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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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"Certainly, madam."

"Do not trouble about my feelings. I am not hysterical, nor given to fainting. I simply wish to hear your real, real opinion."

"Upon what point?"

"In your heart of hearts, do you think that Neville is alive?"

Sherlock Holmes seemed to be embarrassed by the question (казалось, был смущен этим вопросом). "Frankly (откровенно), now!" she repeated (повторила), standing upon the rug and looking keenly down at him (стоя на ковре и глядя пристально на него) as he leaned back in a basket-chair (он откинулся в плетеном кресле: «корзинке-кресле»).

embarrassed [Im'b&[email protected]], frankly ['fr&NklI], basket ['bA:skIt]

"Frankly, then, madam, I do not (откровенно /говоря/, мадам, я не думаю /что он жив/)."

"You think that he is dead (думаете, что он мертв)?"

"I do (да)."

"Murdered (убит)?"

Sherlock Holmes seemed to be embarrassed by the question. "Frankly, now!" she repeated, standing upon the rug and looking keenly down at him as he leaned back in a basket-chair.

"Frankly, then, madam, I do not."

"You think that he is dead?"

"I do."


"I don't say that (я этого не говорю = не утверждаю). Perhaps (возможно)."

"And on what day did he meet his death (и в какой день встретил он свою смерть)?"

"On Monday (в понедельник)."

"Then perhaps, Mr. Holmes, you will be good enough to explain (будьте любезны объяснить) how it is that I have received a letter from him today (как это /произошло/, что я получила письмо от него вчера)."

Sherlock Holmes sprang out of his chair (вскочил с кресла) as if he had been galvanized (словно его ударило током).

"I don't say that. Perhaps."

"And on what day did he meet his death?"

"On Monday."

"Then perhaps, Mr. Holmes, you will be good enough to explain how it is that I have received a letter from him today."

Sherlock Holmes sprang out of his chair as if he had been galvanized.

"What!" he roared (взревел он).

"Yes, today." She stood smiling (стояла, улыбаясь), holding up a little slip of paper in the air (держа маленький листок бумаги в воздухе).

"May I see it (можно взглянуть)?"

"Certainly (конечно)."

He snatched it from her in his eagerness (выхватил его у нее в своем рвении = нетерпеливо), and smoothing it out upon the table (разглаживая на столе) he drew over the lamp (придвинул лампу; to draw over) and examined it intently (внимательно рассмотрел письмо; intently — пристально, внимательно, сосредоточенно). I had left my chair (я оставил мое кресло = поднялся из кресла) and was gazing at it over his shoulder (и /пристально/ смотрел на письмо через его плечо). The envelope was a very coarse one (конверт был очень грубым) and was stamped with the Gravesend postmark (был проштампован штемпелем Гревзенда) and with the date of that very day (и с датой того самого дня), or rather of the day before (или, вернее, вчерашнего), for it was considerably after midnight (так как было значительно после полуночи).

smoothing ['smu:DIN], envelope ['@[email protected]@up], coarse [kO:s], considerably [[email protected]'[email protected]]

"What!" he roared.

"Yes, today." She stood smiling, holding up a little slip of paper in the air.

"May I see it?"


He snatched it from her in his eagerness, and smoothing it out upon the table he drew over the lamp and examined it intently. I had left my chair and was gazing at it over his shoulder. The envelope was a very coarse one and was stamped with the Gravesend postmark and with the date of that very day, or rather of the day before, for it was considerably after midnight.

"Coarse writing (грубый почерк)," murmured Holmes (пробормотал Холмс). "Surely this is not your husband's writing (конечно, это не почерк вашего мужа), madam."

"No, but the enclosure is (но вложенное /в конверт/, содержимое — его почерк)."

"I perceive also (я думаю также; to perceive — чувствовать, понимать) that whoever addressed the envelope (что кто бы ни отправил = надписал конверт) had to go and inquire as to the address (должен был пойти и узнать /ваш/ адрес)."

"How can you tell that (как вы это определили)?"

"Coarse writing," murmured Holmes. "Surely this is not your husband's writing, madam."

"No, but the enclosure is."

"I perceive also that whoever addressed the envelope had to go and inquire as to the address."

"How can you tell that?"

"The name (имя), you see, is in perfectly black ink (/написано/ совершенно черными чернилами), which has dried itself (которые высохли сами: «высушили сами себя»). The rest is of the grayish color (остальное — сероватого цвета), which shows that blotting-paper has been used (что показывает, что промокательная бумага была использована). If it had been written straight off (если бы это было написано сразу), and then blotted (и затем промокнуто), none would be of a deep black shade (никакие /слова/ были бы глубокого черного оттенка = все слова были бы одного цвета). This man has written the name (написал имя), and there has then been a pause (потом пауза) before he wrote the address, which can only mean (что может значить только) that he was not familiar with it (что он не был знаком с ним). It is, of course, a trifle (пустяк), but there is nothing so important as trifles (но нет ничего, что было бы столь важно, как пустяки). Let us now see the letter (давайте теперь посмотрим на письмо). Ha! there has been an enclosure here (здесь было вложение, приложение)!"

grayish ['greIS], pause [pO:z], familiar [[email protected]'[email protected]], trifle [traIfl], enclosure [In'[email protected]@]

"The name, you see, is in perfectly black ink, which has dried itself. The rest is of the grayish color, which shows that blotting-paper has been used. If it had been written straight off, and then blotted, none would be of a deep black shade. This man has written the name, and there has then been a pause before he wrote the address, which can only mean that he was not familiar with it. It is, of course, a trifle, but there is nothing so important as trifles. Let us now see the letter. Ha! there has been an enclosure here!"

