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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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abstracted [@b'str&ktId], jewel ['dZu:@l], evidence ['[email protected]], account [@'kaunt]

"Precisely so, on the 22nd of December, just five days ago. John Horner, a plumber, was accused of having abstracted it from the lady's jewel-case. The evidence against him was so strong that the case has been referred to the Assizes. I have some account of the matter here, I believe." He rummaged amid his newspapers, glancing over the dates, until at last he smoothed one out, doubled it over, and read the following paragraph:

"Hotel Cosmopolitan Jewel Robbery (кража драгоценностей). John Horner, 26, plumber (паяльщик), was brought up upon the charge of having upon the 22nd inst. (был привлечен к суду по обвинению в /том, что/ 22 /числа/ сего месяца; inst. = instant — текущий), abstracted from the jewel-case (украл: «извлек» из шкатулки для драгоценностей) of the Countess of Morcar the valuable gem (драгоценный камень) known as (известный как) the blue carbuncle. James Ryder, upper-attendant (старший: «верхний» слуга) at the hotel, gave his evidence (дал показание = показал) to the effect that (/в том смысле/, что) he had shown Horner up to the dressing-room (провел Хорнера в туалетную комнату /гардеробную/) of the Countess of Morcar upon the day of the robbery (в день кражи) in order that he might solder the second bar of the grate (для того, чтобы он = где тот мог припаивать второй прут /каминной/ решетки), which was loose (расшатан). He had remained (он оставался) with Horner some little time (некоторое время), but had finally been called away (был, в конце концов, отозван). On returning (по возвращении), he found that Horner had disappeared (исчез), that the bureau had been forced open (бюро было взломано), and that the small morocco casket (сафьяновая шкатулка) in which, as it afterwards transpired (как впоследствии обнаружилось; to transpire — испаряться; просачиваться; обнаруживаться), the Countess was accustomed to keep her jewel (имела обыкновение хранить свои драгоценности), was lying empty (лежала пустой) upon the dressing-table (на туалетном столике). Ryder instantly gave the alarm (сразу же забил: «дал» тревогу), and Horner was arrested the same evening (в тот же вечер Хорнер был арестован); but the stone (но камень) could not be found either upon his person or in his rooms (не мог быть найден ни при его персоне = при нем, ни в его комнатах). Catherine Cusack, maid to the Countess (горничная графини), deposed (показала /под присягой/) to having heard Ryder's cry of dismay (крик ужаса) on discovering the robbery (обнаружившего кражу), and to having rushed into the room (вбежала в комнату), where she found matters as described by the last witness (где она обнаружила то положение вещей, что описал последний очевидец). Inspector Bradstreet, B Division (из отдела «Б»), gave evidence (дал показания) as to the arrest of Horner (относительно ареста Хорнера), who struggled frantically (который сопротивлялся неистово), and protested his innocence in the strongest terms (заявлял /о/ своей невиновности в сильнейших терминах = горячо). Evidence of a previous conviction for robbery having been given against the prisoner (поскольку свидетельство о прежней судимости за ограбление был дано против заключенного = так как он и раньше судился за кражу; evidence — ясность, очевидность; доказательство, подтверждение; улика; свидетельское показание), the magistrate (судья) refused to deal summarily with the offence (отказался вести в упрощенном порядке дело об этом преступлении; summarily — суммарно, кратко; в порядке суммарного, упрощенного производства), but referred it to the Assizes (передал его на рассмотрение суда присяжных). Horner, who had shown signs of intense emotion (выказал признаки сильного волнения) during the proceedings (во время заседания), fainted away at the conclusion (потерял сознание при решении /присяжных/) and was carried out of court (был вынесен из /зала/ суда).

evidence ['[email protected]], loose [lu:s], bureau ['[email protected]], dismay [dIs'meI], magistrate ['m&dZIstrIt]

"Hotel Cosmopolitan Jewel Robbery. John Horner, 26, plumber, was brought up upon the charge of having upon the 22nd inst., abstracted from the jewel-case of the Countess of Morcar the valuable gem known as the blue carbuncle. James Ryder, upper-attendant at the hotel, gave his evidence to the effect that he had shown Horner up to the dressing-room of the Countess of Morcar upon the day of the robbery in order that he might solder the second bar of the grate, which was loose. He had remained with Horner some little time, but had finally been called away. On returning, he found that Horner had disappeared, that the bureau had been forced open, and that the small morocco casket in which, as it afterwards transpired, the Countess was accustomed to keep her jewel, was lying empty upon the dressing-table. Ryder instantly gave the alarm, and Horner was arrested the same evening; but the stone could not be found either upon his person or in his rooms. Catherine Cusack, maid to the Countess, deposed to having heard Ryder's cry of dismay on discovering the robbery, and to having rushed into the room, where she found matters as described by the last witness. Inspector Bradstreet, B Division, gave evidence as to the arrest of Horner, who struggled frantically, and protested his innocence in the strongest terms. Evidence of a previous conviction for robbery having been given against the prisoner, the magistrate refused to deal summarily with the offence, but referred it to the Assizes. Horner, who had shown signs of intense emotion during the proceedings, fainted away at the conclusion and was carried out of court.

