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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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"No, I think that I'll take it (возьму)."

"Very good. Come this way, if you please (будьте добры)." He led us down a passage, opened a barred door (дощатую дверь), passed down a winding stair (спустился по винтовой лестнице), and brought us to a whitewashed corridor (привел нас в побеленный коридор) with a line of doors on each side (с рядом дверей на каждой стороне).

barred [bA:d], winding ['waIndIN], whitewashed ['waItwA.St]

"The third on the right is his (третья справа — его /камера/)," said the inspector. "Here it is!" He quietly shot back a panel in the upper part of the door (тихо отодвинул дощечку в верхней части двери) and glanced through (заглянул /в отверстие/).

"Would you? That is easily done. Come this way. You can leave your bag."

"No, I think that I'll take it."

"Very good. Come this way, if you please." He led us down a passage, opened a barred door, passed down a winding stair, and brought us to a whitewashed corridor with a line of doors on each side.

"The third on the right is his," said the inspector. "Here it is!" He quietly shot back a panel in the upper part of the door and glanced through.

"He is asleep (спит)," said he. "You can see him very well."

We both put our eyes to the grating (мы оба приникли к решетке). The prisoner lay with his face towards us (заключенный лежал /с/ лицом к нам), in a very deep sleep (в очень глубоком сне), breathing slowly and heavily (дыша медленно и тяжело). He was a middle-sized man (среднего размера = роста мужчина), coarsely clad as became his calling (грубо одет, как подобает его профессии), with a colored shirt (в цветной рубашке) protruding through the rent in his tattered coat (торчащей через дыры его порванного пиджака). He was, as the inspector had said, extremely dirty (чрезвычайно грязный), but the grime which covered his face (но глубоко въевшаяся грязь, которая покрывала его лицо) could not conceal its repulsive ugliness (не могла скрыть отталкивающего безобразия). A broad wheal from an old scar (широкий старый шрам; wheal — волдырь) ran right across it from eye to chin (шел от глаза к подбородку), and by its contraction (это уплотнение) had turned up one side of the upper lip (поднимало вверх одну сторону верхней губы), so that three teeth were exposed in a perpetual snarl (так, что три зуба были выставлены в бесконечном рычании = торчали постоянным оскалом). A shock (клок) of very bright red hair grew low over his eyes and forehead (падал на глаза и лоб; to grow over — зарастать).

"He's a beauty, isn't he (он красавец, не правда ли)?" said the inspector.

grating ['greItIN], breathing ['bri:DIN], coarsely ['kO:slI], grime [graIm], repulsive [rI'pVlsIv]

"He is asleep," said he. "You can see him very well."

We both put our eyes to the grating. The prisoner lay with his face towards us, in a very deep sleep, breathing slowly and heavily. He was a middle-sized man, coarsely clad as became his calling, with a colored shirt protruding through the rent in his tattered coat. He was, as the inspector had said, extremely dirty, but the grime which covered his face could not conceal its repulsive ugliness. A broad wheal from an old scar ran right across it from eye to chin, and by its contraction had turned up one side of the upper lip, so that three teeth were exposed in a perpetual snarl. A shock of very bright red hair grew low over his eyes and forehead.

"He's a beauty, isn't he?" said the inspector.

"He certainly needs a wash (он определенно нуждается в мытье)," remarked Holmes. "I had an idea that he might (он мог бы /помыться/), and I took the liberty of bringing the tools with me (взял на себя смелость принести = принес инструменты /для этого/ с собой)." He opened the Gladstone bag as he spoke, and took out (он вытащил из сумки), to my astonishment (к моему удивлению), a very large bath-sponge (очень большую губку).

liberty ['[email protected]], sponge [spVndZ]

"He! he! You are a funny one (вы шутник)," chuckled the inspector (хихикнул инспектор).

"Now, if you will have the great goodness to open that door (если вы соблаговолите открыть дверь) very quietly (очень тихо), we will soon make him cut a much more respectable figure (быстро придадим ему намного более респектабельный вид)."

"He certainly needs a wash," remarked Holmes. "I had an idea that he might, and I took the liberty of bringing the tools with me." He opened the Gladstone bag as he spoke, and took out, to my astonishment, a very large bath-sponge.

"He! he! You are a funny one," chuckled the inspector.

"Now, if you will have the great goodness to open that door very quietly, we will soon make him cut a much more respectable figure."

"Well, I don't know why not (не знаю, почему нет = согласен)," said the inspector. "He doesn't look a credit to the Bow Street cells (он не делает чести /своим видом/ тюрьме на Боу-стрит; credit — хорошая репутация, честь), does he?" He slipped his key into the lock (сунул ключ в замок), and we all very quietly entered the cell (вошли в камеру). The sleeper half turned (спящий повернулся наполовину = шевельнулся), and then settled down once more into a deep slumber (затем снова погрузился в глубокий сон; to settle down — осесть, поселиться). Holmes stooped to the water jug (наклонился к кувшину для воды), moistened his sponge (смочил губку), and then rubbed it twice vigorously (потер ей дважды энергично) across and down the prisoner's face.

credit ['kredIt], key [ki:], slumber ['[email protected]], sponge [spVndZ], vigorously ['[email protected]@slI]

"Let me introduce you (позвольте мне представить вас)," he shouted (крикнул), "to Mr. Neville St. Clair, of Lee, in the county of Kent (мистеру Невиллу Сент-Клеру из Ли, в графстве Кент)."