"Yes, there was a ring (кольцо). His signet-ring (его кольцо с печаткой)."

"And you are sure (уверены) that this is your husband's hand (рука = почерк вашего мужа)?"

"One of his hands (один из его почерков)."


"His hand when he wrote hurriedly (почерк, когда он пишет торопливо). It is very unlike his usual writing (очень непохоже на его обычный почерк), and yet I know it well (знаю хорошо)."

"Yes, there was a ring. His signet-ring."

"And you are sure that this is your husband's hand?"

"One of his hands."


"His hand when he wrote hurriedly. It is very unlike his usual writing, and yet I know it well."

"'Dearest do not be frightened (дорогая, не волнуйся: «не будь напугана»). All will come well (все кончится хорошо). There is a huge error (произошла огромная ошибка) which it may take some little time to rectify (которая может потребовать некоторое время для исправления). Wait in patience (жди в терпении = терпеливо). Neville.' Written in pencil (карандашом) upon the flyleaf of a book (на форзаце книги), octavo size (восьмая часть листа размером), no watermark (без водяных знаков). Hum (гм)! Posted today (отправлено сегодня) in Gravesend by a man with a dirty thumb (человеком с грязным большим пальцем). Ha! And the flap has been gummed (и клапан /конверта/ был покрыт клеем), if I am not very much in error (если я не слишком в ошибке = ошибаюсь), by a person who had been chewing tobacco (человеком, который жевал табак). And you have no doubt (вы убеждены = не имеете сомнения) that it is your husband's hand (что это почерк вашего мужа), madam?"

"None (никакого /сомнения/). Neville wrote those words (написал те слова)."

frightened [fraItnd], huge [hju:dZ], error ['[email protected]], patience [peISns], thumb [TVm]

"'Dearest do not be frightened. All will come well. There is a huge error which it may take some little time to rectify. Wait in patience. Neville.' Written in pencil upon the flyleaf of a book, octavo size, no watermark. Hum! Posted today in Gravesend by a man with a dirty thumb. Ha! And the flap has been gummed, if I am not very much in error, by a person who had been chewing tobacco. And you have no doubt that it is your husband's hand, madam?"

"None. Neville wrote those words."

"And they were posted today at Gravesend (были отправлены сегодня из Гревзенда). Well, Mrs. St. Clair, the clouds lighten (тучи светлеют = рассеиваются), though I should not venture to say that the danger is over (хотя я не рискую сказать, что опасность закончилась)."

"But he must be alive (он должен быть жив = должно быть, он жив), Mr. Holmes."

"Unless this is a clever forgery (если только это не ловкая подделка) to put us on the wrong scent (чтобы послать нас по ложному следу). The ring, after all (кольцо, в конце концов), proves nothing (ничего не доказывает). It may have been taken from him (оно могло быть отобрано у него)."

forgery ['fO:[email protected]], scent [sent]

"No, no; it is, it is his very own writing (это его, его собственный почерк)!"

"Very well (отлично). It may, however, have been written on Monday (письмо могло быть, однако, написано в понедельник) and only posted today (а послано только сегодня)."

"And they were posted today at Gravesend. Well, Mrs. St. Clair, the clouds lighten, though I should not venture to say that the danger is over."

"But he must be alive, Mr. Holmes."

"Unless this is a clever forgery to put us on the wrong scent. The ring, after all, proves nothing. It may have been taken from him. '

"No, no; it is, it is his very own writing!"

"Very well. It may, however, have been written on Monday and only posted today."

"That is possible (это возможно)."

"If so, much may have happened between (многое могло случиться между /этими датами/)."

"Oh, you must not discourage me (вы не должны приводить меня в уныние), Mr. Holmes. I know that all is well with him (что все хорошо с ним). There is so keen a sympathy between us (между нами такое сильное «взаимочувствие») that I should know if evil came upon him (что я узнаю, если несчастье случится с ним). On the very day that I saw him last (в тот самый день, когда я видела его в последний /раз/) he cut himself in the bedroom (он порезался в спальне), and yet I in the dining-room (в столовой) rushed upstairs instantly (бросилась наверх сразу же) with the utmost certainty that something had happened (с величайшей уверенностью, что что-то случилось). Do you think that I would respond to such a trifle (ответила бы = отреагировала бы я на такой пустяк) and yet be ignorant of his death (и все же не знала бы о его смерти)?"

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