. Our Cats and All About Them. P. 5.


Ure G. Our Fancy Pigeons. L.: Elliot Stock, 1889. P. 11.


Lambert O. Angling Literature in England. P. 1; Lowerson J. Brothers of the Angle: Coarse Fishing and English Working-Class Culture, 1850–1914 // Pleasure, Profit, Proselytism: British Culture and Sport at Home and Abroad 1700–1914 / Ed. J. A. Mangan. L.: Frank Cass, 1988. P. 105–127.

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