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Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

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presented Prema Sai Baba with exactly the same orange robe as a gift. The divine boy immediately decided to accept this gift and give everyone present special blessings by wearing the robe.

What is so special about the Prema Sai boy wearing an orange robe? The symbolism of this action is enormous. This was the first time the divine boy blessed the devotees in this special sacred dress.

After finishing the evening program, the boy Prema Sai Baba took off his orange robe and placed it carefully on a shelf in my room. The divine boy strictly forbade anyone to touch the robe. He also forbade other people to even look at it.

The second Darshan in the orange robe Prema Sai Baba gave was on the evening of June 28, 2023, during the evening program dedicated to the celebration of his birthday.

49. Open your spiritual heart

When the boy Prema Sai Baba was between three and eleven years old, he was visited by several hundred Russian devotees as well as devotees from other countries. Already, a large number of people around the world consider him the incarnation of God.

There is now a discussion about how to understand who Prema Sai Baba is. For those people who strongly deny Prema Sai Baba, I advise you to be more careful, because out of ignorance you can start denying God.

If you still do not feel an inner spiritual connection with Prema Sai Baba, continue to live a righteous and honest life by practicing meditation and prayer. We must learn to respect each other and accept that different people may have different views and opinions about God and Truth.

A certain boy was born in the South Indian ancient city of Doddamallur in 2012. How can we be sure that this particular boy is Prema Sai Baba? Logical proofs are useless and cannot help. Logic, reason and mind cannot understand God. Logic cannot prove or disprove that he is the divine incarnation. Only the spiritual hearts of devotees can feel the Divine presence.

The essence of the message of Sathya Sai Baba is the awakening of the spiritual hearts of people, the manifestation of love and compassion, and service to people and society.

Ancient texts help us understand some of the processes taking place in our era. The events of history are repeated in a circle. What happened in ancient times sometimes happens exactly right before our eyes.

Old Testament prophets predicted the coming of the Messiah. Prophecies about the coming of the Messiah have always been deeply symbolic and allegorical. This means they have never been unambiguous.

Many commentators have tried to interpret the prophetic writings in order to more accurately understand the details and signs of the coming of the Messiah. When the real Messiah (Christ) came to Earth, he was very different from human assumptions, so a difficult situation arose when those who were waiting for him could not recognize him.

Those who were destined, by divine plan, to know Christ accepted him as a teacher and savior. Is there a free choice in this situation, or is everything just a craft of God? The wise and incomprehensible providence of God is intertwined with the free choice of man. Free choice implies responsibility, and this is sometimes difficult.

Christ was recognized and accepted by those who God allowed, but the spiritual effort of the people themselves also played an important role. Reading the gospel stories, we are constantly in contact with the fact that the heroes of the story are faced with difficult choices, alternatives, and difficult decision-making in trying situations.

The readiness of the human soul to accept God is, among other things, a free choice between the illusion of the material world and the eternal bliss of the Spirit. Sathya Sai Baba often said all those who came to his ashram and were given the opportunity to meet him could only do so because he himself "invited" them.

When I heard these words of Sathya Sai Baba for the first time, it was hard for me to understand their meaning, because a huge number of people were constantly present in his ashram.

How could Sathya Sai Baba invite everyone who came to his gigantic ashram? The illusion was created that each of us came to him of our own free will as a result of our own decision. Behind all the main events of our life there is always the wise providence of God. There were many situations when people received many signs that it was time to go to India, to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba. However, sometimes the vanity of this material world and social success dragged on, and people lost the unique opportunity to see the living God.

There are three great Vedic sacred texts that make up the entirety of Hindu philosophy — Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagavatam. These texts tell the stories of numerous Avatars and incarnations of God, such as Rama, Narasimha, Krishna, and dozens of others.

These texts contain spiritual instructions on the most basic philosophical systems: Sankya (the structure of the inner world of a person) and Vedanta (the relationship of the soul and God).

Also, on the pages of the scriptures you can learn about the main areas of yoga: Karma yoga (service in the name of God), Bhakti yoga (devotion to God), Dhyana yoga (meditation on God), Jnana yoga (knowledge of the unity of the soul and God).

The pages of the Mahabharata give the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita — Krishna's instructions to his disciple Arjuna. The pages of the Bhagavatam narrate the teachings of the Uddava Gita, which are the instructions of Krishna to his disciple, Uddava. Obviously, the most significant of all the Avatars described in the Vedic texts is Krishna.

By studying the unique life path of Krishna, his unpredictability and incomprehensibility, we can at least get a little closer to understanding the appearance

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