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Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. На окраине империи. Рассказы - Уильям Моэм

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"‘Gee,’ he said (вот здорово, — сказал он), ‘I wonder if I could make a trade of some nuts and plantains (интересно, смог бы я совершить сделку = обменять немного орехов и диких бананов) for a pound or two of tobacco (на один-два фунта табака).’

lengthen [`leNT(q)n], touch [tAC], weariness [`wIqrInIs]

"The weeks lengthened into months, and a year passed. They seemed to love one another as — I hesitate to say passionately, for passion has in it always a shade of sadness, a touch of bitterness or anguish, but as whole-heartedly, as simply and naturally as on that first day on which, meeting, they had recognised that a god was in them.

If you had asked them I have no doubt that they would have thought it impossible to suppose their love could ever cease. Do we not know that the essential element of love is a belief in its own eternity? And yet perhaps in Red there was already a very little seed, unknown to himself and unsuspected by the girl, which would in time have grown to weariness. For one day one of the natives from the cove told them that some way down the coast at the anchorage was a British whaling-ship.

"‘Gee,’ he said, ‘I wonder if I could make a trade of some nuts and plantains for a pound or two of tobacco.’

"The pandanus cigarettes that Sally made him with untiring hands (пандановые сигареты, которые Салли неустанно: «неутомимыми руками» делала ему) were strong and pleasant enough to smoke (были достаточно крепкими и приятными, «чтобы курить»), but they left him unsatisfied (но они не удовлетворяли его /до конца/: «оставляли его неудовлетворенным»); and he yearned on a sudden for real tobacco (и он затосковал вдруг по настоящему табаку), hard, rank, and pungent (крепкому, вонючему и едкому). He had not smoked a pipe for many months (он не курил трубку /уже/ много месяцев). His mouth watered at the thought of it (у него текли слюнки: «его рот увлажнялся» при мысли об этом). One would have thought (можно было подумать) some premonition of harm would have made Sally seek to dissuade him (/что/ некое предчувствие недоброго заставит Салли попытаться отговорить его), but love possessed her so completely (но любовь захватила ее настолько всецело; to possess — обладать, владеть; овладевать) that it never occurred to her (что ей никогда /и не/ приходило в голову) any power on earth could take him from her (/что/ какая-нибудь сила на земле смогла бы забрать его у нее). They went up into the hills together (они вместе поднялись на холмы) and gathered a great basket of wild oranges (и собрали большую корзину диких апельсинов), green, but sweet and juicy (зеленых, но сладких и сочных); and they picked plantains from around the hut (и они нарвали диких бананов около хижины), and coconuts from their trees (и кокосовых орехов со своих деревьев), and breadfruit and mangoes (и плодов хлебного дерева, и манго); and they carried them down to the cove (и они отнесли их вниз к бухте). They loaded the unstable canoe with them (они нагрузили ими неустойчивое каноэ), and Red and the native boy (и Рыжий и = вместе с местным мальчиком) who had brought them the news of the ship (который сообщил: «принес» им новость о корабле) paddled along outside the reef (поплыли за риф; to paddle — грести; along — в направлении; outside — за пределы).

"It was the last time she ever saw him (это был последний раз, /когда/ она вообще видела его).

"Next day the boy came back alone (на следующий день мальчик вернулся: «пришел назад» один). He was all in tears (он был весь в слезах). This is the story he told (вот история, /которую/ он рассказал).

yearn [jWn], dissuade [dI`sweId], occur [q`kW]

"The pandanus cigarettes that Sally made him with untiring hands were strong and pleasant enough to smoke, but they left him unsatisfied; and he yearned on a sudden for real tobacco, hard, rank, and pungent. He had not smoked a pipe for many months. His mouth watered at the thought of it. One would have thought some premonition of harm would have made Sally seek to dissuade him, but love possessed her so completely that it never occurred to her any power on earth could take him from her. They went up into the hills together and gathered a great basket of wild oranges, green, but sweet and juicy; and they picked plantains from around the hut, and coconuts from their trees, and breadfruit and mangoes; and they carried them down to the cove. They loaded the unstable canoe with them, and Red and the native boy who had brought them the news of the ship paddled along outside the reef.

