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Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. На окраине империи. Рассказы - Уильям Моэм

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They arrived at the hotel and sat on the terrace (они пришли к гостинице и сели на веранде). A Chinese boy brought them cocktails (юноша-китаец принес им коктейли). Edward was most anxious to hear all the news of Chicago (Эдварду не терпелось услышать все новости из Чикаго; anxious — беспокоящийся, тревожащийся; страстно желающий/чего-либо/) and bombarded his friend with eager questions (и он засыпал своего друга вопросами одним за другим; to bombard — бомбардировать; засыпать, забрасывать/вопросами, просьбами и т. п./; eager — жаждущий/чего-либо/,нетерпеливый). His interest was natural and sincere (его интерес был естественным и искренним). But the odd thing was that it seemed equally divided among a multitude of subjects (но странным было то, что он /интерес/, казалось, был равноценно поделен между большим количеством предметов). He was as eager to know how Bateman's father was as what Isabel was doing (ему так же не терпелось узнать, как чувствует себя отец Бейтмана, как и то, что делала Изабелла).

terrace ['terIs], bombard [bOm'bQ: d], sincere [sIn'sIq], equally ['i: kwqlI], multitude ['multItju: d]

"I'm blest if I can see what he's got to be so darned cheerful about," he said to himself.

They arrived at the hotel and sat on the terrace. A Chinese boy brought them cocktails. Edward was most anxious to hear all the news of Chicago and bombarded his friend with eager questions. His interest was natural and sincere. But the odd thing was that it seemed equally divided among a multitude of subjects. He was as eager to know how Bateman's father was as what Isabel was doing.

He talked of her without a shade of embarrassment (он говорил о ней без тени смущения), but she might just as well have been his sister as his promised wife (но она с тем же успехом могла бы быть его сестрой, а не суженой: «обещанной женой»); and before Bateman had done analyzing the exact meaning of Edward's remarks (и прежде чем Бейтман проанализировал точный смысл замечаний Эдварда) he found that the conversation had drifted to his own work (он обнаружил, что разговор перешел к его /собственной/ работе; to drift — относить или гнать/ветром, течением/;изменять состояние) and the buildings his father had lately erected (и зданиям, которые его отец недавно возвел). He was determined to bring the conversation back to Isabel (он был полон решимости вернуть разговор обратно, к Изабелле) and was looking for the occasion (и искал удобного случая) when he saw Edward wave his hand cordially (когда увидел, что Эдвард сердечно машет /кому-то/ рукой). A man was advancing towards them on the terrace (какой-то человек приближался к ним /по веранде/), but Bateman's back was turned to him and he could not see him (но Бейтман сидел к нему спиной: «но спина Бейтмана была повернута к нему» и не мог его видеть).

analyzing ['xnqlaIzIN], occasion [q'keIZ(q)n], cordially ['kO: dIqlI]

He talked of her without a shade of embarrassment, but she might just as well have been his sister as his promised wife; and before Bateman had done analyzing the exact meaning of Edward's remarks he found that the conversation had drifted to his own work and the buildings his father had lately erected. He was determined to bring the conversation back to Isabel and was looking for the occasion when he saw Edward wave his hand cordially. A man was advancing towards them on the terrace, but Bateman's back was turned to him and he could not see him.

"Come and sit down (подходите и садитесь)," said Edward gaily (весело сказал Эдвард).

The new-comer approached (мужчина подошел; new-comer — новоприбывший). He was a very tall, thin man, in white ducks (это был очень высокий, худой мужчина, в белом парусиновом /костюме/), with a fine head of curly white hair (с копной вьющихся седых волос). His face was thin too, long (его лицо также было худым и длинным), with a large, hooked nose (с большим крючковатым носом) and a beautiful, expressive mouth (и красивым, выразительным ртом).

"This is my old friend Bateman Hunter (это мой старый друг, Бейтман Хантер). I've told you about him (я говорил вам о нем)," said Edward, his constant smile breaking on his lips (сказал Эдвард, и на его губах вновь заиграла неизменная улыбка; constant — постоянный, непрерывный; постоянный, неизменный; to break — ломать).

"I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Hunter (рад с вами познакомиться, мистер Хантер). I used to know your father (я был знаком с вашим отцом; used to — иметь в прошлом обыкновение делать что-либо)."

The stranger held out his hand (незнакомец протянул руку) and took the young man's in a strong, friendly grasp (и пожал руку молодого человека — крепко и дружелюбно; grasp — крепкое сжатие, хватка). It was not till then that Edward mentioned the other's name (и только после этого Эдвард упомянул имя другого /мужчины/).

"Mr. Arnold Jackson."

approach [q'prqutS], expressive [Ik'spresIv], grasp [grQ: sp]

"Come and sit down," said Edward gaily.

The new-comer approached. He was a very tall, thin man, in white ducks, with a fine head of curly white hair. His face was thin too, long, with a large, hooked nose and a beautiful, expressive mouth.

"This is my old friend Bateman Hunter. I've told you about him," said Edward, his constant smile breaking on his lips.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Hunter. I used to know your father."

The stranger held out his hand and took the young man's in a strong, friendly grasp. It was not till then that Edward mentioned the other's name.

"Mr. Arnold Jackson."

Bateman turned white and he felt his hands grow cold (Бейтман побледнел и почувствовал, как руки его холодеют). This was the forger, the convict, this was Isabel's uncle (это был тот самый мошенник, осужденный, это был дядя Изабеллы). He did not know what to say (он не знал, что сказать). He tried to conceal his confusion (он пытался скрыть свое смущение). Arnold Jackson looked at him with twinkling eyes (Арнольд Джексон смотрел на него /весело/ поблескивающими глазами; to twinkle — блестеть, сверкать; мигать, подмигивать).

