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Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. На окраине империи. Рассказы - Уильям Моэм

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mention ['menS(q)n], inquiry [In'kwaI(q)rI], disconcerted ["dIskqn'sWtId], tighten [taItn]

"Perhaps in his answer to your letter he'll say when he's coming home. All we can do is to wait for that."

Another letter came from Edward for each of them, and still he made no mention of his return; but when he wrote he could not have received Bateman's inquiry. The next mail would bring them an answer to that. The next mail came, and Bateman brought Isabel the letter he had just received; but the first glance of his face was enough to tell her that he was disconcerted. She read it through carefully and then, with slightly tightened lips, read it again.

"It's a very strange letter (очень странное письмо)," she said. "I don't quite understand it (я его не вполне понимаю)."

"One might almost think that he was joshing me (можно даже подумать, что он поддразнивает меня; to josh — подшучивать, подтрунивать над кем-либо)," said Bateman, flushing (сказал Бейтман, краснея).

"It reads like that, but it must be unintentional (так оно и звучит, но это, наверное, случайно/непреднамеренно; tread— читать; читаться). That's so unlike Edward (это так не похоже на Эдварда)."

"He says nothing about coming back (он ничего не говорит о возвращении)."

"If I weren't so confident of his love I should think (если бы я не была так уверена в его любви, я бы подумала)… I hardly know what I should think (я даже и не знаю, что бы я подумала)."

josh [dZOS], unintentional ["AnIn'tenS(q)nql], unlike [An'laIk]

"It's a very strange letter," she said. "I don't quite understand it."

"One might almost think that he was joshing me," said Bateman, flushing.

"It reads like that, but it must be unintentional. That's so unlike Edward."

"He says nothing about coming back."

"If I weren't so confident of his love I should think… I hardly know what I should think."

It was then that Bateman had broached the scheme (именно тогда Бейтман завел разговор о том самом плане; to broach — делать прокол; огласить, начать обсуждение/вопроса/) which during the afternoon had formed itself in his brain (который сложился у него в голове еще днем; to form — придавать форму; создавать, формулировать, оформляться; brain — мозг). The firm, founded by his father, in which he was now a partner (фирма, основанная его отцом, и в которой он сейчас был компаньоном), a firm which manufactured all manner of motor vehicles (фирма, которая производила всякого рода автомобили: «механические транспортные средства»), was about to establish agencies in Honolulu, Sidney, and Wellington (намеревалась открыть представительства в Гонолулу, Сиднее и Веллингтоне; to establish — основывать, учреждать); and Bateman proposed that himself should go instead of the manager who had been suggested (и Бейтман предложил, что он сам поедет вместо назначенного управляющего: «управляющего, который был выдвинут /кандидатом/»). He could return by Tahiti (он мог бы вернуться через Таити); in fact, travelling from Wellington, it was inevitable to do so (на самом деле, отправляясь из Веллингтона, это оказалось бы неизбежным); and he could see Edward (он мог бы повидаться с Эдвардом).

broach [brqutS], scheme [ski: m], vehicle ['vi: Ik(q)l], inevitable [I'nevItqb(q)l]

It was then that Bateman had broached the scheme which during the afternoon had formed itself in his brain. The firm, founded by his father, in which he was now a partner, a firm which manufactured all manner of motor vehicles, was about to establish agencies in Honolulu, Sidney, and Wellington; and Bateman proposed that himself should go instead of the manager who had been suggested. He could return by Tahiti; in fact, travelling from Wellington, it was inevitable to do so; and he could see Edward.

"There's some mystery and I'm going to clear it up (в этом какая-та тайна, и я собираюсь ее раскрыть; to clear up — проясниться; выяснить, раскрыть). That's the only way to do it (это единственный путь сделать это)."

"Oh, Bateman, how can you be so good and kind (о, Бейтман, какой же ты хороший и добрый: «как ты можешь быть таким хорошим и добрым»)? " she exclaimed (воскликнула она).

"You know there's nothing in the world I want more than your happiness, Isabel (ты же знаешь, Изабелла, что в мире нет ничего, чего бы я желал больше, чем твое счастье)."

She looked at him and she gave him her hands (она посмотрела на него, и протянула ему свои руки).

"You're wonderful, Bateman (ты просто чудо, Бейтман). I didn't know there was anyone in the world like you (я и не знала, что в мире есть такие люди, как ты). How can I ever thank you (как я смогу тебя отблагодарить)? "

"I don't want your thanks (мне не нужна твоя благодарность). I only want to be allowed to help you (единственное, чего я хочу, чтобы /ты/ позволила помочь тебе)."

She dropped her eyes and flushed a little (она опустила глаза и слегка зарделась). She was so used to him that she had forgotten how handsome he was (она настолько к нему привыкла, что позабыла, каким красивым он был; used to — привыкший; to forget). He was as tall as Edward and as well made (он был таким же высоким, как Эдвард, и так же хорошо сложен), but he was dark and pale of face, while Edward was ruddy (но он был темноволосым, с бледным лицом, тогда как Эдвард был румяным). Of course she knew he loved her (конечно она знала, что он любит ее). It touched her (она была тронута; to touch— касаться, трогать; трогать, волновать). She felt very tender towards him (она испытывала к нему нежность).