"It was the last time she ever saw him.

"Next day the boy came back alone. He was all in tears. This is the story he told.

"When after their long paddle they reached the ship (когда после своего долгого плавания они добрались до корабля; to paddle — грести; плыть в лодке, используя весла) and Red hailed it (и Рыжий окликнул его), a white man looked over the side (какой-то белый человек посмотрел через борт) and told them to come on board (и сказал им подняться на борт). They took the fruit they had brought with them (они взяли фрукты, /которые/ привезли с собой) and Red piled it up on the deck (и Рыжий свалил их в кучу на палубе; to pile up — нагромождать). The white man and he began to talk (белый человек и он начали разговаривать), and they seemed to come to some agreement (и они, похоже, пришли к какому-то соглашению). One of them went below and brought up tobacco (кто-то из команды: «один из них» пошел вниз и вынес табаку). Red took some at once and lit a pipe (Рыжий сразу же взял немного и разжег трубку). The boy imitated the zest with which he blew a great cloud of smoke from his mouth (мальчик показал с каким удовольствием он выпустил: «выдул» большое облако дыма изо рта; to imitate — копировать; подражать; zest — пыл). Then they said something to him and he went into the cabin (потом они что-то сказали ему, и он пошел в каюту). Through the open door the boy, watching curiously (через открытую дверь мальчик, наблюдавший /за всем/ с любопытством), saw a bottle brought out and glasses (увидел вытащенную бутылку = /как/вытащили бутылку и стаканы). Red drank and smoked (Рыжий пил и курил). They seemed to ask him something (кажется, они спросили его о чем-то), for he shook his head and laughed (ибо он покачал головой и рассмеялся). The man, the first man who had spoken to them, laughed too (человек, тот первый человек, который говорил с ними, рассмеялся тоже), and he filled Red’s glass once more (и он наполнил стакан Рыжего еще раз). They went on talking and drinking (они продолжали разговаривать и выпивать), and presently, growing tired of watching a sight that meant nothing to him (и вскоре, устав наблюдать зрелище, которое ничего /не/ значило для него), the boy curled himself up on the deck and slept (мальчик свернулся калачиком на палубе и заснул). He was awakened by a kick (он был разбужен = проснулся от пинка); and jumping to his feet (и, вскакивая на ноги), he saw that the ship was slowly sailing out of the lagoon (он увидел, что корабль медленно выплывает из лагуны). He caught sight of Red seated at the table (он поймал вид = заметил Рыжего, сидевшего за столом), with his head resting heavily on his arms (с головой, покоящейся тяжело = тяжело уронив голову на руки), fast asleep (/он/ крепко спал; asleep — спящий). He made a movement towards him, intending to wake him (он сделал движение по направлению к нему, собираясь разбудить его), but a rough hand seized his arm (но грубая рука схватила его /за/ руку; hand — рука/кисть/; arm — рука/от кисти до плеча/), and a man, with a scowl and words which he did not understand (и какой-то человек сердитым взглядом и словами, которые он не понял), pointed to the side (указал /ему/ на борт). He shouted to Red (/тогда/ он крикнул Рыжему), but in a moment he was seized and flung overboard (но через мгновение он был схвачен и выброшен за борт). Helpless (беспомощный = бессильный что-либо сделать), he swam round to his canoe (он поплыл назад к своему каноэ), which was drifting a little way off (которое относило течением немного в сторону), and pushed it on to the reef (и подтолкнул его к рифу). He climbed in (он залез в /него/) and, sobbing all the way (и, рыдая/всхлипывая всю дорогу), paddled back to shore (погреб назад к берегу).

rough [rAf], seize [sJz], canoe [kq`nH]