"Hum! So much for the police-court (вот все, что касается полицейского суда)," said Holmes thoughtfully (задумчиво), tossing aside the paper (отбрасывая газету). "The question for us now to solve (вопрос для нас теперь чтобы решить = наша задача) is the sequence of events (ход: «последовательность» событий) leading from a rifled jewel-case (ведущих от опустошенной шкатулки для драгоценностей; to rifle — обыскивать с целью грабежа) at one end (с одного конца = стороны) to the crop of a goose (до зоба гуся) in Tottenham Court Road at the other (на другой). You see, Watson, our little deductions (размышления) have suddenly assumed (оказались: «приняли») a much more important (намного более важный) and less innocent aspect (и менее невинный вид). Here is the stone; the stone came from the goose (камень появился из гуся), and the goose came from Mr. Henry Baker, the gentleman with the bad hat and all the other characteristics (джентльмена в дурной шляпе и со всеми другими характеристиками) with which I have bored you (которыми я надоедал вам). So now we must set ourselves very seriously to finding (должны серьезно заняться розысками; to set — начать, приступить) this gentleman and ascertaining (установить) what part he has played in this little mystery (какую роль он сыграл в этой маленькой загадке). To do this (чтобы проделать это), we must try the simplest means first (мы должны испробовать простейшие средства сначала), and these lie undoubtedly in an advertisement (они лежат, несомненно, в /подаче/ объявления) in all the evening papers (во все вечерние газеты). If this fail (если это не сработает), I shall have recourse (придется обратиться за помощью) to other methods."

thoughtfully ['TO:[email protected]], sequence ['si:[email protected]], rifled [raIfld], undoubtedly [Vn'dautIdlI]

"Hum! So much for the police-court," said Holmes thoughtfully, tossing aside the paper. "The question for us now to solve is the sequence of events leading from a rifled jewel-case at one end to the crop of a goose in Tottenham Court Road at the other. You see, Watson, our little deductions have suddenly assumed a much more important and less innocent aspect. Here is the stone; the stone came from the goose, and the goose came from Mr. Henry Baker, the gentleman with the bad hat and all the other characteristics with which I have bored you. So now we must set ourselves very seriously to finding this gentleman and ascertaining what part he has played in this little mystery. To do this, we must try the simplest means first, and these lie undoubtedly in an advertisement in all the evening papers. If this fail, I shall have recourse to other methods."

"What will you say (что вы скажете = напишете)?"

"Give me a pencil (дайте мне карандаш) and that slip of paper (листок бумаги). Now, then: 'Found (найден) at the corner of Goodge Street, a goose and a black felt hat. Mr. Henry Baker can have the same (может иметь такие же = получить их) by applying (обратившись) at 6:30 this evening at 221B, Baker Street.' That is clear and concise (ясно и коротко/сжато)."

"Very (весьма). But will he see it?"

pencil [pensl], apply [@'plaI], concise [[email protected]'saIs]

"What will you say?"

"Give me a pencil and that slip of paper. Now, then: 'Found at the corner of Goodge Street, a goose and a black felt hat. Mr. Henry Baker can have the same by applying at 6:30 this evening at 221B, Baker Street.' That is clear and concise."

"Very. But will he see it?"

"Well, he is sure to keep an eye on the papers (он наверняка следит за газетами), since, to a poor man (так как для бедного человека), the loss was a heavy one (потеря была тяжелой). He was clearly so scared (напуган) by his mischance in breaking the window (невезением в разбивании витрины = неосторожно разбив витрину) and by the approach of Peterson (приближением Петерсона) that he thought of nothing but flight (не думал ни о чем, кроме бегства), but since then (с тех пор) he must have bitterly regretted the impulse (он, должно быть, горько сожалел об импульсе) which caused him to drop his bird (который заставил его бросить птицу). Then, again, the introduction of his name (вставка его имени) will cause him to see it (заставит его увидеть его /имя/; to cause — послужить причиной), for everyone who knows him (так как каждый, кто знает его) will direct his attention to it (привлечет его внимание). Here you are (вот вам), Peterson, run down to the advertising agency (бегите в бюро объявлений) and have this put in the evening papers (и поместите эти строки в вечерних газетах)."

"In which (в каких), sir?"

scared [[email protected]], mischance [mIs'tSA:ns], impulse ['ImpVls], cause [kO:z]

"Well, he is sure to keep an eye on the papers, since, to a poor man, the loss was a heavy one. He was clearly so scared by his mischance in breaking the window and by the approach of Peterson that he thought of nothing but flight, but since then he must have bitterly regretted the impulse which caused him to drop his bird. Then, again, the introduction of his name will cause him to see it, for everyone who knows him will direct his attention to it. Here you are, Peterson, run down to the advertising agency and have this put in the evening papers."

"In which, sir?"

"Oh, in the Globe, Star, Pall Mall, St. James's Gazette, Evening, News Standard, Echo, and any others that occur to you (в любых, какие придут вам в голову; to occur — происходить, случаться; прийти на ум)."

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