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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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probable ['[email protected]], indebted [In'detId]

"I reached this one (достиг этого)," said my friend, "by sitting upon five pillows (сидением на пяти подушках) and consuming an ounce of shag (и потреблением = выкуриванием унции табаку). I think, Watson, that if we drive to Baker Street (если мы поедем на Бейкер-стрит) we shall just be in time for breakfast (мы будем как раз /вовремя/ к завтраку)."

"In that case I think that it is probable that no further steps may be taken. But if you are found again, then all must come out. I am sure, Mr. Holmes, that we are very much indebted to you for having cleared the matter up. I wish I knew how you reach your results."

"I reached this one," said my friend, "by sitting upon five pillows and consuming an ounce of shag. I think, Watson, that if we drive to Baker Street we shall just be in time for breakfast."



I had called upon (я посетил) my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas (моего друга на второе утро после Рождества), with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season (с намерением = чтобы поздравить его с праздником; compliments of the season — поздравительные приветствия /соответственно какому-либо празднику/). He was lounging upon the sofa (он сидел, откинувшись на диване) in a purple dressing-gown (в багряном халате), a pipe-rack within his reach upon the right (подставка с трубками под рукой справа от него; reach — зона досягаемости, сфера), and a pile of crumpled morning papers (стопка скомканных утренних газет), evidently newly studied (очевидно, недавно изученных), near at hand (под рукой). Beside the couch (рядом с кушеткой) was a wooden chair (деревянный стул), and on the angle of the back (косо на спинке; on the angle — под углом) hung a very seedy and disreputable hard felt hat (висела сильно поношенная и недостойная /дискредитирующая/ фетровая шляпа; to hang — вешать, висеть), much the worse for wear (намного хуже, чтобы носить = висеть-то висела, а носить ее вообще было невозможно), and cracked in several places (продырявленная в нескольких местах). A lens and a forceps lying upon the seat of the chair (лупа и пинцет, лежавшие на сиденье стула) suggested (намекали) that the hat had been suspended (что шляпа отложена) in this manner for the purpose of examination (таким образом с целью изучения).

Christmas ['[email protected]], lounging ['laundZIN], disreputable [dIs'[email protected]], forceps ['fO:[email protected]]

I had called upon my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas, with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season. He was lounging upon the sofa in a purple dressing-gown, a pipe-rack within his reach upon the right, and a pile of crumpled morning papers, evidently newly studied, near at hand. Beside the couch was a wooden chair, and on the angle of the back hung a very seedy and disreputable hard felt hat, much the worse for wear, and cracked in several places. A lens and a forceps lying upon the seat of the chair suggested that the hat had been suspended in this manner for the purpose of examination.

"You are engaged (вы заняты)," said I; "perhaps I interrupt you (наверное, я мешаю вам: «прерываю вас»)."

"Not at all (вовсе нет). I am glad (рад) to have a friend with whom I can discuss my results (что пришел друг, с которым могу обсудить свои результаты /исследований/). The matter is a perfectly trivial one (вещь — совершенно заурядная)" (he jerked his thumb (дернул = ткнул большим пальцем) in the direction (в направлении) of the old hat), "but there are points (пункты = события) in connection with it (в связи с ней) which are not entirely devoid of interest and even of instruction (которые не лишены интереса и даже поучительности)."

trivial ['[email protected]], thumb [TVm], entirely [In'[email protected]]

"You are engaged," said I; "perhaps I interrupt you."

"Not at all. I am glad to have a friend with whom I can discuss my results. The matter is a perfectly trivial one" (he jerked his thumb in the direction of the old hat), "but there are points in connection with it which are not entirely devoid of interest and even of instruction."

I seated myself (я усадил себя = сел) in his armchair (в кресло) and warmed my hands before his crackling fire (и погрел руки перед потрескивающим огнем), for a sharp frost had set in (так как сильный: «острый» мороз установился), and the windows were thick with the ice crystals (окна были густо покрыты кристаллами льда). "I suppose (полагаю)," I remarked (заметил), "that, homely as it looks (обыденная, как она выглядит = хотя она столь невзрачна), this thing has some deadly story linked on to it (эта вещь связана с какой-нибудь кровавой историей: «имеет какую-то смертельную историю, связанную с этим») — that it is the clew (ключ, зацепка) which will guide you in the solution of some mystery (приведет вас к решению какой-то тайны) and the punishment of some crime (и наказанию какого-то преступления = преступника)."

crystals [krIstlz], guide [gaId], punishment ['[email protected]]

I seated myself in his armchair and warmed my hands before his crackling fire, for a sharp frost had set in, and the windows were thick with the ice crystals. "I suppose," I remarked, "that, homely as it looks, this thing has some deadly story linked on to it — that it is the clew which will guide you in the solution of some mystery and the punishment of some crime."