"When after their long paddle they reached the ship and Red hailed it, a white man looked over the side and told them to come on board. They took the fruit they had brought with them and Red piled it up on the deck. The white man and he began to talk, and they seemed to come to some agreement. One of them went below and brought up tobacco. Red took some at once and lit a pipe. The boy imitated the zest with which he blew a great cloud of smoke from his mouth. Then they said something to him and he went into the cabin. Through the open door the boy, watching curiously, saw a bottle brought out and glasses. Red drank and smoked. They seemed to ask him something, for he shook his head and laughed. The man, the first man who had spoken to them, laughed too, and he filled Red’s glass once more. They went on talking and drinking, and presently, growing tired of watching a sight that meant nothing to him, the boy curled himself up on the deck and slept. He was awakened by a kick; and jumping to his feet, he saw that the ship was slowly sailing out of the lagoon. He caught sight of Red seated at the table, with his head resting heavily on his arms, fast asleep. He made a movement towards him, intending to wake him, but a rough hand seized his arm, and a man, with a scowl and words which he did not understand, pointed to the side. He shouted to Red, but in a moment he was seized and flung overboard. Helpless, he swam round to his canoe, which was drifting a little way off, and pushed it on to the reef. He climbed in and, sobbing all the way, paddled back to shore.

"What had happened was obvious enough (/то/, что произошло, было довольно очевидным). The whaler, by desertion or sickness (китобойному судну из-за дезертирства или болезней), was short of hands (не хватало матросов; short— короткий; недостаточный;hand— рука; работник; матрос), and the captain when Red came aboard (и капитан, когда Рыжий поднялся на борт) had asked him to sign on (попросил его присоединиться /к ним/; to sign on— нанимать/ся/); on his refusal (на его отказ = когда он отказался) he had made him drunk and kidnapped him (он сделал его пьяным = напоил его и похитил).

"Sally was beside herself with grief (Салли была вне себя от горя). For three days she screamed and cried (в течение трех дней она кричала и плакала; to scream — пронзительно кричать; вопить; to cry — плакать; кричать). The natives did what they could to comfort her (туземцы делали, что могли, чтобы утешить ее), but she would not be comforted (но она ни за что не хотела утешаться). She would not eat (она ни за что не хотела есть). And then, exhausted (а потом, обессилев), she sank into a sullen apathy (она погрузилась в мрачную апатию). She spent long days at the cove, watching the lagoon (она проводила долгие дни у бухты, всматриваясь в лагуну; to watch— /внимательно/ наблюдать, следить), in the vain hope that Red somehow or other would manage to escape (в тщетной надежде, что Рыжему, так или иначе, удастся сбежать). She sat on the white sand, hour after hour (она сидела на белом песке час за часом), with the tears running down her cheeks (/и/ слезы текли по ее щекам), and at night dragged herself wearily back across the creek to the little hut (а ночью тащилась устало назад через речку к маленькой хижине) where she had been happy (где она была счастлива). The people with whom she had lived before Red came to the island (люди, с которыми она жила до того, как Рыжий прибыл на этот остров) wished her to return to them (хотели, /чтоб/ она вернулась к ним), but she would not (но она ни за что не хотела); she was convinced that Red would come back (она была убеждена, что Рыжий вернется: «придет назад»), and she wanted him to find her where he had left her (и она хотела, /чтобы/ он нашел ее /там же/, где оставил). Four months later she was delivered of a still-born child (четыре месяца спустя она родила мертвого ребенка), and the old woman who had come to help her through her confinement (и та старая женщина, которая пришла помочь ей с родами) remained with her in the hut (осталась с ней в этой хижине). All joy was taken from her life (вся радость была взята = ушла из ее жизни). If her anguish with time became less intolerable (/и/ хотя ее боль со временем стала не такой невыносимой; less— менее) it was replaced by a settled melancholy (она была заменена = ей на смену пришла постоянная грусть).

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