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Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

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boy received spiritual parents, Jaya Lakshmi Amma and her husband. Thus, Prema Sai Baba passed from the Gouda caste to the Brahmin caste.

During this initiation, there was a descent of a colossal divine current. Interestingly, after the completion of the ritual, when the boy Prema Sai Baba stopped sitting on the throne, many of those present stopped treating him as special.

This is the essence of human perception — that if someone sits on the throne, he is given respect. One has only to step down from the throne and the importance and solemnity of the moment are immediately lost on the majority.

It was interesting for me to observe this situation. As the boy sat on the throne, everyone present bowed before him with reverence. As soon as he left the stage and started walking freely and informally among those present, most of the participants in the ritual immediately ceased to treat him with respect.

I describe these details so you can imagine this event as realistically as possible, of course it is also important to reflect on how you behave in such situations. During the ritual of initiation into the Gayatri mantra, Prema Sai Baba was completely transformed. It was a great spiritual experience. On that day, it seemed that something important happened affecting the being of the entire cosmos.

July 16, 2019 — Guru Purnima festival, the festival of "all gurus". This celebration also took place in the city of Bangalore, which was attended by many people.

Prema Sai Baba attended this event, again. I felt this festival completed some great process of transition to the new state of being. What began on June 28th reached its climax on July 4th and was completed on July 16th.

I was fortunate to witness these amazing events directly. I think these three dates in 2019 are historical events in the development of Prema Sai Baba's worldwide spiritual mission.

47. Proclamation on the subtle plane

Starting from the end of 2022, a new phase of Prema Sai Baba's mission began. In December, we went on an important trip to the Himalayan state of Manipur to visit the very people who found him in 2015.

At the end of November, the parents of the divine boy told me and my wife, Svetlana, there would be a small vacation at the end of December. Naturally, my wife immediately had the idea to go with Prema Sai Baba on vacation to some interesting place. I sat next to Prema Sai Baba and watched the conversation carefully.

From the very beginning it was clear the divine boy had some kind of secret plan, but at first, he pretended to be thinking about a trip to perhaps Thailand, Malaysia or Singapore. Finally, unexpectedly, he announced he wanted to go to Manipur, to the ashram of Mata Bijay Devi and Mata Tomba Devi.

We stayed in this unique place for about a week. This was Prema Sai Baba's second historic visit to Manipur. The first was in May 2015, immediately after the child was identified as Prema Sai Baba.

The location of the ashram is a great place of power. It is a mountainside on top of which there is an ancient temple. Since the ashram is very poor, there are only a few buildings there, one of which is a small house for Prema Sai Baba, and next to it another small house where my wife and I settled.

In the center of the ashram is a large shed with a clay floor — this is a temple where daily activities take place. When you are in this temple, it becomes clear the true temple is not physical gold and marble, but the Spirit of God.

Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi are the spiritual guides of the ashram. About twenty people permanently live in the ashram, and about a hundred more people live not far from the ashram and regularly take part in spiritual programs of traditional Vedic rituals of worship on Sathya Sai Baba.

A couple of weeks before the trip, I had several mystical dreams in which Sathya Sai Baba visited me and informed me that during the trip to Manipur, the divine boy could "proclaim" himself.

At the same time, a couple of weeks before our visit, the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba entered Mata Bijaya Devi several times and informed the residents of the ashram that when the boy Prema Sai Baba arrived, something very important would happen.

While at the ashram, on one particular afternoon, bhajans (traditional Vedic chanting of the gods) began as usual. The program began at one in the afternoon, and around four in the afternoon a unique event began to take place.

More than one hundred people were present at the ashram that day, and everyone was singing bhajans with inspiration. At some point, almost all those present felt that the boy Prema Sai Baba sitting with his mouth closed, was silently transmitting some kind of telepathic message. It became clear he was "proclaiming" himself in such an unusual way.

Everyone present began to look at each other. There was a common feeling that something important was happening in the ashram. Traditionally, the "proclamation" must take place physically. It is believed the Avatar must say quite physically that he is an incarnation of Sai.

The phenomenon of the "declaration" is completely mysterious. Alas, modern people are used to the fact that their words mean nothing. People make a lot of promises every day and then they don't keep them. In our era, the power of words is practically lost, which is why we are accustomed everywhere to confirm our intentions with a signature and additional documents.

The Word of God is always absolute, eternal and true. This is the basis of the phenomenon of "declaration". When the divine boy declares he is a divine incarnation, his word is the evidence and no other proof is needed; such

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