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Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

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of the three Sai Avatars, in particular Prema Sai Baba.

Like Krishna, Prema Sai Baba is unpredictable and perfect in his endless divine play. For those who aspire to understand Prema Sai leela (the divine play of Prema Sai), I can advise you to immerse yourself in the study of the Bhagavatam. It is this greatest ancient text that has the power to open the spiritual heart and the eye of wisdom.

Dear reader, study the Bhagavatam, the greatest and most incomprehensible text of Vedic philosophy and mythology. By studying the stories of Krishna, it is possible to understand at least a little of the greatness and transcendence of Prema Sai Baba.

Prema Sai Baba is the most extraordinary and difficult to comprehend of the three Sai Avatars, because he is the third one. There are too many predictions, assumptions, prophecies, conjectures, and expectations about him. Through his two previous incarnations as Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai, God prepared the ground for the coming of his greatest incarnation — Prema Sai.

In order to accept and realize the phenomenon of Prema Sai Baba, you need to completely free yourself from all prejudices, false expectations, religious conditioning, and open your spiritual heart to the flow of divine wisdom and love.

The highest teaching of Vedic philosophy is Advaita, the doctrine of the unity of the Absolute Consciousness. Advaita is not just a set of philosophical teachings, but a description of the actual experience of non-duality, which is the original unity of the soul with God.

Adi Shankara, a sage who lived in ancient times, formulated the foundations of the philosophy of Advaita, although this philosophical system existed long before him.

Studying his fundamental treatise Vivekachudamani, we see that the personal, intellectual and spiritual efforts of the student, as well as the blessing of God and the guru, are important for gaining enlightenment. Even the experience of non-duality is acquired as a gift from God.

The combination of one's spiritual efforts, the practice of meditation and the blessing of God, grant enlightenment, which is the inner experience of the Absolute Consciousness in one's spiritual heart.

The Apostle John wrote in his First Catholic Epistle that God is Light. This Upper Light in past epochs incarnated on Earth as Krishna, Buddha, Christ and many other Avatars.

In our era, this Supreme Light has incarnated as Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai and Prema Sai. Sai is the greatest source of wisdom and love, blessings and happiness. He bestows the imperishable treasure that is enlightenment.


Sai Ram. I began work on this book on February 19, 2023, the day after Maha Shivaratri Day, and completed this work on Prema Sai Baba's birthday, June 28, 2023, when he was eleven years old.

Prema Sai Baba — Numerology Report

In this analysis I have taken Prema Sai Baba’s time and date of birth as 6.10 am,28th June 2012 and his name as Preetham Gowda Mahesh Kumar. (note: Mahesh and Kumar are taken as two separate names).

Prema Sai Baba’s birthday of 28 June (2012) or 28.06 is a perfect (number) day. There are only 4 perfect numbers below 10,000 of which 6 and 28 are two of them and Prema Sai Baba’s birthday signifies two of those four perfect numbers. Also, out of trillions of numbers only 51 perfect numbers have ever been discovered. 28 June is the only date of the year that is a completely perfect number day. Also, Prema Sai Baba’s exact birth time of 6.10am on 28 June 2012, indicates that he has a Raj yoga. A Raj yoga in one’s horoscope means that he is a born leader. Prema Sai Baba’s predecessor, Sathya Sai Baba, was born on Fibonacci Day (another mathematically significant day), that is 23rd November 1926, that is the sequence 1,1,2,3(11/23) corresponding to the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.

Furthermore, there are several great religious leaders, political leaders, business leaders and founders of religion born on 28 June. King Henry VIII, founder of the Church of England was born on 28 June 1491. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church was born on 28 June 1703. Pope Paul IV was born on 28 June 1476. Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao of India was born on 28 June 1921. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man (in 2023) was born in 28 June 1971

His soul number is 1. His soul urge is to be the driving force in life. He will be a great leader and a pioneer for change.

His personality number is 1. This usually means a fearless leader with great levels of perseverance and stamina. He is gifted with the skills to manage people and see projects through. He is very efficient and always at the forefront. He is dignified and likeable.

His destiny number is 2. This means he has psychic abilities and intuition. This also means he is a great mediator, bringing together dissonant forces through compassion empathy and kindness.

His life path number is 3. This indicates he will be a great public speaker among other things.

His fourth Pinnacle number is 11. The fourth pinnacle is about the last years of life, that is anything over 52 years old. 11 is an auspicious master number. He is gifted with unusual inspiration and insight and will leave the world with a legacy of innovation. Since forecasts vary on whether he will have children and some forecasts say he will have up to 2 children, it is possible he will have bright, unusual children that will be a legacy to this world. This material is the result of research by Anupriya Wijayaweera.

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