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[1486] // Braekman D. L. The Treatise on Angling in The Boke of St Albans [1496]. Brussels: Scripta, 1980. P. 60.


Manley J. J. Notes on Fish and Fishing. L.: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1881. P. IV–V.


Clare J. The Natural History Prose Writings of John Clare / Ed. M. Grainger. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1983. P. 170.


Clare’s Library // Catalogue of the John Clare Collection in the Northampton Public Library. Northampton: Northampton Public Library, 1964. P. 23–34. Clare J. The Natural History Prose Writings of John Clare. Appendix Va. P. 258–259.


Tusser Th. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry… Together with a Book of Huswifery / New edn., with notes, georgical, illustrative, and explanatory, a glossary, and other improvements by W. Mavor [1557]. L., 1812.


Plumb J. H. «The Commercialisation of Leisure in Eighteenth-Century England», The Stenton Lecture 1972. Reading: University of Reading, 1973.


Whitmil B. Kalendarium Universale: or, The Gardiner’s Universal Kalendar. L.: J. Clarke, 1748.


Mawe Th., Abercrombie J. Every Man His Own Gardener, Being a New and More Complete Gardener’s Calendar and General Directory than Any One Hitherto Published [17th edn.]. L.: J. Johnson, 1803. Первые издания выходили под именем не участвовавшего в их составлении садовника герцога Лидса, Томаса Мэйва, что, по мысли Аберкромби, должно было способствовать продажам.


У Клэра также имелись два посмертно изданных сборника материалов Аберкромби: Abercrombie J. The Gardener’s Companion or Horticultural Calendar… Being a monthly index or remembrancer, according to the divisions of Abercrombie «Practical Gardener»… To which is annexed… The Garden-Seed and Plant Estimate… Edited from an original manuscript of J. Abercrombie… by J. Mean, Horticulturist. L.: T. Cadell, 1822; Abercrombie J. Abercrombie’s Practical Gardener, or Improved System of Modern Horticulture: Adapted either to Small or Large Gardens [2nd edn.]. L.: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1817.


Maddock J. The Florist’s Directory, A Treatise on the Culture of Flowers [1792]. L.: John Harding, 1822; Smith J. E. A Compendium of English Flora [2nd edn.]. L.: Longman, Rees, Orme, Green & Longman, 1836. Ср.: Marshall Ch. An Introduction to the Knowledge and Practice of Gardening. L.: <for the author>, 1796.


Hogg Th. A Concise and Practical Treatise on the Growth and Culture of the Carnation… and other Flowers [1820; 3rd edn.]. L.: G. & W. B. Whittaker, 1824; Emmerton I. A Plain and Practical Treatise on the Culture and Management of the Auricula. L.: Baldwin, Craddock & Joy, 1815; [Kent E.] Flora Domestica, or The Portable Flower-Garden. L.: Taylor & Hessey, 1823.


В библиотеке служанки, изученной Яном Фергусом, нашлось две книги по садоводству. См.: Fergus J. «Provincial Servants» Reading in the Late Eighteenth Century // The Practice and Representation of Reading in England / Eds J. Raven et al. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. P. 202–225.


Например: Loudon J. C. Encyclopaedia of Gardening: Comprising the Theory and Practice of Horticulture, Aboriculture, and Landscape-Gardening, Including All the Latest Improvements; a General History of Gardening in All Countries. L.: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1822 (и последующие издания); McIntosh Ch. The Book of the Garden. 2 vols. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1853–1855; Anderson J. The New Practical Gardener and Modern Horticulturalist. L.: William Mackenzie, 1875.


Например: Loudon J. C. The Suburban Gardener and Villa Companion. L.: <for the author>, 1838; Hibberd J. Sh. The Town Garden: A Manual for the Management of City and Suburban Gardens. L.: Groombridge & Sons, 1855.


О росте числа периодических изданий по садоводству см.: Taylor G. The Victorian Flower Garden. L.: Skeffington, 1952. P. 110; Hadfield M. A History of British Gardening [3rd edn.]. L.: John Murray, 1979. Р. 303–359.


Worlidge J. A Compleat System of Husbandry and Gardening; or, the Gentleman’s Companion, in the Business and Pleasures of a Country Life. L.: J. Pickard, 1716. Титул.


The Gardener’s Chronicle. 1841. Vol. 1. № 1–2.


Mawe Th., Abercrombie J. Every Man His Own Gardener… P. IV.




Whyman S. The Pen and the People. English Letter-Writers 1660–1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.


Общие итоги реформы обсуждаются в: Vincent D. Literacy and Popular Culture. England 1750–1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. P. 38–49; Robinson H. Britain’s Post Office. L.: Oxford University Press, 1953. P. 155; Campbell-Smith D. Masters of the Post. P. 140.


Forty-Seventh Annual Report of the Postmaster General on the Post Office. L., 1901. Appendix A.


Vincent D. I Hope I Don’t Intrude: Privacy and Its Dilemmas in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. P. 190–198.


Цит. по: Bray J. The Female Reader in the English Novel: From Burney to Austen. Abingdon: Routledge, 2009. P. 10. См. также: Hints on Reading // The Lady’s Magazine. 1789. Apr. P. 178.


О предполагаемой склонности уединенных читателей к формам сексуальных злоупотреблений см.: Laqueur Th. W. Solitary Sex: A Cultural History of Masturbation. N. Y.: Zone Books, 2003. P. 314–315.


Austen J. Northanger Abbey [1818]. Ware: Wordsworth Editions, 2007. P. 33 [Остин Дж. Нортенгерское аббатство / Пер. И. Маршака. М.: АСТ, 2001. С. 54]; Radcliffe A. The Mysteries of Udolpho [1794]. L.: Penguin, 2001.

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