"No, no. No crime (/здесь/ нет преступления)," said Sherlock Holmes, laughing (смеясь). "Only one of those whimsical little incidents (один из тех причудливых маленьких происшествий) which will happen (которые случаются) when you have four million human beings (когда четыре миллиона человеческих существ) all jostling each other within the space of a few square miles (толкают друг друга на пространстве в несколько квадратных миль). Amid the action and reaction (посреди действия и противодействия) of so dense a swarm of humanity (такого концентрированного роя человечества = в человеческом улье), every possible combination of events may be expected to take place (каждая возможная комбинация событий может произойти: «быть ожидаема, что случится»), and many a little problem will be presented (проявится множество мелких проблем) which may be striking and bizarre without being criminal (которые могут быть поразительными и странными, не являясь криминальными). We have already had experience of such (мы уже имели опыт подобного = сталкивались с такими вещами)."

"So much so (в общем-то, это так)," l remarked, "that of the last six cases which I have added to my notes (что из последних шести дел, которые я добавил к своим записям), three have been entirely free of any legal crime (три были совершенно свободны от каких-либо преступлений /по закону/)."

whimsical ['wImzIkl], square [[email protected]], swarm [swO:m], bizarre [bI'zA:]

"No, no. No crime," said Sherlock Holmes, laughing. "Only one of those whimsical little incidents which will happen when you have four million human beings all jostling each other within the space of a few square miles. Amid the action and reaction of so dense a swarm of humanity, every possible combination of events may be expected to take place, and many a little problem will be presented which may be striking and bizarre without being criminal. We have already had experience of such."

"So much so," l remarked, "that of the last six cases which I have added to my notes, three have been entirely free of any legal crime."

"Precisely (именно: «точно»). You allude to my attempt to recover the Irene Adler papers (вы имеете в виду = намекаете на мои попытки вернуть /обратно/ бумаги Ирэн Адлер), to the singular case (на необычайное дело) of Miss Mary Sutherland, and to the adventure of the man with the twisted lip (на приключение человека с рассеченной губой). Well, I have no doubt (не сомневаюсь) that this small matter will fall into the same innocent category (попадет в ту же безобидную категорию). You know Peterson, the commissionaire (вы знаете Петерсона, посыльного)?"


"It is to him that this trophy belongs (это ему принадлежит этот трофей)."

"It is his hat (это его шляпа)."

precisely [prI'saIslI], doubt [daut], innocent ['[email protected]@nt], commissionaire [[email protected],[email protected]'[email protected]]

"Precisely. You allude to my attempt to recover the Irene Adler papers, to the singular case of Miss Mary Sutherland, and to the adventure of the man with the twisted lip. Well, I have no doubt that this small matter will fall into the same innocent category. You know Peterson, the commissionaire?"


"It is to him that this trophy belongs."

"It is his hat."

"No, no, he found it (он нашел ее; to find). Its owner is unknown (владелец неизвестен). I beg (прошу) that you will look upon it not as a battered billycock (чтобы вы посмотрели на нее не как на помятый котелок) but as an intellectual problem (а как на умственную задачу). And, first (во-первых), as to how it came here (как она попала сюда). It arrived (появилась; to arrive — прибывать, приезжать) upon Christmas morning, in company with a good fat goose (в рождественское утро в компании с хорошим жирным гусем), which is, I have no doubt, roasting at this moment in front of Peterson's fire (жарится в этот момент перед огнем = на огне Петерсона). The facts are these (факты таковы): about four o'clock (около четырех часов утра) on Christmas morning, Peterson, who, as you know, is a very honest fellow (очень честный = добропорядочный парень), was returning from some small jollification (возвращался с небольшого празднества = вечеринки) and was making his way homeward (делал свой путь = шел к дому) down Tottenham Court Road. In front of him he saw (впереди себя он увидел), in the gaslight (в газовом свете = свете газового фонаря), a tallish man (довольно высокого человека), walking with a slight stagger (идущего, слегка шатаясь), and carrying a white goose slung over his shoulder (несущего белого гуся, висящего через плечо; to sling — подвесить). As he reached the corner of Goodge Street (когда он достиг угла Гудж-стрит), a row broke out between this stranger and a little knot of roughs (завязалась драка между этим незнакомцем и небольшой группой хулиганов). One of the latter (один из последних) knocked off the man's hat (сбил шляпу с господина), on which he raised his stick to defend himself (на что он поднял палку, чтобы защитить себя) and, swinging it over his head (размахивая ею над головой), smashed the shop window (разбил магазинное окно = витрину) behind him. Peterson had rushed forward to protect (бросился вперед /чтобы/ защитить) the stranger from his assailants (неизвестного от его противников); but the man, shocked at having broken the window (но человек, шокированный тем, что разбил окно), and seeing an official-looking person in uniform (видя официально выглядящее лицо в форме) rushing towards him (устремившееся к нему), dropped his goose (бросил гуся), took to his heels (помчался со всех ног = наутек; heels — пятки), and vanished amid the labyrinth of small streets (исчез в лабиринте маленьких улиц) which lie at the back (позади) of Tottenham Court Road. The roughs had also fled at the appearance of Peterson (хулиганы также убежали при появлении Петерсона), so that he was left in possession of the field of battle (был оставлен во владении полем битвы), and also of the spoils of victory in the shape of this battered hat and a most unimpeachable Christmas goose (и также добычи /победы/ в виде этой помятой шляпы и самого безупречного = превосходного рождественского гуся; to impeach — выдвигать обвинения)."

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