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Английский язык с Конаном-варваром - Роберт Говард

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"Why did you wish your lover to sleep?" he retorted (для чего ты хотела, /чтобы/ твой любовник спал? — отпарировал он). "So you could steal from him the only thing he would never give you (так бы ты смогла украсть у него единственную вещь, /которую/ он никогда бы не подарил тебе) — the ring with the jewel men call the Star of Khorala (кольцо с драгоценным камнем, /который/ люди называют Звездой Хорала) — the star stolen from the queen of Ophir, who would pay a roomful of gold for its return (звездой, похищенной у королевы Офира, которая заплатила бы полную комнату золота за его возврат = чтобы вернуть его; to steal — украсть, похитить). He would not give it to you willingly (он не отдал бы его тебе добровольно), because he knew that it holds a magic which, when properly controlled (потому что он знал, что оно держит волшебство = обладает волшебной силой, которая, при надлежащем управлении: «когда надлежащим образом управляемая»), will enslave the hearts of any of the opposite sex (поработит сердце любого /человека/ противоположного пола). You wished to steal it from him (ты хотела стащить его (камень) у него (любовника)), fearing that his magicians would discover the key to that magic (боясь, что его волшебники найдут ключ к этому волшебству) and he would forget you in his conquests of the queens of the world (и он забудет тебя в завоевании цариц мира = завоевывая / покоряя цариц мира). You would sell it back to the queen of Ophir, who understands its power and would use it to enslave me (ты бы продала его обратно королеве Офира, которая понимает его силу и использовала бы его, /чтобы/ покорить меня), as she did before it was stolen (как она сделала до того, как он был украден; to steal — красть)."

queen [kwi: n], magician [məˈʤɪʃən], forget [fəˈɡet]

"Why did you wish your lover to sleep?" he retorted. "So you could steal from him the only thing he would never give you — the ring with the jewel men call the Star of Khorala — the star stolen from the queen of Ophir, who would pay a roomful of gold for its return. He would not give it to you willingly, because he knew that it holds a magic which, when properly controlled, will enslave the hearts of any of the opposite sex. You wished to steal it from him, fearing that his magicians would discover the key to that magic and he would forget you in his conquests of the queens of the world. You would sell it back to the queen of Ophir, who understands its power and would use it to enslave me, as she did before it was stolen."

"And why do you want it?" she demanded sulkily (а почему ты хочешь его = а зачем он тебе? — спросила она мрачно).

"I understand its powers (я понимаю его силы). It would increase the power of my arts (он бы увеличил мощь моих искусств = моих чар)."

"Well," she snapped, "you have it now (ну, — сказала она раздраженно, — ты имеешь его теперь = он теперь у тебя)!"

"I have the Star of Khorala (у меня Звезда Хорала)? Nay, you err (нет, ты заблуждаешься)."

demand [dɪˈmɑ:nd], increase [ɪnˈkri: s], err [ə:]

"And why do you want it?" she demanded sulkily.

"I understand its powers. It would increase the power of my arts." "Well," she snapped, "you have it now!"

"I have the Star of Khorala? Nay, you err."

"Why bother to lie?" she retorted bitterly (к чему утруждать себя ложью? — отпарировала она горько). "He had it on his finger when he drove me into the streets (он имел ее на его пальце = она была у него на пальце, когда он вывел меня на улицу). He did not have it when I found him again (ее не было у него, когда я нашла его снова). Your servant must have been watching the house, and have taken it from him, after I escaped him (твой слуга, наверное, наблюдал за домом и забрал ее у него, после того как я убежала от него). To the devil with it (к черту с ней = ну и шут с ней)! I want my lover back sane and whole (я хочу = мне нужен мой любовник назад в здравом уме и невредимый). You have the ring; you have punished us both (у тебя есть кольцо, ты наказал нас обоих). Why do you not restore his mind to him (почему тебе не вернуть ему разум)? Can you (ты можешь)?"

bother [ˈbɔðə], retort [rɪˈtɔ: t], punish [ˈpʌnɪʃ]

"Why bother to lie?" she retorted bitterly. "He had it on his finger when he drove me into the streets. He did not have it when I found him again. Your servant must have been watching the house, and have taken it from him, after I escaped him. To the devil with it! I want my lover back sane and whole. You have the ring; you have punished us both. Why do you not restore his mind to him? Can you?"

"I could," he assured her, in evident enjoyment of her distress (я мог бы, — уверил он ее в очевидном наслаждении от ее горя). He drew a phial from among his robes (он вытащил пузырек из /среди/ своих одеяний). "This contains the juice of the golden lotus (это содержит сок золотого лотоса). If your lover drank it, he would be sane again (если бы твой любовник выпил это, он был бы снова в здравом уме). Yes, I will be merciful (да, я буду милостив). You have both thwarted and flouted me, not once but many times вы оба мешали мне и попирали меня, не раз, а много раз; to flout — презирать; попирать; не подчиняться); he has constantly opposed my wishes (он постоянно препятствовал моим желаниям). But I will be merciful (однако я буду милостив). Come and take the phial from my hand (подойди и возьми склянку из моей руки)."

assure [əˈʃuə], phial [ˈfaɪəl], thwart [Ɵwɔ: t]

"I could," he assured her, in evident enjoyment of her distress. He drew a phial from among his robes. "This contains the juice of the golden lotus. If your lover drank it, he would be sane again. Yes, I will be merciful. You have both thwarted and flouted me, not once but many times; he has constantly opposed my wishes. But I will be merciful. Come and take the phial from my hand."

