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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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While Sherlock Holmes had been detailing this singular series of events (подробно рассказывал эти необычные последовательности событий), we had been whirling through the outskirts of the great town (мы мчались по предместьям большого города) until the last straggling houses had been left behind (пока последние разбросанные = одиночные дома были оставлены позади), and we rattled along with a country hedge upon either side of us (и мы мчались с грохотом мимо деревенской изгороди по обе стороны от нас). Just as he finished (когда он закончил), however, we drove through two scattered villages (мы проехали через две отдельные деревушки; to scatter — разбрасывать, раскидывать), where a few lights still glimmered in the windows (где несколько огней еще мерцали в окнах).

whirling ['[email protected]:lIN], outskirts ['[email protected]:ts], hedge [hedZ]

While Sherlock Holmes had been detailing this singular series of events, we had been whirling through the outskirts of the great town until the last straggling houses had been left behind, and we rattled along with a country hedge upon either side of us. Just as he finished, however, we drove through two scattered villages, where a few lights still glimmered in the windows.

"We are on the outskirts of Lee (мы в предместье Ли)," said my companion. "We have touched on three English counties in our short drive (мы побывали в трех английских графствах в нашей = во время нашей маленькой поездки; to touch — тронуть, прикоснуться), starting in Middlesex (начав в Мидлсексе), passing over an angle of Surrey (переехав угол Суррей), and ending in Kent (и закончив в Кенте). See that light among the trees (видите тот огонь посреди деревьев)? That is The Cedars (это «Кедры»), and beside that lamp sits a woman (возле той лампы сидит женщина) whose anxious ears (чьи тревожные уши = настороженный слух) have already, I have little doubt (имею мало сомнений = почти не сомневаюсь), caught the clink of our horse's feet (уловил звон ног = стук копыт нашей лошади; to catch — ловить)."

"But why are you not conducting the case from Baker Street (но почему вы не ведете это дело с Бейкер-стрит)?" I asked.

counties ['kauntIz], anxious ['&[email protected]], horse [hO:s]

"We are on the outskirts of Lee," said my companion. "We have touched on three English counties in our short drive, starting in Middlesex, passing over an angle of Surrey, and ending in Kent. See that light among the trees? That is The Cedars, and beside that lamp sits a woman whose anxious ears have already, I have little doubt, caught the clink of our horse's feet."

"But why are you not conducting the case from Baker Street?" I asked.

"Because there are many inquiries which must be made out here (много расследований, которые должны быть проведены здесь). Mrs. St. Clair has most kindly put two rooms at my disposal (наиболее любезно предоставила две комнаты в мое распоряжение), and you may rest assured (вы можете быть уверены) that she will have nothing but a welcome for my friend and colleague (что у нее нет ничего, кроме гостеприимства для моего друга и коллеги). I hate to meet her (очень не хочу встретить ее; to hate — ненавидеть), Watson, when I have no news of her husband (когда у меня нет новостей о ее муже). Here we are (вот мы и на месте). Whoa (тпру), there, whoa!"

kindly ['kaIndlI], disposal [dIs'[email protected]], colleague ['kA.li:g]

"Because there are many inquiries which must be made out here. Mrs. St. Clair has most kindly put two rooms at my disposal, and you may rest assured that she will have nothing but a welcome for my friend and colleague. I hate to meet her, Watson, when I have no news of her husband. Here we are. Whoa, there, whoa!"

We had pulled up in front of a large villa (мы остановились перед большой виллой) which stood within its own grounds (которая стояла внутри своего собственного сада = была окружена садом; grounds — сад, парк при доме; участок вокруг дома). A stable-boy had run out to the horse's head (конюх подбежал к голове лошади), and springing down (спрыгивая вниз), I followed Holmes up the small, winding gravel drive (я последовал за Холмсом по маленькой, извилистой, посыпанной гравием: «гравийной» дорожке) which led to the house (которая вела к дому). As we approached (когда мы приблизились), the door flew open (распахнулась), and a little blonde woman stood in the opening (и маленькая белокурая женщина встала на пороге), clad in some sort of light mousseline-de-soie (одетая в светлое шелковое платье), with a touch of fluffy pink chiffon at her neck and wrists (с пышным розовым шифоном на шее = у горла и запястьях = рукавах; touch — примесь, штрих, оттенок). She stood with her figure outlined against the flood of light (с фигурой очерченной = высвеченной потоком света), one hand upon the door (одна рука на двери), one half-raised in her eagerness (другая — полуподнята в /ее/ нетерпении), her body slightly bent (ее тело слегка наклонено), her head and face protruded (ее голова и лицо выдавались вперед = вытянув вперед голову), with eager eyes and parted lips (с нетерпеливыми глазами и полураскрытыми губами), a standing question («стоящий вопрос» = с вопросительным видом).

winding ['waIndIN], touch [tVtS], flood [flVd], eagerness ['i:[email protected]], parted ['pA:tId]

We had pulled up in front of a large villa which stood within its own grounds. A stable-boy had run out to the horse's head, and springing down, I followed Holmes up the small, winding gravel drive which led to the house. As we approached, the door flew open, and a little blonde woman stood in the opening, clad in some sort of light mousseline-de-soie, with a touch of fluffy pink chiffon at her neck and wrists. She stood with her figure outlined against the flood of light, one hand upon the door, one half-raised in her eagerness, her body slightly bent, her head and face protruded, with eager eyes and parted lips, a standing question.

