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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински

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be like” – Daily Mirror, December 13, 1954.

2 “the production and message” – Memo, D. K. Wolfe-Murray to Director of Television Broadcasting, December 16, 1954.

3 “the subject of the sharpest controversy” – New York Times, December 17, 1954.

4 “horrible play” – Daily Mirror, December 16, 1954.

5 “cold eyes stared” – Films and Filming, September 1958, quoted in Jason Jacobs, The Intimate Screen: Early British Television Drama (Clarendon Press, 2000), p. 138.

6 “It was so awful” – Daily Mirror, December 13, 1954.

7 “Never has anything more vile” – Daily Express, December 14, 1954.

8 “a nauseating story” – Daily Mirror, December 13, 1954.

9 “a picture of a world” – Daily Mirror, December 17, 1954.

10 “A Million NIGHTMARES” – Daily Express, December 14, 1954.

11 “pander to sexual and sadistic tastes” – Daily Mirror, December 15, 1954.

12 “Listeners!” – The Goon Show, “Nineteen Eighty-Five”, BBC Home Service, January 4, 1955.

13 “probably acquire” – Bernard Hollowood, “On the Air”, Punch, December 22, 1954, quoted in Rodden, The Politics of Literary Reputation, p. 279.

14 “if someone had written a novel in 1910” – Daily Express, December 14, 1954.

15 “the beastliness of Communism” and “probably arose” – Daily Mail, December 14, 1954.

16 “the lowest essence” – Guardian, December 22, 1954.

17 “a typical brain-washing letter” – Guardian, December 29, 1954.

18 “an ideological superweapon” – Isaac Deutscher, “1984: The Mysticism of Cruelty”, reprinted in Williams (ed.), p. 119.

19 “marginal” – London Times, December 16, 1954.

20 The Secker & Warburg hardback– for sales figures see Warburg, pp. 114–115.

21 “Kipling is the only English writer” – Orwell, “Rudyard Kipling”, Horizon, February 1942, CW XIII, 948, p. 157.

22 “Some of the words he coined” – Nigel Kneale, “The Last Rebel of Airstrip One”, Radio Times, December 10, 1954.

23 “[Flair] is a leap into the Orwellian future” – Mary McCarthy, “Up the Ladder from Charm to Vogue”, July-August 1950, reprinted in On the Contrary (Heinemann, 1962), p. 187.

24 “what the late George Orwell” – Hansard, HC Deb, November 2, 1950, vol. 480, col. 353.

25 “a very remarkable book” – Quoted in Taylor, p. 419.

26 “I thought it was a term of affection” – Hansard, HC Deb, June 18, 1956, vol. 554, col. 1026.

27 “the book written by the late Mr. George Orwell” – Hansard, HL, February 7, 1951, vol. 170, col. 216.

28 “Orwell was really” – Spender, World Review, June 1950.

29 “the man who tells the truth” – Lionel Trilling, “George Orwell and the Politics of Truth”, reprinted in Williams (ed.), p. 79.

30 “It is chiefly for the sake” – Arendt, p. 601.

31 “In the past every tyranny” – Orwell, Review of Russia Under Soviet Rule by N. de Basily, New English Weekly, January 12, 1939, CW XI, 524, p. 317.

32 “distorted the meaning of epithets” – Crossman (ed.), p. 261.

33 “Dickens is one of those writers” – “Charles Dickens”, CW XII, 597, p. 47.

34 “probably had more to do” – Hansard, HC Deb July 21, 1960, vol. 627, col. 770.

35 “no slander is too gross” – A. L. Morton, The English Utopia (Lawrence & Wishart, Ltd., 1952), p. 212.

36 “realisation of Utopia” – Ibid., p. 213.

37 “shrieking into the arms” – Marxist Quarterly, January 1956, reprinted in Meyers (ed.), p. 290.

38 “Marxist English, or Pamphletese” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, March 17, 1944, CW XVI, 2435, p. 124.

39 “a Freudian sublimation– Deutscher in Williams (ed.), p. 130.

40 “1984 is in effect” – Ibid., pp. 131–32.

41 “perhaps more than any other nation” – Golo Mann in Meyers (ed.), p. 277.

42 “Because it is both difficult” – Czeslaw Milosz, The Captive Mind (Penguin Classics, 2001), p. 42.

43 “the most hated writer” – John Rodden, Scenes from an Afterlife: The Legacy of George Orwell (ISI Books, 2003), p. 71.

44 “make allowances” – Life, March 29, 1943.

45 “the secret Ministry of Cold War” – Frances Stonor Saunders, Who Paid the Piper?: The CIA and the Cultural Cold War (Granta, 2000), p. 59.

46 “Indifference to objective truth” – Orwell, “Notes on Nationalism”, CW XVII, 2668, p. 148.

47 “a word that can be uttered” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 321.

48 “Friends, freedom has seized the offensive!” – Peter Coleman, The Liberal Conspiracy: The Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Struggle for the Mind of Postwar Europe (Free Press, 1989), p. 32.

49 “the Noncommunist left” – Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr, The Vital Center: The Politics of Freedom (Da Capo, 1998), p. 148.

50 “George Orwell, with his vigorous good sense” – Ibid., p. 147.

51 “Western man” – Schlesinger, p. 1.

52 Tribune and Partisan Review– For details see Saunders, pp. 162–63, 166.

53 “that bunch of homeless Leftists” – Arthur Koestler, The Yogi and the Commissar and Other Essays (Jonathan Cape, 1945), p. 107.

54 “I was made an unwitting ‘accomplice’ ” – Dwight Macdonald, Discriminations: Essays & Afterthoughts 1938–1974 (Grossman, 1974), p. 59.

55 “it was rather fortunate that Orwell died” – Conor Cruise O’Brien, Listener, December 12, 1968, reprinted in Meyers (ed.), pp. 345–46.

56 “deviate very little” and “retain the spirit” – Daniel J. Leab, Orwell Subverted: The CIA and the Filming of Animal Farm (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007), p. 85.

57 “the mood of the book” – Ihor Szewczenko letter to Orwell, April 11, 1946, CW XVIII, 2969, p. 236.

58 “fanatic intellectual” – Ibid., p. 79.

59 “apparent inference” – Ibid., p. 83.

60 “a bitter satire” – Quoted in David Sylvester, “Orwell on

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