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Индия. Медиасистема в условиях либерализации экономики - Наталия В. Ткачева

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researched and written for American Business Media by Business Strategies Group Ltd., 2004.

Chandra, A., Griffith D.A. and Ryans, J.K. Advertising standardisation in India. International Journal of Advertising, 2002, 21, (1), pp. 47 № 66.

Desai, Ashok. Indian Telecommunications: Trends and Portents. NCAER. New Delhi. 2004.

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FIPP/ZenithOptimedia World Magazine Trends 2005/2006.

Kessides, Ioannis. Reforming Infrastructure: Privatization, Regulation, and Competition. Oxford University Press and World Bank, 2004.

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NASSCOM. The Software Industry in India, 1996: Strategic Review. New Delhi: NASSCOM 1996.

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Interview to INDIA TODAY’s Executive Editor Prabhu Chawla. India Today, May 25, 1998.

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India’s Economic Outlook & Perspectives on International Development. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Speech at Columbia University. New York, September 24, 2003. http://www.indianembassy.org/pic/pm/vajpayee/pm_sept_24_03.htm

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UPA Government. Report to the People. 2004–2008. http://pib.nic.in/archieve/upareport/report2008.pdf



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Финансовый год в Индии начинается 1 апреля и заканчивается 31 марта следующего года.

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