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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински

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the Screen”, Encounter, March 1955.

61 “hit the jackpot” – Quoted in David Hencke and Rob Evans, “How Big Brothers Used Orwell to Fight the Cold War”, Guardian, June 30, 2000.

62 “a failure aesthetically” – Sylvester.

63 “Did she approve” – Today’s Cinema, December 28, 1954.

64 “the most devastating anti-Communist film” – Saunders, p. 459.

65 “I think we agreed” – Ibid., p. 297.

66 “freely adapted” etc. – 1984 (dir. Michael Anderson, 1956).

67 “Will Ecstasy Be a Crime” – Poster for 1984.

68 “The change seemed to me to show” and “the type of ending” – Daily Mail, February 27, 1956.

69 “expressed his wholehearted and enthusiastic approval” – Celia Kirwan report on visit to Orwell, March 30, 1949, CW XX, 3590A, p. 319.

70 “a list of journalists & writers” – Orwell letter to Celia Kirwan, April 6, 1949, CW XX, 3590B, p. 322.

71 “It isn’t very sensational” – Orwell letter to Celia Kirwan, May 2, 1949, CW XX, 3615, p. 103.

72 “The whole difficulty” – Orwell letter to Richard Rees, May 2, 1949, CW XX, 3617, p. 105.

73 “very tricky” – Orwell letter to Richard Rees, April 17, 1949, CW XX, 3600, p. 88.

74 “publicity agents of the USSR” – Orwell, “London Letter”, CW XIII, 2990, p. 291.

75 “Members of the present British government” – Orwell’s Statement on Nineteen Eighty-Four, CW XX, 3636, p. 135.

76 “I have been obliged at times” – Randall Swingler, “The Right to Free Expression”, annotated by Orwell, Polemic, no. 5, September – October 1946, CW XVIII, 3090, p. 442.

77 “some kind of Russian agent” – Lost Orwell, pp. 147–48.

78 “calamitous” – Orwell, “Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle”, CW XIX, 3204, p. 103.

79 “vaguely disquieting” – Orwell letter to George Woodcock, March 23, 1948, CW XIX, 3369, p. 301.

80 “advanced communist views” and “he does not hold with the Communist Party” – Stephen Bates, “Odd Clothes and Unorthodox Views: Why MI5 Spied on Orwell for a Decade”, Guardian, September 4, 2007.

81 “I always knew he was two-faced” – Ros Wynne-Jones, “Orwell’s Little List Leaves the Left Gasping for More”, Independent on Sunday, July 14, 1996.

82 “The man of conscience” – Foreword by Alexander Cockburn in John Reed, Snowball’s Chance (Roof Books, 2002), p. 7.

83 “I am a great admirer” – Wynne-Jones.

84 “I always disagree” – Orwell letter to Richard Rees, March 3, 1949, CW XX, 3560, p. 52.

85 “the use of false information” – Ted Morgan, Reds: McCarthyism in Twentieth-Century America (Random House, 2004), p. 566.

86 “Americanism with its sleeves rolled” – Richard H. Rovere, Senator Joe McCarthy (Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1960), p. 12.

87 “the chink in our shining armour” – Richard M. Fried, The McCarthy Era in Perspective (Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 136.

88 “Burnham thinks always” – Orwell, “Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle”, CW XIX, 3204, p. 105.

89 “the existence of a vast” – Richard Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics (Vintage, 2008), p. 14.

90 “He abandons Communism intellectually” – Crossman (ed.), pp. 224–225.

91 “group-advancement” – Carol Brightman (ed.), Between Friends: The Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy, 1949–1975 (Secker & Warburg, 1995), p. 5.

92 “In five years” – Swingler and Orwell, “The Right to Free Expression”, CW XVIII, 3090, p. 443.

93 “In the USA the phrase ‘Americanism’ ” – Orwell’s Statement on Nineteen Eighty-Four, CW XX, 3636, p. 134.

94 “It is difficult, if not impossible” – Quoted in David M. Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense: The World of Joe McCarthy (Oxford University Press, 2005), p. 187.

95 “He knew that big lies” – James Reston, Deadline: A Memoir (Random House, 1991), p. 215.

96 “came out of the McCarthy period” – Ibid., p. 219.

97 “Don’t join the book-burners” – Quoted in Morgan, p. 447.

98 “Whether or not my ideas on censorship” – Quoted in Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451: 60th Anniversary Edition (Simon & Schuster, 2012), p. 189.

99 “true father, mother, and lunatic brother” – Ibid., p. 167.

100 “Whereas twenty years ago” – Kingsley Amis, New Maps of Hell: A Survey of Science Fiction (Penguin, 2012), pp. 70–71.

101 “A Startling View of Life in 1984” – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (Signet Books, 1950).

102 “1984 is already on the way out” – Walsh, reprinted in Meyers (ed.), p. 293.

103 It has even been claimed– See Rodden, The Politics of Literary Reputation, p. 211.

104 “if you engaged in any kind” – Raymond Williams, Politics and Letters: Interviews with New Left Review (Verso, 1981), p. 384.

Глава 11

1 “It is difficult to imagine” – Stephen Haseler, The Death of British Democracy: A Study of Britain’s Political Present and Future (London: Paul Elek, 1976), p. 221.

2 “On my trips through Russia” – Buckley, p. 252.

3 “The sad reminders” – Geoff MacCormack, From Station to Station: Travels With Bowie 1973–1976 (Genesis, 2007), p. 93.

4 “You see Roy” – Roy Hollingsworth, “Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes: A Journey with Aladdin”, Melody Maker, May 12, 1973.

5 “There is a great sense of crisis” – Benn diaries, December 7, 1973, in Against the Tide: Diaries 1973–76 (Hutchinson, 1989), p. 220.

6 “because I deeply believed” – Quoted in Stephen Dorril and Robin Ramsay, Smear!: Wilson and the Secret State (London: 4th Estate, 1991), p. 230.

7 “a gradual chilling” – Richard Eder, “Battle of Britain 1974”, New York Times, February 24, 1974.

8 “A country rent apart” – Patrick Cosgrave, “Could the Army Take Over?”, Spectator, December 22, 1973.

9 “I’m an awful pessimist” – Charles Shaar Murray, “Tight Rope Walker at

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