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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински

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don’t for a moment” – Benn diaries, August 22, 1974, in Against the Tide, p. 220.

67 “What is certain” – London Times, May 8, 1975.

68 “looking at the faces of the Junta” – Benn diaries, January 20, 1976, in Against the Tide, p. 501.

69 One leaked dossier – See Dorril and Ramsay, p. 258.

70 “all these fears of bureaucracy” – Philip Whitehead, The Writing on the Wall: Britain in the Seventies (Michael Joseph, Ltd., 1985), p. 216.

71 “you do not pit Hamlet” – Robert Moss, The Collapse of Democracy (Temple Smith, 1975), p. 277.

72 “It is a cold world” – Ibid., p. 35.

73 “cold war liberal” – Haseler, p. 10.

74 “all the gobbledegook” – Ibid., p. 199.

75 “a national-socialist member” – Rhodes Boyson (ed.), 1985: An Escape from Orwell’s 1984: A Conservative Path to Freedom (Churchill Press, 1975), p. ix.

76 “It’s much more frightening” – Radio Times, September 19, 1977.

77 “It is a satire” – Howard Brenton, Plays: One (Methuen, 1986), p. 108.

78 “The Justice Department Is Watching You” – 2000 AD, Prog 1984, May 31, 2016.

79 “I think progress is the biggest enemy on Earth” – Troyer interview, March 1977.

80 “no one creates utopias anymore” – Martin Amis, The War Against Clich: Essays and Reviews 1971–2000 (Vintage, 2002), p. 117.

81 “improbable tyranny” – Burgess, p. 102.

82 “everything seemed ready” – Martin Amis, The War Against Clich, p. 116.

83 “Novels don’t care” – Ibid., p. 120.

84 “Look, you know what happened to Winston” – The Jam, “Standards”, This Is the Modern World (Polydor, 1977).

85 “Now it’s 1984” – Dead Kennedys, “California über Alles” (Optional Music, 1979).

86 “It’s 1984!” – The Clash, “1977” (CBS, 1977).

Глава 12

1 “Orwell was floating around” – Jack Mathews, The Battle for Brazil (Applause, 1998), p. 45.

2 “Information Purification Directives” etc. – “1984” (Chiat/Day, 1983).

3 “thunderclap” – Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs (Little, Brown, 2011), p. 162.

4 “kick[ing] around phrases” – Steve Hayden, “ ‘1984’: As Good As It Gets”, Adweek, January 30, 2011.

5 “They said it would be irresponsible” – Adelia Cellini, “1984: 20 Years On”, Macworld, January 2004.

6 “people in bar rooms” and “No commercial” – Nancy Millman, “Apple ‘1984’ Spot: A Love/Hate Story”, Advertising Age, January 30, 1984.

7 “Will Big Blue dominate” – Isaacson, p. 169.

8 “a B-grade interpretation” – Millman.

9 “THERE IS ONLY ONE YEAR LEFT!” – Nat Hentoff, “The New Age of No Privacy”, Village Voice, February 1, 1983.

10 “casting its appraising eye” – Village Voice, February 1, 1983.

11 “almost as much impact” – Geoffrey Stokes, “The History of the Future”, Village Voice, February 1, 1983.

12 “Orwell’s decade” – Günter Grass, Headbirths, or The Germans Are Dying Out (Secker & Warburg, 1982), p. 67.

13 “If you don’t have an opinion” – Michael Robertson, “Orwell’s 1984 – Prophecy or Paranoia?”, San Francisco Chronicle, December 19, 1983.

14 “black plague” – Quoted in Leopold Labedz, “Will George Orwell Survive 1984?”, Encounter, June 1984.

15 “We can’t control everything.” – John Ezard, “Big Brother Looks Ready for Big Business in 1984”, Guardian, December 28, 1983.

16 “the Ministry of Nightlife” – The New Show (NBC, 1984).

17 “WAR IS PEACE” – Reprinted in Rodden, The Politics of Literary Reputation, p. 234.

18 TV Guide figured– TV Guide, January 18, 1984.

19 “Big Brother meets the band with the Big Balls” – Musician, March 1983.

20 “The Orwell/Animal Farms/1984” – Quoted in Ezard.

21 “Can we be allowed to forget” – James Cameron, “All Together Now”, Guard ian, January 3, 1984.

22 “a kind of Orwellian nightmare” – Spectator, January 7, 1984.

23 “the already hackneyed analogies” – Hansard, HC, January, 25, 1984, vol. 52, col. 1001.

24 “thinking about all the George Orwell jokes” – Reprinted in Rodden, The Politics of Literary Reputation, p. 235.

25 “As a forecaster” – The Futurist, December 1983.

26 “proved wrong” – Isaac Asimov, “It’s Up to the Scientists. . to Refute Orwell’s 1984”, Science Digest, August 1979.

27 “According to Orwell” – Reprinted in Rodden, The Politics of Literary Reputation, p. 257.

28 “a dirty little scoundrel” – Orwell, “Benefit of Clergy”, CW XVI, 2481, p. 237.

29 “Big Brother’s screaming” – Oingo Boingo, “Wake Up (It’s 1984)” (A&M, 1983).

30 “I never read Orwell’s book” – New York Times, January 1, 1984.

31 “I believe” – Cathy Booth, “1984– The Year of the Book”, UPI, January 1, 1984.

32 “I do not believe” – Orwell’s Statement on Nineteen Eighty-Four, CW XX, 3636, p. 136.

33 “I am not in the prediction business” – Robertson.

34 “never has any single man” – George Steiner, “Killing Time”, New Yorker, December 12, 1983.

35 “I’ve fucked up my life” – David Plante, Difficult Women: A Memoir of Three (Victor Gollancz, Ltd., 1983), p. 99.

36 “spouted Orwell like a fountain” – Variety, April 25, 1984.

37 “the Star Wars or 2001: A Space Odyssey” – Photoplay, December 1984.

38 “We had to guarantee” and following quotes– Author interview with Michael Radford.

39 “You know, this really is frightening” – Fiona Kieni, “John Hurt on Nineteen Eighty-Four”, Metro Magazine, no. 65, 1984.

40 “We were lumbered” – Guardian, October 11, 1984.

41 “general knowledge that was in the atmosphere” – Terry Gilliam, Charles Alverson & Bob McCabe, Brazil: The Evolution of the 54th Best British Film Ever Made (Orion, 2001), p. 12.

42 “Brazil came specifically” – Salman Rushdie, “An Interview with Terry Gilliam”, Believer, March 2003.

43 “The Ministry needs terrorists” – Gilliam, Alverson and

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