It was from this journey that Bateman Hunter was now returned (именно из этой поездки сейчас и вернулся Бейтман Хантер).

mystery ['mIst(q)rI], allow [q'lau], ruddy ['rAdI], journey ['dZWnI]

"There's some mystery and I'm going to clear it up. That's the only way to do it."

"Oh, Bateman, how can you be so good and kind?» she exclaimed.

"You know there's nothing in the world I want more than your happiness, Isabel."

She looked at him and she gave him her hands.

"You're wonderful, Bateman. I didn't know there was anyone in the world like you. How can I ever thank you?"

"I don't want your thanks. I only want to be allowed to help you."

She dropped her eyes and flushed a little. She was so used to him that she had forgotten how handsome he was. He was as tall as Edward and as well made, but he was dark and pale of face, while Edward was ruddy. Of course she knew he loved her. It touched her. She felt very tender towards him.

It was from this journey that Bateman Hunter was now returned.

The business part of it took him somewhat longer than he expected (деловая часть /поездки/ заняла больше времени, чем он ожидал) and he had much time to think of his two friends (и у него было много времени подумать о двух своих друзьях). He had come to the conclusion that it could be nothing serious that prevented Edward from coming home (он пришел к выводу, что не могло быть ничего особенно серьезного, что не позволяло Эдварду вернуться домой), a pride, perhaps, which made him determined to make good (возможно, гордость, которая наполняла его решимостью преуспеть; to make good — сдержать слово; преуспевать, делать успехи) before he claimed the bride he adored (прежде чем потребовать руки невесты, которую он обожал; to claim — требовать; предъявлять требования; заявлять о своих правах на что-либо); but it was a pride that must be reasoned with (но с этой гордостью необходимо бороться; to reason with — уговаривать, урезонивать). Isabel was unhappy (Изабелла была несчастлива). Edward must come back to Chicago with him and marry her at once (Эдвард должен вернуться в Чикаго вместе с ним и немедленно жениться на ней).

conclusion [kqn'klu: Z(q)n], determined [dI'tWmInd], unhappy [An'hxpI]

The business part of it took him somewhat longer than he expected and he had much time to think of his two friends. He had come to the conclusion that it could be nothing serious that prevented Edward from coming home, a pride, perhaps, which made him determined to make good before he claimed the bride he adored; but it was a pride that must be reasoned with. Isabel was unhappy. Edward must come back to Chicago with him and marry her at once.

A position could be found for him in the works of the Hunter Motor Traction and Automobile Company (для него можно было бы найти местечко на заводе "Компании Хантеров по производству тяговых электродвигателей и автомобилей"; traction — тяга/для наземного транспорта/). Bateman, with a bleeding heart, exulted at the prospect of giving happiness (Бейтман, хоть его сердце и обливалось кровью, ликовал при мысли о том, что он подарит счастье; prospect — вид, панорама; перспектива, планы на будущее) to the two persons he loved best in the world at the cost of his own (двум людям, которых он любил больше всего в мире, ценой собственного /счастья/). He would never marry (он никогда не женится). He would be godfather to the children of Edward and Isabel (он будет крестным отцом детям Эдварда и Изабеллы), and many years later when they were both dead (и много лет спустя, когда они оба умрут) he would tell Isabel's daughter how long, long ago he had loved her mother (он расскажет дочери Изабеллы, как очень, очень давно, он любил ее мать). Bateman's eyes were veiled with tears (глаза Бейтмана подернулись слезами; to veil — закрывать вуалью, покрывалом; veil — вуаль) when he pictured this scene to himself (когда он представил себе эту сцену; to picture — изображать/на картине/;представлять себе).

exult [Ig'zAlt], godfather ['gOd" fQ: Dq], veiled [veIld], scene [si: n]

A position could be found for him in the works of the Hunter Motor Traction and Automobile Company. Bateman, with a bleeding heart, exulted at the prospect of giving happiness to the two persons he loved best in the world at the cost of his own. He would never marry. He would be godfather to the children of Edward and Isabel, and many years later when they were both dead he would tell Isabel's daughter how long, long ago he had loved her mother. Bateman's eyes were veiled with tears when he pictured this scene to himself.

Meaning to take Edward by surprise (намереваясь застать Эдварда врасплох; surprise — удивление; неожиданное действие/особ. нападение/) he had not cabled to announce his arrival (он не стал отправлять телеграмму, чтобы сообщить о своем прибытии; to cable — телеграфировать; cable — кабель), and when at last he landed at Tahiti (и, когда он, наконец, высадился на Таити) he allowed a youth, who said he was the son of the house (он позволил юноше, который сказал, что он был сыном хозяина), to lead him to the Hotel de la Fleur (отвести себя в гостиницу «Отель де ля Флёр»). He chuckled when he thought of his friend's amazement on seeing him (он посмеивался, когда представлял себе удивление своего друга, когда тот увидит, как он), the most unexpected of visitors, walk into his office (самый неожиданный из посетителей, входит в его контору).

"By the way (между прочим)," he asked, as they went along (спросил он по дороге: «пока они шли вместе /к гостинице/»), "can you tell me where I shall find Mr. Edward Barnard (вы мне не подскажите, где я могу найти мистера Эдварда Барнарда)?"

"Barnard?" said the youth. "I seem to know the name (кажется, я знаю эту фамилию)."

"He's an American (он американец). A tall fellow with light brown hair and blue eyes (высокий парень со светлыми каштановыми волосами и голубыми глазами). He's been here over two years (он здесь уже более двух лет)."

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