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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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"But his wife (жена) — you said that she had ceased to love him (прекратила любить его)."

"This hat has not been brushed for weeks (шляпа не чистилась недели). When I see you (когда я увижу вас), my dear Watson, with a week's accumulation of dust upon your hat (с недельным накоплением пыли на вашей шляпе), and when your wife allows you (позволяет вам) to go out in such a state (выходить в таком виде), I shall fear (я испугался = стал бы опасаться) that you also have been unfortunate enough (были достаточно неудачливы) to lose your wife's affection (/чтобы/ потерять расположение вашей жены)."

accumulation [@kju:mju'leISn], affection [@'fekSn]

"But he might be a bachelor (но он может быть холостяком)."

"But his wife — you said that she had ceased to love him."

"This hat has not been brushed for weeks. When I see you, my dear Watson, with a week's accumulation of dust upon your hat, and when your wife allows you to go out in such a state, I shall fear that you also have been unfortunate enough to lose your wife's affection."

"But he might be a bachelor."

"Nay (нет), he was bringing home (нес домой) the goose as a peace-offering to his wife (как искупительную жертву своей жене; peace — мир; to offer — предлагать; приносить /жертву/). Remember the card (вспомните карточку) upon the bird's leg (на ножке птицы)."

"You have an answer to everything (у вас есть ответ на все = на все готов ответ). But how on earth (как, скажите на милость; on earth — используется для усиления: «на земле») do you deduce that the gas is not laid on in his house (газ не проведен к его дому = в доме нет газа)?"

"Nay, he was bringing home the goose as a peace-offering to his wife. Remember the card upon the bird's leg."

"You have an answer to everything. But how on earth do you deduce that the gas is not laid on in his house?"

"One tallow stain (сальное пятно), or even two (или даже два), might come by chance (могли появиться случайно); but when I see no less than five (не меньше, чем пять), I think that there can be little doubt (мало сомнения = могу не сомневаться) that the individual (личность) must be brought into frequent contact (должна часто контактировать = часто приходилось иметь дело; to bring — приносить, приводить) with burning tallow (с горящей сальной свечой) — walks upstairs at night (идет вверх по лестнице ночью) probably (возможно) with his hat in one hand (со шляпой в одной руке) and a guttering candle in the other (и с оплывающей свечой — в другой). Anyhow (во всяком случае), he never got (никогда не получил бы) tallow stains from a gas jet (жирный пятна от газовой горелки; tallow — жир, сало /для свечей, мыла/). Are you satisfied (вы удовлетворены = убеждены)?"

tallow ['t&[email protected]], frequent ['fri:[email protected]], satisfied ['s&tIsfaId]

"One tallow stain, or even two, might come by chance; but when I see no less than five, I think that there can be little doubt that the individual must be brought into frequent contact with burning tallow — walks upstairs at night probably with his hat in one hand and a guttering candle in the other. Anyhow, he never got tallow stains from a gas jet. Are you satisfied?"

"Well, it is very ingenious (очень остроумно: «изобретательно»)," said I, laughing (смеясь); "but since (с тех пор), as you said just now (каквы сказали прямо сейчас), there has been no crime committed (не было совершено преступления), and no harm done (и не было причинено вреда) save the loss of a goose (кроме потери гуся), all this seems to be rather a waste of energy (все это кажется скорее тратой энергии = пустой тратой сил)."

ingenious [In'dZi:[email protected]], waste [weIst], energy ['[email protected]]

Sherlock Holmes had opened his mouth to reply (открыл рот, чтобы ответить), when the door flew open (когда дверь распахнулась), and Peterson, the commissionaire (посыльный), rushed into the apartment (влетел в комнату) with flushed cheeks (с пылающими щеками) and the face of a man who is dazed with astonishment (и с потрясенным видом; astonishment — изумление; to daze — изумить; ошеломить).

reply [rI'plaI], apartment [@'pA:[email protected]], dazed [deIzd]

"The goose, Mr. Holmes! The goose, sir!" he gasped (он /сказал/, задыхаясь).

"Well, it is very ingenious," said I, laughing; "but since, as you said just now, there has been no crime committed, and no harm done save the loss of a goose, all this seems to be rather a waste of energy."

Sherlock Holmes had opened his mouth to reply, when the door flew open, and Peterson, the commissionaire, rushed into the apartment with flushed cheeks and the face of a man who is dazed with astonishment.

"The goose, Mr. Holmes! The goose, sir!" he gasped.