"I daresay my name is familiar to you (полагаю, что мое имя вам знакомо; familiar— близкий, интимный; хорошо знакомый /с чем-либо/, знающий /что-либо/)."

Bateman did not know whether to say yes or no (Бейтман не знал, что ему сказать — да или нет), and what made it more awkward was that both Jackson and Edward seemed to be amused (и, что делало /ситуацию/ еще более неловкой, так это то, что обоим — и Джексону, и Эдварду, — казалось, было забавно; amused— довольный; веселый, радостный, забавный). It was bad enough to have forced on him the acquaintance (весьма скверным было навязать ему знакомство) of the one man on the island he would rather have avoided (с единственным человеком на острове, которого бы он скорее предпочел избежать), but worse to discern that he was being made a fool of (но еще хуже было понять, что из него сделали дурака; to discern— различить, разглядеть). Perhaps, however, he had reached this conclusion too quickly (однако, возможно, что он слишком поспешно пришел к такому заключению), for Jackson, without a pause, added (так как Джексон, тут же: «без паузы» добавил):

"I understand you're very friendly with the Longstaffes (насколько я знаю, вы очень дружны с Лонгстафами). Mary Longstaffe is my sister (Мэри Лонгстаф — моя сестра)."

conceal [kqn'si: l], confusion [kqn'fju: Z(q)n], awkward ['O: kwqd], discern [dI'sWn]

Bateman turned white and he felt his hands grow cold. This was the forger, the convict, this was Isabel's uncle. He did not know what to say. He tried to conceal his confusion. Arnold Jackson looked at him with twinkling eyes.

"I daresay my name is familiar to you."

Bateman did not know whether to say yes or no, and what made it more awkward was that both Jackson and Edward seemed to be amused. It was bad enough to have forced on him the acquaintance of the one man on the island he would rather have avoided, but worse to discern that he was being made a fool of. Perhaps, however, he had reached this conclusion too quickly, for Jackson, without a pause, added:

"I understand you're very friendly with the Longstaffes. Mary Longstaffe is my sister."

Now Bateman asked himself if Arnold Jackson could think him ignorant (теперь Бейтман задался вопросом, уж не считает ли Арнольд Джексон, что он не знает; ignorant — невежественный; незнающий, не информированный о чем-либо) of the most terrible scandal that Chicago had ever known (о самом ужасном скандале в истории Чикаго: «который когда-либо знал Чикаго»). But Jackson put his hand on Edward's shoulder (Джексон положил свою руку Эдварду на плечо).

"I can't sit down, Teddie (я не могу к вам присоединиться: «сесть», Тедди; Teddy=Teddie— уменьш. — ласк. от Эдвард)," he said. "I'm busy (я занят). But you two boys had better come up and dine to-night (лучше уж вы, ребята: «двое ребят», приходите, поужинаем сегодня вечером)."

"That'll be fine (прекрасно)," said Edward.

"It's very kind of you, Mr. Jackson (очень любезно с вашей стороны, мистер Джексон)," said Bateman, frigidly (холодно сказал Бейтман), "but I'm here for so short a time (но я здесь не очень надолго); my boat sails to-morrow, you know (знаете ли, мой корабль отплывает завтра); I think if you'll forgive me, I won't come (я думаю, если вы не против: «если вы простите меня», я не приду)."

ignorant ['Ignqrqnt], shoulder ['Squldq], frigidly ['frIdZIdlI]

Now Bateman asked himself if Arnold Jackson could think him ignorant of the most terrible scandal that Chicago had ever known. But Jackson put his hand on Edward's shoulder.

"I can't sit down, Teddie," he said. "I'm busy. But you two boys had better come up and dine to-night."

"That'll be fine," said Edward.

"It's very kind of you, Mr. Jackson," said Bateman, frigidly, "but I'm here for so short a time; my boat sails to-morrow, you know; I think if you'll forgive me, I won't come."

"Oh, nonsense (о, какая ерунда). I'll give you a native dinner (я угощу вас ужином из местных /блюд/). My wife's a wonderful cook (моя жена — удивительная кулинарка). Teddie will show you the way (Тедди покажет вам путь). Come early so as to see the sunset (приходите пораньше, чтобы увидеть закат). I can give you both a shake-down if you like (если захотите, я дам вам /обоим/ по соломенному тюфяку; shake-down— импровизированная постель /из соломы и т. п., чаще на полу/)."

"Of course we'll come (конечно же, мы придем)," said Edward. "There's always the devil of a row in the hotel in the night a boat arrives (в гостинице всегда невообразимый шум — в ночь, когда приходит корабль; devil — дьявол, черт; эмоц. — усил. черт) and we can have a good yarn up at the bungalow (и мы сможем как следует поболтать в бунгало; yarn — пряжа, нить; разг. длинный рассказ/о чем-либо/)."

"I can't let you off, Mr. Hunter (я не могу позволить вам уйти, мистер Хантер)," Jackson continued with the utmost cordiality (продолжил Джексон с величайшей сердечностью). "I want to hear all about Chicago and Mary (я хочу услышать все-все о Чикаго и Мэри)."

He nodded and walked away before Bateman could say another word (он кивнул /в знак прощания/ и ушел, прежде чем Бейтман смог вымолвить хоть слово).

"We don't take refusals in Tahiti (мы не принимаем отказов /здесь/ на Таити)," laughed Edward (рассмеялся Эдвард). "Besides, you'll get the best dinner on the island (кроме того, тебя угостят самым лучшим ужином на всем острове)."

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