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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински

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class="p1">64 “I don’t, God knows” – Orwell letter to Gollancz, March 25, 1947, CW XIX, 3200, p. 90.

65 “Everybody in England” – Kynaston, p. 191.

66 “unendurable” – Orwell letter to Dwight Macdonald, April 15, 1947, CW XIX, 3215, p. 128.

67 “to the north and east” – Orwell, CW IX, pp. 85–86.

68 “I had the feeling that they had spoilt it” – Orwell to Mamaine Koestler, January 24, 1947, CW XIX, 3159, pp. 27–28.

69 “He is too fond of apocalyptic visions” – Orwell, “Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle”, New Leader, March 29, 1947, CW XIX, 3204, p. 102.

70 in a 1947 letter – Orwell letter to Dwight Macdonald, April 15, 1947, CW XIX, 3215, pp. 126–28.

71 “a huge secret army” – Orwell, “Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle”, CW XIX, 3204, pp. 100–101.

72 “a doctor treating” – Orwell, “Toward European Unity”, CW XIX, 3244, p. 163.

73 “mental disease” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, November 29, 1945, CW XVIII, 3126, p. 504.

74 “individual freedom” – Quoted in Scott Lucas, The Betrayal of Dissent: Beyond Orwell, Hitchens & the New American Century (London: Pluto, 2004), p. 27.

75 “If one could somewhere” – Orwell, “Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle”, CW XIX, 3204, p. 103.

76 “very dark” – Orwell, “Toward European Unity”, CW XIX, 3244, p. 167. 158 “As time goes on” – Orwell, “As I Please”, January 17, 1947, CW XIX, 3153, p. 19.

77 “a ghastly mess” – Orwell letter to Warburg, February 4, 1948, CW XIX, 3339, p. 264.

78 “I don’t like talking about books” – Orwell letter to Warburg, May 31, 1947, CW XIX, 3232, p. 149.

79 “rivetted from the start” and “would have taken” – “Mrs. Miranda Wood’s Memoir”, The Complete Works of George Orwell XX: Our Job Is to Make Life Worth Living 1949–1950 (Secker & Warburg, 2002), 3735, p. 301.

80 “He almost seemed to enjoy it” – Coppard and Crick, p. 231.

81 “like a fool” – Orwell letter to Tosco Fyvel, December 31, 1947, CW XIX, 3322, p. 240.

82 “I really felt” – Orwell letter to Celia Kirwan (n e Paget), May 27, 1948, CW XIX, 3405, p. 345.

83 “with a peculiar feeling of happiness” – Orwell, “Notes from Orwell’s Last Literary Notebook”, CW XX, 3725, p. 203.

84 “violently and not too old” – Orwell, “How the Poor Die”, Now, no. 6, November 1946, CW XVIII, 3104, p. 463. «насильственной смертью и не совсем старые», Оруэлл, «Как умирают бедняки»

85 “probably forgotten” – Wadhams, p. 197.

86 “because the body swells up” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 106.

87 In hospital, Orwell tallied – “Things not foreseen in youth as part of middle age”, notebook entry circa May 1948, CW XIX, 3402, p. 340.

88 “I suppose with all these drugs” – Orwell letter to Julian Symons, April 20, 1948, CW XIX, 3386, pp. 321–22.

89 He wondered if there was some medical explanation– Orwell diary entry, March 30, 1948, CW XIX, 3374, p. 307.

90 “impossible and undesirable” – Orwell, “Writers and Leviathan”, CW XIX, 3364, p. 292. Оруэлл Дж. Писатели и Левиафан / пер. А. Шишкин. 1988.

91 “to push the question” – Ibid., p. 291.

92 “Conclusion: must engage” – Orwell, Preparatory notes for “Writers and Leviathan”, 1948, CW XIX, 3365, p. 294.

93 “Gissing’s novels” – Preparatory notes for “George Gissing”, 1948, CW XIX, 3407, p. 353.

94 “a chronicler of vulgarity” – Orwell, “George Gissing”, May – June 1948(?), CW XIX, 3406, p. 352.

95 “a world of force and fraud” – Orwell, “Such, Such Were the Joys”, CW XIX, 3409, p. 370. Оруэлл Дж. Славно, славно мы резвились / пер. В. М. Домитеева, Н. А. Анастасьев, Н. Эристави. – М.: АСТ, 2020. 320 с.

96 “irrational terrors” – Ibid., p. 383. «иррациональные ужасы», там же

97 “exactly like a fat” – Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile, p. 223.

98 “It was possible, therefore” – “Such, Such Were the Joys”, CW XIX, 3409 p. 359. Оруэлл Дж. Славно, славно мы резвились / пер. В. М. Домитеева, Н. А. Анастасьев, Н. Эристави. – М.: АСТ, 2020. 320 с.

99 “Whether he knew it or not” – New Yorker, January 28, 1956, reprinted in Meyers (ed.), p. 78.

100 “totalitarians” – Hilary Spurling, The Girl from the Fiction Department: A Portrait of Sonia Orwell (Penguin, 2003), p. 68.

101 “What surprised me mostly” – Interview transcript from Arena: George Orwell.

102 “a book doesn’t exist” – Orwell letter to Julian Symons, January 2, 1948, CW XIX, 3325, p. 249.

103 “It was a cold, blowy day” – Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile, p. 3.

104 “spontaneous demonstrations” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 24.

105 “voluntary subscriptions” – Ibid., p. 59.

106 “Christian Pacifists” – Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile, p. 37.

107 “Thus, the Party rejects” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 225.

108 “a deliberate and sadistic” and “worth a cool million” – Fredric Warburg’s Report on Nineteen Eighty-Four, December 13, 1948, CW XIX, 3505, p. 480.

109 “slightly underfed” – New York Times, January 5, 1948, quoted in Bew, p. 451.

110 An opinion poll– Kynaston, p. 248.

111 he had previously offered to write a piece for Tosco Fyvel– see Coppard and Crick, p. 216.

112 “So far, in spite of the cries” – Orwell, “The Labour Government After Three Years”, Commentary, October 1948, CW XIX, 3461, p. 442.

113 “caused more resentment” – Ibid., p. 439.

114 “it is doubtful whether we can solve” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, Novem ber 15, 1946, CW XVIII, 3115, p. 483.

115 While Orwell was living in Islington– see

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