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Военная разведка англосаксов: история и современность - Сергей Леонидович Печуров

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the Organization and Responsibilities of the British JIC. Washington, 8 December 1941. CAB 122/1584.

59. Preparing For the 21st Century. An Apprisal of US Intelligence. Report of the Commission on Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community. March 4, 1996.

60. Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 165.4 Records of Military Intelligence Division (MID, G-2) 1900–50.

61. Reagan R. Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities, 4 December 1981, Reprinted in Wamer, Central Intelligence, 127FF.

62. Richelson J.T. The US Intelligence Community. Westview Press, 2016.

63. Ryan Sean. Finding the Right Answer, RUSI Journal, August/September 2015. Vol. 160. № 4, pp. 50–58.

64. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, 107th Congress, 2nd Session, December 2002.

65. Speech by Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work at the national Defense University, August 5, 2014.

66. Outline of the UK Joint Intelligence Organisation, 9 November 1954, PUSD Files, FCO.

67. Toffler Alvin and Heidi. War and Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the 21th Century. Boston: Little, Brown, 1993.

68. Truman H. S. Memories: Year of Decisions. Vol. 1. New York: Garden City, 1955.

69. Van Deman R.H. The Final Memoranda. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 1988.

70. Vision 2015: A Globally Networked and Integrated Intelligence Enterprise. www.odni.gov.

71. Warner M. Central Intelligence: Origin and Evolution, (CIA History Staff), 2001.

72. Warner M., McDonald J. K. US Intelligence Community Reform Studies Since 1947. Center for the Study of Intelligence. Wash. DC. April 2005.

73. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Intelligence_Community.

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75. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United States Department of Homeland Security.

76. http://www.dia.mil.

77. http://www.allgov.com/departments/department-of-defense-intelligence-agency-dia?agencyid=7364.

78. https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/search?conditions%5Bterm%5D=dia&commit=Go.

79. https://fas.org/irp/agency/army/short.pdf.

80. http://www.armystudyguide.com/Branch_Insignia_Branch_Insignia_ Information/military-intelligence.shtml.

81. https://books.google.ru/books?id=LiedBAAAQBA&pg=PA114&Lpg+PA114&dg=Air+Force+Intelligenct,+Surveillance+and+Reconnaissance+Agency+history &source.

82. http://www.oni.navy.mil.

83. http://www/tscm.com/EO12333.html.

84. http://www.hqmc.marines.mil/Portals/133/Docs/MCIA%20Marine%20and%2 °Civilian%20Integration.pdf.

85. http://fas.org/irp/doddir/usmc.

86. http://gutenberg.us/articles/Marine_Corps_Intelligence_Activity.

Глава 4

1. Плэтт В. Информационная работа стратегической разведки. М.: Изд-во иностранной литературы, 1958.

2. Русаков В., Вахрамов С. Взгляды командования сухопутных войск США на содержание информационно-разведывательной деятельности войск (сил) в современных операциях. Зарубежное военное обозрение, № 12, 2012.

3. Философский энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1983.

4. Хьюз-Уилсон Дж. История катастрофических провалов военной разведки. Екатеринбург: ГОНZО, 2014.

5. Brassey’s Encyclopedia of Land Forces and Warfare. Ex. ed. Col. Franklin D. Margiotta. Washington; London: Brassey’s, 1993.

6. Field Manuel 100–5 Operations. Wash.: US Dept. of Army, 1986.

7. FitzSimonds J. R. Intelligence and the Revolution in Military Affairs. In: US Intelligence at the Crossroads. Ed. by R. Godson, E. R. May and G. Schmitt. Washington; London: Brassey’s, 1995.

8. Jaiko W. The Future of Defense Intelligence. In: US Intelligence at the Crossroads. Ed. by R. Godson, E. R. May and G. Schmitt. Washington; London: Brassey’s, 1995.

9. House J. M. Military Intelligence, 1870–1991. Westrport, Connecticut, London: Greenwood Press, 1993.

10. Keegan J. Intelligence in War. New York: Alfred A. Knoff, 2003.

11. May E. R. Intelligence: Backing into the Future. In: US Intelligence at the Crossroads. Ed. by R. Godson, E. R. May and G. Schmitt. Washington; London: Brassey’s, 1995.

12. NATO — Russia Glossary of Contemporary Political and Military Terms. Brussels; Moscow, 2001.

13. Sims J. What is Intelligence? Information for Decision Makers. In: US Intelligence at the Crossroads. Ed. by R. Godson, E. R. May and G. Schmitt. Washington; London: Brassey’s, 1995.

14. Shulsky A. What is Intelligence? Secrets and Competition Among States. In: US Intelligence at the Crossroads. Ed. by R. Godson, E. R. May and G. Schmitt. Washington; London: Brassey’s, 1995.

15. http://www.slideshare.net/Tommy96/office-of-the-director-of-national-intelligence-data-mining (дата обращения: 30.11.12).

16. http://projects.ldc.upenn.edu/gale/ (дата обращения: 30.11.12).

Глава 5

1. Бабуркин С. А. Контрразведка США на рубеже веков (1991–2012 гг.). М.: ЛЕНАНД, 2014.

2. История Второй мировой войны. Т. 11. М.: Военное издательство МО СССР, 1980.

3. Рисс К. Тотальный шпионаж. М.: Военное издательство Народного комиссариата обороны, 1945.

4. Роуан Р. Разведка и контрразведка. М.: ОГИЗ-СОЦЭКГИЗ, 1937.

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