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Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. На окраине империи. Рассказы - Уильям Моэм

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prevent [prI`vent], grotesque [grqu`tesk], hysterical [hIs`terIk(q)l]

Red heaved himself out of his chair, while the Swede called one of the boys who worked on the plantation. He told him where the skipper wanted to go, and the boy stepped along the bridge. Red prepared to follow him.

"Don’t fall in," said Neilson.

"Not on your life."

Neilson watched him make his way across and when he had disappeared among the coconuts he looked still. Then he sank heavily in his chair. Was that the man who had prevented him from being happy? Was that the man whom Sally had loved all these years and for whom she had waited so desperately? It was grotesque. A sudden fury seized him so that he had an instinct to spring up and smash everything around him. He had been cheated. They had seen each other at last and had not known it. He began to laugh, mirthlessly, and his laughter grew till it became hysterical. The Gods had played him a cruel trick. And he was old now.

At last Sally came in to tell him dinner was ready (наконец Салли вошла, /чтобы/ сказать ему, /что/ обед был готов). He sat down in front of her and tried to eat (он сел напротив нее и пытался есть; in front of — перед, впереди). He wondered what she would say (ему было интересно, что бы она сказала) if he told her now (если бы он рассказал ей теперь) that the fat old man sitting in the chair (что тот толстый старик, сидевший в кресле) was the lover (был тем возлюбленным) whom she remembered still with the passionate abandonment of her youth (которого она все еще помнила с пылкой несдержанностью своей юности; abandonment — непринужденность; импульсивность; to abandon — покидать, оставлять). Years ago (/много/ лет тому назад), when he hated her because she made him so unhappy (когда он ненавидел ее, потому что она сделала его таким несчастным), he would have been glad to tell her (он был бы рад рассказать ей). He wanted to hurt her then (он хотел сделать ей больно тогда) as she hurt him (/так же/ как она делала ему больно), because his hatred was only love (потому что его ненависть была просто любовью). But now he did not care (но теперь ему было все равно). He shrugged his shoulders listlessly (он безразлично пожал плечами).

"What did that man want (чего хотел тот мужчина)?" she asked presently (спросила она спустя некоторое время).

He did not answer at once (он ответил не сразу). She was too old (она была очень/слишком старой), a fat old native woman (толстая старая туземка). He wondered why he had ever loved her so madly (он удивлялся, почему же когда-то он любил ее так безумно). He had laid at her feet all the treasures of his soul (он положил к ее ногам все сокровища своей души; foot — ступня), and she had cared nothing for them (а ей ничего этого не было нужно; to care — заботиться; питать интерес, любовь). Waste, what waste (зря, все зря; waste— пустая трата;what— что; какой)! And now, when he looked at her (и теперь, когда он глядел на нее), he felt only contempt (он чувствовал только презрение). His patience was at last exhausted (его терпение наконец лопнуло; to exhaust — исчерпывать; изнурять). He answered her question (он ответил на ее вопрос).

"He’s the captain of a schooner (он капитан одной шхуны). He’s come from Apia (он прибыл из Апии)."

"Yes (да)."

"He brought me news from home (он привез мне новость из дома). My eldest brother is very ill (мой старший брат очень болен; eldest— самый старший) and I must go back (и я должен вернуться: «ехать назад»)."

"Will you be gone long (ты долго будешь в отъезде: «уехавшим»)?"

He shrugged his shoulders (он пожал плечами).

front [frAnt], hatred [`heItrId], treasure [`treZq]

At last Sally came in to tell him dinner was ready. He sat down in front of her and tried to eat. He wondered what she would say if he told her now that the fat old man sitting in the chair was the lover whom she remembered still with the passionate abandonment of her youth. Years ago, when he hated her because she made him so unhappy, he would have been glad to tell her. He wanted to hurt her then as she hurt him, because his hatred was only love. But now he did not care. He shrugged his shoulders listlessly.

"What did that man want?" she asked presently.

He did not answer at once. She was too old, a fat old native woman. He wondered why he had ever loved her so madly. He had laid at her feet all the treasures of his soul, and she had cared nothing for them. Waste, what waste! And now, when he looked at her, he felt only contempt. His patience was at last exhausted. He answered her question.

"He’s the captain of a schooner. He’s come from Apia."


"He brought me news from home. My eldest brother is very ill and I must go back."

"Will you be gone long?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

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