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Efraím Hernández Xolocotzi, Chapingo, and Mexico's Green Revolution, 1950–1967' (PhD diss., University of Oklahoma, 2016).


Hernández, 'Experiences', 1–6, Edwin Wellhausen, 'The Indigenous Maize Germplasm Complexes of Mexico', в Russel, ed., Recent Advances, 18, Paul Mangelsdorf, Corn: Its Origin, Evolution, and Improvement (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1974), 101–105 и Garrison Wilkes, 'Teosinte and the Other Wild Relatives of Maize', в Russel, ed., Recent Advances, 72.


Helen Curry, 'Breeding Uniformity and Banking Diversity: The Genescapes of Industrial Agriculture, 1935–1970', Global Environment 10 (2017), Mangelsdorf, Corn, 24, 106 и Wellhausen, Roberts, Hernández, and Mangelsdorf, Races of Maize, 22.


Cotter, Troubled Harvest, 232, Mangesldorf, Corn, 101, Wellhausen, Roberts, Hernández, and Mangelsdorf, Races of Maize, 34 и Hernández, 'Experiences', 6.


Hernández, 'Experiences', 1, Cotter, Troubled Harvest, 192 and 234, Curry, 'From Working Collections', 6 и Jonathan Harwood, 'Peasant Friendly Plant Breeding and the Early Years of the Green Revolution in Mexico', Agricultural History 83 (2009).


Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez Díaz, 'Mexican Science during the Cold War: An Agenda for Physics and the Life Sciences', Ludus Vitalis 20 (2012): 48–59, Ana Barahona, 'Medical Genetics in Mexico: The Origins of Cytogenetics and the Health Care System', Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 45 (2015), José Alonso-Pavon and Ana Barahona, 'Genetics, Radiobiology and the Circulation of Knowledge in Cold War Mexico, 1960–1980', в The Scientific Dialogue Linking America, Asia and Europe between the 12th and the 20th Century, ed. Fabio D'Angelo (Naples: Associazione culturale Viaggiatori, 2018), Thomas Glick, 'Science in Twentieth-Century Latin America', в Ideas and Ideologies in Twentieth-Century Latin America, ed. Leslie Bethel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 309, Larissa Lomnitz, 'Hierarchy and Peripherality: The Organisation of a Mexican Research Institute', Minerva 17 (1979) и Biomedical Research Policies in Latin America: Structures and Processes (Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization, 1965), 165–167.


Ana Barahona, Susana Pinar, and Francisco Ayala, 'Introduction and Institutionalization of Genetics in Mexico', Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2005): 287–289.


Barahona, Pinar, and Ayala, 'Introduction and Institutionalization', 287–289, Ana Barahona, 'Transnational Science and Collaborative Networks: The Case of Genetics and Radiobiology in Mexico, 1950–1970', Dynamis 35 (2015): 347–348 и Eucario López-Ochoterena, 'In Memoriam: Rodolfo Félix Estrada (1924–1990)', Ciencias UNAM, дата обращения: 3 июля 2020 г., http://repositorio.fciencias.unam.mx:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11154/143333/41VMemoriamRodolfo.pdf.


Alfonso León de Garay, Louis Levine, and J. E. Lindsay Carter, Genetic and Anthropological Studies of Olympic Athletes (New York: Academic Press, 1974), ix–xvi, 1–23, 30.


Barahona, Pinar, and Ayala, 'Introduction and Institutionalization', 289, James Rupert, 'Genitals to Genes: The History and Biology of Gender Verification in the Olympics', Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 28 (2011) и De Garay, Levine, and Carter, Genetic and Anthropological Studies, ix–xvi, 1–23, 30.


De Garay, Levine, and Carter, Genetic and Anthropological Studies, 43, 147, 230 и James Meade and Alan Parkes, eds., Genetic and Environmental Factors in Human Ability (London: Eugenics Society, 1966), Angela Saini, Superior: The Return of Race Science (London: Fourth Estate, 2019) и Alison Bashford, 'Epilogue: Where Did Eugenics Go?', в The Oxford Handbook of the History of Eugenics, eds. Alison Bashford and Philippa Levine (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).


Ana Barahona and Francisco Ayala, 'The Emergence and Development of Genetics in Mexico', Nature Reviews Genetics 6 (2005): 860, Glick, 'Science in Twentieth-Century Latin America', 297 и Francisco Salzano, 'The Evolution of Science in a Latin-American Country: Genetics and Genomics in Brazil', Genetics 208 (2018).