"Well (ну)?" she cried, "well?" And then, seeing that there were two of us (видя, что нас двое), she gave a cry of hope (издала крик надежды) which sank into a groan (который превратился в стон; to sink — опускаться) as she saw that my companion shook his head and shrugged his shoulders (когда она увидела, что мой товарищ покачал головой и пожал плечами).

"No good news (нет хороших новостей)?"

"None (нет)."

"No bad (а плохих)?"


"Well?" she cried, "well?" And then, seeing that there were two of us, she gave a cry of hope which sank into a groan as she saw that my companion shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"No good news?"


"No bad?"


"Thank God for that (слава Богу за это). But come in (но входите). You must be weary (вы, должно быть, устали), for you have had a long day (так как у вас был долгий день)."

"This is my friend (друг), Dr. Watson. He has been of most vital use to me in several of my cases (он был самой жизненно важной пользы = чрезвычайно полезен в нескольких моих делах = расследованиях), and a lucky chance has made it possible for me (и счастливый случай сделал это возможным для меня = по счастливой случайности мне удалось) to bring him out and associate him with this investigation (привести его сюда и подключить к этому расследованию; to associate — присоединить, действовать совместно)."

vital [vaItl], chance [tSA:ns], associate [@'[email protected]]

"I am delighted to see you (я рада видеть вас)," said she, pressing my hand warmly (пожимая мою руку тепло = приветливо). "You will, I am sure (уверена), forgive anything that may be wanting in our arrangements (вы простите все, чего может не хватать в наших расположениях = вам у нас будет неуютно), when you consider the blow which has come so suddenly upon us (когда вы учтете несчастье: «удар», которое так внезапно обрушилось на нас)."

delighted [dI'laItId], arrangements [@'[email protected]], consider [[email protected]'[email protected]]

"Thank God for that. But come in. You must be weary, for you have had a long day."

"This is my friend, Dr. Watson. He has been of most vital use to me in several of my cases, and a lucky chance has made it possible for me to bring him out and associate him with this investigation."

"I am delighted to see you," said she, pressing my hand warmly. "You will, I am sure, forgive anything that may be wanting in our arrangements, when you consider the blow which has come so suddenly upon us."

"My dear madam (дорогая сударыня)," said I, "I am an old campaigner (я старый участник похода = служака), and if I were not (и /даже/ если бы я не был /им/) I can very well see that no apology is needed (я могу хорошо видеть, что никаких извинений не требуется). If I can be of any assistance (если я могу принести хоть какую-нибудь пользу), either to you or to my friend here (вам или моему другу здесь = вот этому моему другу), I shall be indeed happy (я буду действительно счастлив)."

campaigner [k&m'[email protected]], apology [@'[email protected]], assistance [@'[email protected]]

"Now, Mr. Sherlock Holmes," said the lady as we entered a well-lit dining-room (когда мы вошли в ярко освещенную столовую), upon the table of which (на столе /в/ которой) a cold supper had been laid out (холодный ужин был накрыт), "I should very much like to ask you one or two plain questions (я очень хочу задать вам один или два простых = откровенных вопроса), to which I beg that you will give a plain answer (на которые я прошу, чтобы вы дали откровенный ответ)."

supper ['[email protected]], plain [pleIn], answer ['A:[email protected]]

"My dear madam," said I, "I am an old campaigner, and if I were not I can very well see that no apology is needed. If I can be of any assistance, either to you or to my friend here, I shall be indeed happy."

"Now, Mr. Sherlock Holmes," said the lady as we entered a well-lit dining-room, upon the table of which a cold supper had been laid out, "I should very much like to ask you one or two plain questions, to which I beg that you will give a plain answer."

"Certainly, madam (конечно, мадам)."

"Do not trouble about my feelings (не щадите моих чувств). I am not hysterical, nor given to fainting (я ни истерична, ни склонна к обморокам). I simply wish to hear your real, real opinion (я просто желаю услышать ваше настоящее, подлинное мнение)."

"Upon what point (по какому пункту = о чем)?"

"In your heart of hearts (в глубине души), do you think that Neville is alive (жив)?"

"Certainly, madam."

"Do not trouble about my feelings. I am not hysterical, nor given to fainting. I simply wish to hear your real, real opinion."

"Upon what point?"

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