She stared at Totrasmek, trembling with eagerness to seize it, but fearing it was but some cruel jest (она уставилась на Тотрасмека, дрожа от нетерпения схватить ее, но опасаясь, /что/ это была лишь какая жестокая шутка). She advanced timidly, with a hand extended (она робко двинулась вперед с протянутой рукой), and he laughed heartlessly and drew back out of her reach (а он бессердечно засмеялся и отступил за пределы /ее/ досягаемости). Even as her lips parted to curse him, some instinct snatched her eyes upward (как раз когда ее губы разжались, /чтобы/ проклясть его, какой-то инстинкт поднял ее глаза вверх). From the gilded ceiling four jade-hued vessels were falling (с позолоченного потолка падали четыре желтовато-зеленых сосуда; jade — жадеит; нефрит; желтовато-зеленый цвет; hue — краска, оттенок, тон, цвет). She dodged, but they did not strike her (она увернулась, но = и они не ударили ее). They crashed to the floor about her, forming the four corners of a square (они разбились о пол вокруг нее, образуя четыре угла квадрата). And she screamed, and screamed again (а она визжала и визжала снова). For out of each ruin reared the hooded head of a cobra, and one struck at her bare leg (так как из каждого осколка поднималась голова кобры с капюшоном, и одна напала на ее обнаженную ногу). Her convulsive movement to evade it brought her within reach of the one on the other side (ее судорожное движение, /чтобы/ избежать ее, привела ее в пределы досягаемости одной = кобры с другой стороны) and again she had to shift like lightning to avoid the flash of its hideous head (и снова ей пришлось, как молния = молниеносно перекатиться, /чтобы/ избежать броска ее мерзкой головы).

timidly [ˈtɪmɪdlɪ], ceiling [ˈsi: lɪŋ], hideous [ˈhɪdɪəs]

She stared at Totrasmek, trembling with eagerness to seize it, but fearing it was but some cruel jest. She advanced timidly, with a hand extended, and he laughed heartlessly and drew back out of her reach. Even as her lips parted to curse him, some instinct snatched her eyes upward. From the gilded ceiling four jade-hued vessels were falling. She dodged, but they did not strike her. They crashed to the floor about her, forming the four corners of a square. And she screamed, and screamed again. For out of each ruin reared the hooded head of a cobra, and one struck at her bare leg. Her convulsive movement to evade it brought her within reach of the one on the other side and again she had to shift like lightning to avoid the flash of its hideous head.

She was caught in a frightful trap (она была поймана = попалась в страшную ловушку). All four serpents were swaying and striking at foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, hip (все четыре змеи качались и нападали на ступню, лодыжку, икру, колено, бедро (ногу от колена до бедра), бедро (таз)), whatever portion of her voluptuous body chanced to be nearest to them (какая бы часть ее роскошного тела не оказалась ближе всего к ним), and she could not spring over them or pass between them to safety (и она не могла перепрыгнуть их или пройти между ними в безопасное место). She could only whirl and spring aside and twist her body to avoid the strokes (она могла только кружиться, отпрыгивать и изгибать свое тело, /чтобы/ избежать атак), and each time she moved to dodge one snake (и каждый раз, как она передвигалась, /чтобы/ увернуться от одной змеи), the motion brought her within range of another (движение приводило ее в пределы досягаемости другой), so that she had to keep shifting with the speed of light (так что ей приходилось постоянно перемещаться со скоростью света; to spring aside — отпрыгивать (в сторону)). She could move only a short space in any direction (она могла передвигаться лишь в небольшом пространстве в любом направлении), and the fearful hooded crests were menacing her every second (и страшные гребни в капюшонах угрожали ее каждую секунду). Only a dancer of Zamboula could have lived in that grisly square (только танцовщица из Замбулы могла выжить в этом ужасном квадрате).

frightful [ˈfraɪtfʋl], calf [kɑ:f], voluptuous [vəˈlʌpʧʋəs]

She was caught in a frightful trap. All four serpents were swaying and striking at foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, hip, whatever portion of her voluptuous body chanced to be nearest to them, and she could not spring over them or pass between them to safety. She could only whirl and spring aside and twist her body to avoid the strokes, and each time she moved to dodge one snake, the motion brought her within range of another, so that she had to keep shifting with the speed of light. She could move only a short space in any direction, and the fearful hooded crests were menacing her every second. Only a dancer of Zamboula could have lived in that grisly square.

She became, herself, a blur of bewildering motion (она стала сама неясным пятном головокружительного движения). The heads missed her by hair's breadths, but they missed (головы промахивались по ней на толщину волоса, но они промахивались), as she pitted her twinkling feet (так как она противопоставляла свои мелькающие ступни), flickering limbs (быстро проносящиеся конечности), and perfect eye (и совершенный глазомер) against the blinding speed of the scaly demons (против ослепительной скорости чешуйчатых демонов) her enemy had conjured out of thin air (/которых/ ее враг вызвал из разреженного воздуха = вакуума).

motion [ˈməuʃn], enemy [ˈenɪmɪ], conjure [ˈkʌnʤə]

She became, herself, a blur of bewildering motion. The heads missed her by hair's breadths, but they missed, as she pitted her twinkling feet, flickering limbs, and perfect eye against the blinding speed of the scaly demons her enemy had conjured out of thin air.

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