Gita Gopalkrishnan, M. S. Swaminathan: One Man's Quest for a Hunger-Free World (Chennai: Sri Venkatesa Printing House, 2002), 8–24 и Hurt, The Green Revolution in the Global South, 45–46.


Gopalkrishnan, M. S. Swaminathan, 24–25.


Gopalkrishnan, M. S. Swaminathan, 28–29, Debi Prosad Burma and Maharani Chakravorty, 'Biochemistry: A Hybrid Science Giving Birth to Molecular Biology', в History of Science, Philosophy, and Culture in Indian Civilization: From Physiology and Chemistry to Biochemistry, eds. Debi Prosad Burma and Maharani Chakravorty (Delhi: Longman, 2011), vol. 13, part 2, 157 и David Arnold, 'Nehruvian Science and Postcolonial India', Isis 104 (2013): 366.


Gopalkrishnan, M. S. Swaminathan, 35–42.


Gopalkrishnan, M. S. Swaminathan, 43–44, Cotter, Troubled Harvest, 252, Curry, 'From Working Collections', 7–9, Hurt, The Green Revolution in the Global South, 46 и Srabani Sen, '1960–1999: Four Decades of Biochemistry in India', Indian Journal of History of Science 46 (2011): 175–179.


Gopalkrishnan, M. S. Swaminathan, 45, Hurt, The Green Revolution in the Global South, 46, 'Dilbagh Athwal, Geneticist and "Father of the Wheat Revolution" – Obituary', The Telegraph, дата обращения: 2 сентября 2020 г., https://www.telegraph.co.uk/obituaries/2017/05/22/dilbagh-athwal-geneticist-father-wheat-revolution-obituary/.


Arnold, 'Nehruvian Science', 362 and 368, Sen, 'Four Decades of Biochemistry', 175, Sigrid Schmalzer, Red Revolution, Green Revolution: Scientific Farming in Socialist China (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), 5.


Jawaharlal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru on Science and Society: A Collection of His Writings and Speeches (New Delhi: Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, 1988), 137–138 и Robert Anderson, Nucleus and Nation: Scientists, International Networks, and Power in India (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 4 и 237.


Indira Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science: Homi Bhabha and the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016), 175, Krishnaswamy Vijay Raghavan, 'Obaid Siddiqi: Celebrating His Life in Science and the Cultural Transmission of Its Values', Journal of Neurogenetics 26 (2012), Zinnia Ray Chaudhuri, 'Her Father's Voice: A Photographer Pays Tribute to Her Celebrated Scientist-Father', Scroll.in, дата обращения: 5 мая 2020 г., https://scroll.in/roving/802600/her-fathers-voice-a-photographer-pays-tribute-to-her-celebrated-scientistfather и 'India Mourns Loss of "Aristocratic" & Gutsy Molecular Biology Guru', Nature India, дата обращения: 4 мая 2020 г., https://www.natureasia.com/en/nindia/article/10.1038/nindia.2013.102.


'India Mourns', Vijay Raghavan, 'Obaid Siddiqi', 257–259 и Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science, 175.


Vijay Raghavan, 'Obaid Siddiqi', 257–259, Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science, 175 и Alan Garen and Obaid Siddiqi, 'Suppression of Mutations in the Alkaline Phosphatase Structural Cistron of E. coli', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 48 (1962).


Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science, 175–178.


Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science, 181–182, Vijay Raghavan, 'Obaid Siddiqi', 259 и Obaid Siddiqi and Seymour Benzer, 'Neurophysiological Defects in Temperature-Sensitive Paralytic Mutants of Drosophila Melanogaster', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 73 (1976).


Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science 183, Krishnaswamy Vijay Raghavan and Michael Bate, 'Veronica Rodrigues (1953–2010)', Science 330 (2010), Namrata Gupta and A. K. Sharma, 'Triple Burden on Women Academic Scientists', в Women and Science in India: A Reader, ed. Neelam Kumar (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2009), 236 и Malathy Duraisamy and P. Duraisamy, 'Women's Participation in Scientific and Technical Education and Labour Markets in India', в Kumar, ed., Women and Science in India, 293.


Chowdhury, Growing the Tree of Science, 183 и Vijay Raghavan and Bate, 'Veronica Rodrigues', 1493–1494.


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