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Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science 183, Vijay Raghavan and Bate, 'Veronica Rodrigues', 1493–1494 и Veronica Rodrigues and Obaid Siddiqi, 'Genetic Analysis of Chemosensory Path', Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences 87 (1978).


Arnold, 'Nehruvian Science', 368 и 'Teaching', Indian Agricultural Research Institute, дата обращения: 2 сентября 2020 г., https://www.iari.res.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=284&Itemid=889.


Vijay Raghavan and Bate, 'Veronica Rodrigues', 1493.


Laurence Schneider, Biology and Revolution in Twentieth-Century China (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), 123, Eliot Spiess, 'Ching Chun Li, Courageous Scholar of Population Genetics, Human Genetics, and Biostatistics: A Living History Essay', American Journal of Medical Genetics 16 (1983): 610–611 и Aravinda Chakravarti, 'Ching Chun Li (1912–2003): A Personal Remembrance of a Hero of Genetics', The American Journal of Human Genetics 74 (2004): 790.


Schneider, Biology and Revolution, 122 и Spiess, 'Ching Chun Li', 604–605.


Schneider, Biology and Revolution, 117–144, Li Peishan, 'Genetics in China: The Qingdao Symposium of 1956', Isis 79 (1988) и Trofim Lysenko, 'Concluding Remarks on the Report on the Situation in the Biological Sciences', в Death of a Science in Russia: The Fate of Genetics as Described in Pravda and Elsewhere, ed. Conway Zirkle (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1949), 257.


Schneider, Biology and Revolution, 117–144, Li, 'Genetics in China', 228 и Mao Zedong, 'On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People', в Selected Readings from the Works of Mao Tsetung (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1971), 477–478.


Li Jingzhun, 'Genetics Dies in China', Journal of Heredity 41 (1950).


Spiess, 'Ching Chun Li', 613.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 27, Sigrid Schmalzer, 'On the Appropriate Use of Rose-Colored Glasses: Reflections on Science in Socialist China', Isis 98 (2007) и Chunjuan Nancy Wei and Darryl E. Brock, eds., Mr. Science and Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution: Science and Technology in Modern China (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2013).


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 4, Schneider, Biology and Revolution, 3 and 196, Jack Harlan, 'Plant Breeding and Genetics', в Science in Contemporary China, ed. Leo Orleans (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988), 296–297, John Lewis and Litai Xue, China Builds the Bomb (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991) и Mao Zedong, Speech at the Chinese Communist Party's National Conference on Propaganda Work (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1966), 3.


Schneider, Biology and Revolution, 169–177, Li, 'Genetics in China', 230–235, Yu Guangyuan, 'Speeches at the Qingdao Genetics Conference of 1956', в Chinese Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, eds. Fan Dainian and Robert Cohen (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996), 27–34 и Karl Marx, The Collected Works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, пер. Victor Schnittke and Yuri Sdobnikov (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987), 29:263.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 38–39.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 73, Deng Xiangzi and Deng Yingru, The Man Who Puts an End to Hunger: Yuan Longping, 'Father of Hybrid Rice' (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2007), 29–37 и Yuan Longping, Oral Autobiography of Yuan Longping, пер. Zhao Baohua and Zhao Kuangli (Nottingham: Aurora Publishing, 2014), Kindle Edition, отметки 492 и 736.


Schneider, Biology and Revolution, 13, Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 4, 40–41, 73, Deng and Deng, Yuan Longping, 30 и Yuan, Oral Autobiography, отметки 626 и 756.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 75, Deng and Deng, Yuan Longping, 42, 60–1 и Yuan, Oral Autobiography, отметка 797.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 75.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 75 и Deng and Deng, Yuan Longping, 60–61.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 86, Deng and Deng, Yuan Longping, 88–98 и Yuan, Oral Autobiography, отметки 1337 и 1463.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 75 и Yuan, Oral Autobiography, отметки 1337 и 1463.


Schmalzer, Red Revolution, 4 и 'Breeding Program Management', International Rice Research Institute, дата обращения: 2 сентября 2020 г., http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/ricebreedingcourse/Hybrid_Rice_Breeding_&_Seed_Production.htm.


Nadia Abu El-Haj, The Genealogical Science: The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012), 86–98, Nurit Kirsh, 'Population Genetics in Israel in the 1950s: The Unconscious Internalization of Ideology', Isis 94 (2003), Nurit Kirsh, 'Genetic Studies of Ethnic Communities in Israel: A Case of Values-Motivated Research', в Jews and Sciences in German Contexts, eds. Ulrich Charpa and Ute Deichmann (Tübingen: Mohr Sibeck, 2007), 182 и Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 114.


Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 114 и El-Haj, The Genealogical Science, 87.


Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 104–105 and 114–115.


El-Haj, The Genealogical Science, 87–97 и Joseph Gurevitch and E. Margolis, 'Blood Groups in Jews from Iraq', Annals of Human Genetics 19 (1955).


Facts and Figures (New York: Israel Office of Information, 1955), 56–9, Moshe Prywes, ed., Medical and Biomedical Research in Israel (Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1960), xiii, 12–18, 33–39 и Yakov Rabkin, 'Middle East', в The Cambridge History of Science: Modern Science in National, Transnational, and Global Context, eds. Hugh Slotten, Ronald Numbers, and David Livingstone (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), 424, 434–435, 438–443.


Rabkin, 'Middle East', 424–443, Arnold Reisman, 'Comparative Technology Transfer: A Tale of Development in Neighboring Countries, Israel and Turkey', Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 3 (2005): 331, Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 107–113, 138–150, 232–239 и Murat Ergin, 'Is the Turk a White Man?': Race and Modernity in the Making of Turkish Identity (Leiden: Brill, 2017).


Kirsh, 'Population Genetics', 641, Shifra Shvarts, Nadav Davidovitch, Rhona Seidelman, and Avishay Goldberg, 'Medical Selection and the Debate over Mass Immigration in the New State of Israel (1948–1951)', Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 22 (2005) и Roselle Tekiner, 'Race and the Issue of National Identity in Israel', International Journal of Middle East Studies 23 (1991).


Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 108, 146, El-Haj, The Genealogical Science, 63, Kirsh, 'Population Genetics', 635 и Joyce Donegani, Karima Ibrahim, Elizabeth Ikin, and Arthur Mourant, 'The Blood Groups of the People of Egypt', Heredity 4 (1950).


Nurit Kirsh, 'Geneticist Elisabeth Goldschmidt: A Two-Fold Pioneering Story', Israel Studies 9 (2004).


Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 157–159, Batsheva Bonné, 'Chaim Sheba (1908–1971)', American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36 (1972), Raphael Falk, Zionism and the Biology of Jews (Cham: Springer, 2017), 145–148 и Elisabeth Goldschmidt, ed., The Genetics of Migrant and Isolate Populations (New York: The Williams and Wilkins Company, 1973), v. 1.


Goldschmidt, The Genetics of Migrant and Isolate Populations, Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 161–163, El-Haj, The Genealogical Science, 63–65 and 99, Kirsh, 'Population Genetics', 653 и Kirsh, 'Geneticist Elisabeth Goldschmidt', 90.


Burton, Genetic Crossroads, 161–163, El-Haj, The Genealogical Science, 63–65, 99, Kirsh, 'Population Genetics', 653, Kirsh, 'Geneticist Elisabeth Goldschmidt', 90, Newton Freire-Maia, 'The Effect of the Load of Mutations on the Mortality Rate in Brazilian Populations', в The Genetics of Migrant and Isolate Populations, ed. Elisabeth Goldschmidt (New York: The Williams and Wilkins Company,

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