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the Royal Mail. L.: Allen Lane, 2011. P. 136. О стартовом наборе см.: Beal G. The Superbook of Stamp Collecting. L.: Kingfisher Books, 1986. P. 4.


Nankivell E. J. Stamp Collecting as a Pastime. P. 4.


Ibid. P. 12.


Phillips Ch. J. Fifty Years of Philately. P. 21.


Nankivell E. J. Stamp Collecting as a Pastime. P. 44; Phillips S. Stamp Collecting. P. 266; Blair A. The World of Stamps and Stamp Collecting. L.: Hamlyn, 1972. P. 116–120.


Brown T. G., Sanderson R. S. A History of the Sheffield Philatelic Society 1894–1994. Sheffield: Sheffield Philatelic Society, 1994. P. 8.


Nankivell E. J. Stamp Collecting as a Pastime. P. 3.


О долгой традиции рукоделия см.: Lamb M. («Sempronia»). On Needle-Work [1815] // The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb / Ed. E. V. Lucas. L.: Methuen, 1903. Vol. 1. P. 180.


О берлинской вышивке шерстяным гарусом см.: Wilton, The Countess of. The Art of Needle-work [1840; 3rd edn.]. L.: Henry Colburn, 1841. P. 297–299; The Ladies’ Hand-book of Knitting, Netting, and Crochet. L.: H. G. Clarke & Co., 1842. P. 12–13; Warner P. Embroidery: A History. L.: B. T. Batsford, 1991. P. 147–149; Morris B. Victorian Embroidery. L.: Herbert Jenkins, 1962. P. 7; Jones M. E. A History of Western Embroidery. L.: Studio Vista, 1969. P. 42–43; Hughes Th. English Domestic Needlework 1660–1860. L.: Lutterworth Press, 1961. P. 27; Warren G. A Stitch in Time: Victorian and Edwardian Needlecraft. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1976. P. 33–36.


Morris B. Victorian Embroidery. P. 7–26.


Wilton, The Countess of. The Art of Needle-work. P. 5. О пригодности вышивки в качестве развлечения для молодых женщин см.: The Young Lady’s Book: A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises and Pursuits [2nd edn.]. L.: Vizetelly, Branston, 1829. P. 291.


Warren G. A Stitch in Time. P. 58.


Lambert A. The Handbook of Needlework. Philadelphia: Willis P. Hazard, 1851. P. 15. Похожий акцент на выборе цвета как на сфере индивидуального творчества см.: The Ladies’ Handbook of Knitting, Netting, and Crochet. P. 56.


Townsend W. G. P. Embroidery, Or the Craft of the Needle. L.; N. Y.: Truslove, Hanson & Comba, 1899. P. IV.


The Ladies’ Hand-book of Knitting. P. IX.


Beeton, Mrs. The Housewife’s Treasury of Domestic Information. L.: Ward Lock, [1884]. P. 809.


Reeves M. P. Round About a Pound a Week [1913]. L.: Virago, 1979. P. 162, 166, 168.


См. обзор: Cooper V., Russell D. Publishing for Leisure // The Cambridge History of the Book: Volume VI 1830–1914 / Ed. D. McKitterick. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. P. 475–499.


Hughes K. The Short Life & Long Times of Mrs Beeton. L.: Fourth Estate, 2005. P. 162–179.


Valentine R., Mrs. The Home Book of Pleasure and Instruction. L.: Frederick Warne, 1868; Cassell’ s Household Guide; Beeton, Mrs. The Housewife’s Treasury. См. также: The Young Ladies Journal [9th edn.]. L.: E. Harrison, 1892. О потреблении литературы этого типа см.: Draznin Y. C. Victorian London’s Middle-Class Housewife: What She Did All Day. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. P. 150.


Beeton, Mrs. Housewife’s Treasury. P. 787.


Lambert O. Angling Literature in England. L.: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1881; Turrell W. J. Ancient Angling Authors. L.: Gurney and Jackson, 1910.


Hazlitt W. C. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. L.: Elliot Stock, 1886; Oxford A. W. English Cookery Books to the Year 1850. L.: Henry Frowde, 1913.


[Rundell M. E.] A New System of Domestic Cookery; Formed upon Principles of Economy: and Adapted to the Use of Private Families [1806]. L.: John Murray, 1811. О важности этой книги для бизнеса Мюррея см.: MacCarthy F. Byron: Life and Legend. L.: John Murray, 2002. P. 148. О продажах см. предисловие Джанет Морган к переизданию 2009 года (L.: Persephone Books, 2009), а также: Oxford A. W. English Cookery Books… P. 135–136.


Wilton, The Countess of. The Art of Needle-work.


Rutt R. A History of Hand Knitting. L.: B. T. Batsford, 1987. P. 113–115.


Walton I. The Compleat Angler. Or; The Contemplative Man’s Recreation [1653]. L.: Arcturus, 2010.


Bevan J. Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler: The Art of Recreation. Brighton: Harvester, 1988. P. IX–X.


Horne B. S. The Compleat Angler 1653–1967: A New Bibliography. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1970.


О ее популярности невзирая на устаревание см.: Francis F. Angling. L.: «The Field» Office, 1877. P. V.


О текстуальных предшественниках текста Уолтона см.: Cooper J. R. The Art of The Compleat Angler. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1988. P. 167–170.


Walton I. The Compleat Angler. P. 67. [Уолтон И. Искусный рыболов, или Медитация для мужчин / Пер. В. А. Абарбанеля. М.: АСТ; Астрель, 2010. С. 109.]


Turrell W. J. Ancient Angling Authors. P. XI, 7–22.


The treatise of fysshynge wyth an Angle

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