"Eh? What of it (что с ним), then? Has it returned to life (вернулся к жизни) and flapped off through the kitchen window (и вылетел через кухонное окно; to flap — хлопать, шлепать; махать крыльями)?" Holmes twisted himself round (повернул себя кругом = повернулся) upon the sofa to get a fairer view (чтобы получить более благоприятный вид = удобнее рассмотреть) of the man's excited face (возбужденное лицо человека).

fairer ['[email protected]@], view [vju:], excited [Ik'saItId]

"See here, sir! See what my wife found in its crop (что моя жена нашла в его зобу)!" He held out (протянул) his hand and displayed upon the centre of the palm (показал в центре ладони) a brilliantly scintillating blue stone (ярко сверкающий голубой камень), rather smaller than a bean in size (немного меньше, чем боб /в размере/), but of such purity and radiance (но такой чистоты и сияния) that it twinkled like an electric point (что мерцал, словно электрическая точка = искра) in the dark hollow of his hand (в темной впадине его руки).

palm [pA:m], scintillating ['sIntIleItIN], purity ['pjurItI], radiance ['[email protected]]

Sherlock Holmes sat up with a whistle (сел со свистом = присвистнув). "By Jove (ей-Богу: «клянусь Юпитером»), Peterson!" said he, "this is treasure-trove (сокровище; trove — найденный клад) indeed (действительно). I suppose you know what you have got (полагаю, вы знаете, что у вас /есть/ = что это такое)?"

whistle [wIsl], treasure-trove ['[email protected]'[email protected]]

"Eh? What of it, then? Has it returned to life and flapped off through the kitchen window?" Holmes twisted himself round upon the sofa to get a fairer view of the man's excited face.

"See here, sir! See what my wife found in its crop!" He held out his hand and displayed upon the centre of the palm a brilliantly scintillating blue stone, rather smaller than a bean in size, but of such purity and radiance that it twinkled like an electric point in the dark hollow of his hand.

Sherlock Holmes sat up with a whistle. "By Jove, Peterson!" said he, "this is treasure-trove indeed. I suppose you know what you have got?"

"A diamond (бриллиант), sir? A precious stone (драгоценный камень). It cuts into glass as though it were putty (он врезается в стекло, как если бы это была /оконная/ замазка, шпаклевка)."

"It's more than a precious stone (это больше, чем драгоценный камень). It is the precious stone (это тот самый драгоценный камень)."

"Not the Countess of Morcar's blue carbuncle (неужели голубой карбункул графини Моркар)!" I ejaculated (воскликнул).

diamond ['[email protected]@nd], precious ['[email protected]], carbuncle ['kA:bVNkl]

"Precisely so (совершенно верно). I ought to know its size and shape (мне следовало бы знать = я знаю его размер и форму), seeing that I have read the advertisement (поскольку я читал объявление) about it in The Times every day lately (каждый день в последнее время). It is absolutely unique (он абсолютно уникален = единственный в своем роде), and its value can only be conjectured (ценность может быть только предположена), but the reward offered (предложенная награда) of 1000 pounds is certainly not within a twentieth part of the market price (определенно не составляет /и/ двадцатой части его рыночной стоимости)."

unique [ju:'ni:k], conjectured [[email protected]'[email protected]], reward [rI'wO:d]

"A diamond, sir? A precious stone. It cuts into glass as though it were putty."

"It's more than a precious stone. It is the precious stone."

"Not the Countess of Morcar's blue carbuncle!" I ejaculated.

"Precisely so. I ought to know its size and shape, seeing that I have read the advertisement about it in The Times every day lately. It is absolutely unique, and its value can only be conjectured, but the reward offered of 1000 pounds is certainly not within a twentieth part of the market price."

"A thousand pounds (тысяча фунтов)! Great Lord of mercy (Боже милосердный; mercy — милость)!" The commissionaire plumped down into a chair (посыльный бухнулся в кресло) and stared from one to the other of us (и таращил глаза то на одного из нас, то на другого).

"That is the reward, and I have reason to know (есть причина полагать) that there are sentimental considerations in the background (сентиментальные соображения на заднем плане = есть кое-какой подтекст) which would induce the Countess (которые заставляют графиню) to part with half her fortune (расстаться с половиной своего богатства) if she could but recover the gem (если бы она могла только вернуть драгоценный камень)."

"It was lost (он пропал), if I remember aright (если я помню правильно), at the Hotel Cosmopolitan (в гостинице «Космополитен»)," I remarked.

background ['b&kgraund], induce [In'dju:s], Countess ['kauntIs], gem [dZem]

"A thousand pounds! Great Lord of mercy!" The commissionaire plumped down into a chair and stared from one to the other of us.

"That is the reward, and I have reason to know that there are sentimental considerations in the background which would induce the Countess to part with half her fortune if she could but recover the gem."

"It was lost, if I remember aright, at the Hotel Cosmopolitan," I remarked.

"Precisely so (именно так), on the 22nd of December (22 декабря), just five days ago (ровно пять дней назад). John Horner, a plumber (паяльщик), was accused (был обвинен) of having abstracted it (в краже его; to abstract — отнимать, извлекать) from the lady's jewel-case (из шкатулки для ювелирных изделий). The evidence against him was so strong (улики против него так сильны = серьезны) that the case has been referred to the Assizes (дело передано в суд ассизов /выездной сессии суда присяжных; созывались в каждом графстве не меньше трех раз в год; дела слушались судьями Высокого суда правосудия/). I have some account (у меня есть отчет) of the matter here, I believe (думаю)." He rummaged amid his newspapers (порылся среди газет), glancing over the dates (просматривая даты), until at last he smoothed one out (пока наконец он не вытащил одну), doubled it over (сложил ее вдвое), and read the following paragraph (прочитал следующую заметку):

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