"Well, I don't know why not," said the inspector. "He doesn't look a credit to the Bow Street cells, does he?" He slipped his key into the lock, and we all very quietly entered the cell. The sleeper half turned, and then settled down once more into a deep slumber. Holmes stooped to the water jug, moistened his sponge, and then rubbed it twice vigorously across and down the prisoner's face.

"Let me introduce you," he shouted, "to Mr. Neville St. Clair, of Lee, in the county of Kent."

Never in my life have I seen such a sight (никогда в жизни не видел я такого зрелища). The man's face peeled off under the sponge like the bark from a tree (лицо снялось под /действием/ губки, как кора с дерева; peel — кожица, корка; to peel — снимать кожицу, кору). Gone was the coarse brown tint (исчез грубый коричневый оттенок = загар)! Gone, too, the horrid scar (исчез также ужасный шрам) which had seamed it across (который бороздил /все лицо/; seam — шов), and the twisted lip (разрезанная: «скрученная, изогнутая» губа) which had given the repulsive sneer to the face (которая придавала отталкивающую ухмылку лицу)! A twitch brought away the tangled red hair (резкое движение /Холмса/ убрало спутанные рыжие волосы), and there, sitting up in his bed (сидя в кровати), was a pale (бледный), sad-faced (печальный), refined-looking man (утонченно выглядящий человек), black-haired and smooth-skinned (черноволосый и с гладкой кожей), rubbing his eyes and staring about him with sleepy bewilderment (протирающий глаза и глядящий вокруг себя с сонным недоумением). Then suddenly realizing the exposure (внезапно осознав «выставление на вид» = что его раскрыли), he broke into a scream (вскрикнул) and threw himself down with his face to the pillow (и зарылся головой в подушку).

sneer [[email protected]], tangled [t&Ngld], bewilderment [bI'[email protected]@nt], exposure [Ik'[email protected]@]

Never in my life have I seen such a sight. The man's face peeled off under the sponge like the bark from a tree. Gone was the coarse brown tint! Gone, too, the horrid scar which had seamed it across, and the twisted lip which had given the repulsive sneer to the face! A twitch brought away the tangled red hair, and there, sitting up in his bed, was a pale, sad-faced, refined-looking man, black-haired and smooth-skinned, rubbing his eyes and staring about him with sleepy bewilderment. Then suddenly realizing the exposure, he broke into a scream and threw himself down with his face to the pillow.

"Great heavens (о Господи)!" cried the inspector, "it is, indeed, the missing man (пропавший человек). I know him from the photograph (я узнаю его благодаря фотографии)."

The prisoner turned with the reckless air of a man (заключенный повернулся с безнадежным видом человека; reckless — бездумный; безразличный) who abandons himself to his destiny (который предает себя своей судьбе = не противится судьбе). "Be it so (будь что будет)," said he. "And pray what am I charged with (пожалуйста /объясните/, в чем я обвиняюсь)?"

abandon [@'b&[email protected]], destiny ['destInI], charged [tSA:dZd]

"With making away with Mr. Neville St. (в убийстве мистера Невилла Сент—…). Oh, come (ну), you can't be charged with that (вы не можете быть обвинены в этом) unless they make a case of attempted suicide of it (если только они не заведут дело о попытке самоубийства)," said the inspector with a grin (с усмешкой). "Well, I have been twenty-seven years in the force (я двадцать семь лет /служу/ в полиции), but this really takes the cake (но действительно занимает первое место: «берет пирог» = ничего подобного не видел)."

suicide ['su:IsaId], cake [keIk]

"Great heavens!" cried the inspector, "it is, indeed, the missing man. I know him from the photograph."

The prisoner turned with the reckless air of a man who abandons himself to his destiny. "Be it so," said he. "And pray what am I charged with?"

"With making away with Mr. Neville St.— Oh, come, you can't be charged with that unless they make a case of attempted suicide of it," said the inspector with a grin. "Well, I have been twenty-seven years in the force, but this really takes the cake."

"If I am Mr. Neville St. Clair, then it is obvious (очевидно) that no crime has been committed (что никакого преступления не было совершено), and that, therefore (следовательно), I am illegally detained (я незаконно задержан)."

obvious ['[email protected]], therefore ['[email protected]:], detained [dI'teInd]

"No crime, but a very great error (очень большая ошибка) has been committed," said Holmes. "You would have done better to have trusted you wife (вы сделали бы лучше, если = зря вы не доверились вашей жене)."

"It was not the wife (это была не жена = дело не в жене); it was the children (а в детях)," groaned the prisoner (простонал заключенный). "God help me (да поможет мне Бог), I would not have them ashamed of their father (я не хотел /бы/, чтобы они стыдились своего отца). My God! What an exposure (какой позор)! What can I do?"

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