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Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

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protect their son from the wrong path.

First of all, let's pay attention to the fact that the name of the village Adi-Gunaparthi is similar to the name of Gunaparthi; however, they are still two different names. My personal interactions with some of this candidate's followers have led me to feel they are trying to invent the story of their candidate's birth in the village of Adi-Gunaparthi, when, in fact, it is most likely not the case.

All information about the candidate from Calcutta indicates the young man is not very inclined to proclaim himself as Prema Sai Baba. Already now a small group of followers have arisen who are eager to spread the word this young man is Prema Sai Baba.

Let's see how events develop. Right now, the young man has absolutely no desire to talk about himself as Prema Sai Baba. In most cases, Sathya Sai Baba predicted his birth in the state of Karnataka in southern India. However, there were several cases in the late 90s when he personally told devotees from India, Germany and Russia that he might be reincarnated as Prema Sai Baba in the east of India, in the city of Calcutta.

Even during the life of Sathya Sai Baba, many people wanted to find the village of Gunaparthi on the map of India. It turned out that such a village does not exist. Strange. How can this be?

When the devotees asked Sathya Sai Baba about the village of Gunaparthi, he said there is no such village in India yet. “Soon,” said Sathya Sai Baba, “the village of Gunaparthi will appear, and this will happen after the birth of Prema Sai Baba.”

Some perceive this situation as a contradiction, but there is no contradiction here. Why did Sathya Sai Baba sometimes name two different villages, Doddamallur and Gunaparthi, as the supposed place of his next birth? It is difficult to say, most likely there is deep symbolism hidden here, which may only be revealed in time.

Doddamallur is a small village. It is here where the ancient Vishnu temple is located, which is called the temple of Aprameya Swami. According to legend, this place of worship is about twenty thousand years old. Rama Avatar visited this temple many thousands of years ago. Of course, temple buildings were erected much later.

There is a version that when Prema Sai Baba proclaims himself, he will build his ashram in the new part of the village of Doddamallur. Perhaps that is when the new part of the village will be called Gunaparthi. Of course, now we cannot say anything — all of this is just speculation.

Sathya Sai Baba mentioned two places as the place of his next birth — Gunaparthi and Doddamallur. A village called Gunaparthi does not yet exist (with the exception of the village of Adi-Gunaparthi near Kolkata). The village of Doddamallur is located in the state of Karnataka, in southern India.

Is it possible to rename the village of Doddamallur to Gunaparthi? This is not likely, because it is an ancient pilgrimage center. And what about the prediction? Interestingly, when Prema Sai Baba was six years old, the family moved to the outskirts of the village of Doddamallur.

There is a version according to which Prema Sai Baba will proclaim himself at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Most likely, he will build his first ashram right on the outskirts of Doddamallur, where there are now agricultural fields. It is this part of the village of Doddamallur that will probably be renamed Gunaparthi, and the historical part of the village will remain under the old name.

Perhaps, Prema Sai will build his first ashram near the village of Doddamallur and call this place Gunaparthi; who knows, everything is in the hands of God.

There are many suggestions as to where Prema Sai Baba might establish his ashram. Some suggest it may be near the ancient city of Mysore, and possibly near the city of Mandya. All these versions point to the South Indian state of Karnataka.

Obviously, one of the main versions about the place of the future ashram is the native village of Doddamallur. Sathya Sai Baba came to Prema Sai's father, Mahesh, in a dream and told him that Prema Sai's ashram would be in Doddamallur. Recently I heard another interesting version that Prema Sai Baba will not have an ashram at all, and that he will just live in his own house.

What is already quite obvious is that Prema Sai Baba will be very extraordinary in many of his appearances. I do not rule out there may be no ashram in his activities at all, at least in the traditional sense of the concept.

The interesting thing is we still don't know how it will actually be. It will be interesting for future generations to read this material in order to imagine what versions and conjectures were in Prema Sai Baba's childhood about what his mission might look like.

Until the divine boy proclaims himself, he lives in his parents' house in the village of Doddamallur and goes to a regular school. Of course, everyone in the district knows this boy is the embodiment of God on Earth. Some of the locals already believe in it and some of them deny it; for the majority, frankly speaking, they just don't care.

44. Global transformation

I remind you, my dear readers, this book was written when Prema Sai Baba was ten and a half years old, and many of the circumstances of his life still existed in the form of predictions and assumptions. When people read these lines in the future, perhaps many assumptions and predictions will seem ridiculous and naive. My task is to record for future generations all the versions and assumptions we have now.

2020 was full of unexpected crises and trials related to the coronavirus, which spread around the world. The traditional and habitual foundations of society were changing,

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