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of Chicago Press, 2005), 77–81 и James Clerk Maxwell, 'A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 155 (1865): 460 и 466.


Morus, When Physics Became King, 170–172, 188–191 и 'Liste de membres du Congres international de physique'.


Peter Lebedev, 'Les forces de Maxwell-Bartoli dues a la pression de la lumiere', в Guillaume and Poincaré, eds., Rapports présentés, 2:133–140 и Alexander Vucinich, Science in Russian Culture, 1861–1917 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1963), 2:367–368.


Hantaro Nagaoka, 'La magnetostriction', в Guillaume and Poincaré, eds., Rapports présentés, 2:536–556, Subrata Dasgupta, Jagadis Chandra Bose and the Indian Response to Western Science (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999), 109–110, Jagadish Chandra Bose, 'De la généralité des phénomenes moléculaires produits par l'électricité sur la matiere inorganique et sur la matiere vivante', в Guillaume and Poincaré, eds., Rapports présentés, 3:581–587.


Morus, When Physics Became King, and Daniel Headrick, The Tentacles of Progress: Technology Transfer in the Age of Imperialism, 1850–1940 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988), 97–144.


Aaron Ihde, The Development of Modern Chemistry (New York: Harper & Row, 1964 [1984]), 94, 231–258, 443–474, 747–749 и V. N. Pitchkov, 'The Discovery of Ruthenium', Platinum Metals Review 40 (1996): 184.


Ihde, The Development of Modern Chemistry, 249 и 488.


Charles Édouard Guillaume, 'The International Physical Congress', Nature 62 (1900): 428.


Moisei Radovsky, Alexander Popov: Inventor of the Radio, пер. G. Yankovsky (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957), 23–61.


Sungook Hong, Wireless: From Marconi's Black-Box to the Audion (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001), 4 и Radovsky, Alexander Popov, 54–61.


Radovsky, Alexander Popov, 5–23.


Там же, 23–38, 69–73, 79.


Radovsky, Alexander Popov, 69–73, 79, Daniel Headrick, The Invisible Weapon: Telecommunications and International Politics, 1851–1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991), 123 и Robert Lochte, 'Invention and Innovation of Early Radio Technology', Journal of Radio Studies 7 (2000).


Vucinich, Science in Russian Culture, 2:1–78, Paul Josephson, Physics and Politics in Revolutionary Russia (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), 9–39 и Natalia Nikiforova, 'Electricity at Court: Technology in Representation of Imperial Power', в Electric Worlds: Creations, Circulations, Tensions, Transitions, eds. Alain Beltran, Léonard Laborie, Pierre Lanthier, and Stéphanie Le Gallic (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2016), 66–68.


Joseph Bradley, Voluntary Associations in Tsarist Russia: Science, Patriotism, and Civil Society (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009), 171–172 и Radovsky, Alexander Popov, 18.


Vucinich, Science in Russian Culture, 2:366–368.


Vucinich, Science in Russian Culture, 2:151–163, Loren Graham, Science in Russia and the Soviet Union: A Short History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 45–53 и Michael Gordin, A Well-Ordered Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table (New York: Basic Books, 2004).


Vucinich, Science in Russian Culture, 2:163 и Gordin, A Well-Ordered Thing, 8–9.


Michael Gordin, 'A Modernization of "Peerless Homogeneity": The Creation of Russian Smokeless Gunpowder', Technology and Culture 44 (2003): 682–693 и Michael Gordin, 'No Smoking Gun: D. I. Mendeleev and Pyrocollodion Gunpowder', в Troisiémes journées scientifiques Paul Vieille (Paris: A3P, 2000).


Gordin, 'The Creation of Russian Smokeless Gunpowder', 678–682.


Там же, 680–682.


Gordin, 'The Creation of Russian Smokeless Gunpowder', 682–690 и Gordin, 'No Smoking Gun', 73–74.


Francis Michael Stackenwalt, 'Dmitrii Ivanovich Mendeleev and the Emergence of the Modern Russian Petroleum Industry, 1863–1877', Ambix 45 (1998) и Zack Pelta-Hella, 'Braving the Elements: Why Mendeleev Left Russian Soil for American Oil', Science History Institute, дата обращения: 9 августа 2020 г., https://www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/braving-the-elements-why-mendeleev-left-russiansoil-for-american-oil.


Mary Creese, Ladies in the Laboratory IV: Imperial Russia's Women in Science, 1800–1900 (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 54–61.


Creese, Ladies in the Laboratory IV, 52–55.


Creese, Ladies in the Laboratory IV, 55–56 и Ann Koblitz, Science, Women and Revolution in Russia (London: Routledge, 2014), 129.


Creese, Ladies in the Laboratory IV, 55–56 и Gisela Boeck, 'Ordering the Platinum Metals – The Contribution of Julia V. Lermontova (1846/47–1919)', в Women in Their Element: Selected Women's Contributions to the Periodic System, eds. Annette Lykknes and Brigitte Van Tiggelen (New Jersey: World Scientific, 2019), 112–123.


Creese, Ladies in the Laboratory IV, 57–58.


Gordin, A Well-Ordered Thing, 63–64 и 'Liste de membres du Congres international de physique', 159.


Josephson, Physics and Politics, 16–18, Alexei Kojevnikov, Stalin's Great Science: The Times and Adventures of Soviet Physicists (London: Imperial College Press, 2004), 1–22 и Nathan Brooks, 'Chemistry in War, Revolution, and Upheaval: Russia and the Soviet Union, 1900–1929', Centaurus 39 (1997): 353–358.


Yakup Bektas, 'The Sultan's Messenger: Cultural Constructions of Ottoman Telegraphy, 1847–1880', Technology and Culture 41 (2000): 671–672, Yakup Bektas, 'Displaying the American Genius: The Electromagnetic Telegraph in the Wider World', The British Journal for the History of Science 34 (2001): 199–214 и John Porter Brown, 'An Exhibition of Professor Morse's Magnetic Telegraph before the Sultan', Journal of the American Oriental Society 1 (1849): liv–lvii.


Bektas, 'Displaying the American Genius', 199–216, Bektas, 'The Sultan's Messenger', 672 и Brown, 'An Exhibition', lv.


Roderic Davison, Essays in Ottoman and Turkish History, 1774–1923: The Impact of the West (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013), 133–154 и Bektas, 'The Sultan's Messenger', 669–694.


Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, The House of Sciences: The First Modern University in the Muslim World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 1–5, Meltem Akbaş, 'The March of Military Physics – I: Physics and Mechanical Sciences in the Curricula of the 19th Century Ottoman Military Schools', Studies in Ottoman Science 13 (2012), Meltem Akbaş, 'The March of Military Physics – II: Teachers and Textbooks of Physics and Mechanical Sciences of the 19th Century Ottoman Military Schools', Studies in Ottoman Science 14 (2012) и Mustafa Kaçar, 'The Development in the Attitude of the Ottoman State towards Science and Education and the Establishment of the Engineering Schools (Mühendishanes)', в Science, Technology and Industry in the Ottoman World, eds. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Ahmed Djebbar, and Feza Günergun (Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2000).


Feza Günergun, 'Chemical Laboratories in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul: A Case-Study on the Laboratory of the Hamidiye Etfal Children's Hospital', Spaces and Collections in the History of Science, eds. Marta Lourenço and Ana Carneiro (Lisbon: Museum of Science of the University of Lisbon, 2009), 91, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, 'Ottoman Educational and Scholarly Scientific Institutions', в History of the Ottoman State, Society, and Civilization, ed. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu (Istanbul: Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 2001), 2:484–485 и İhsanoğlu, The House of Sciences, 1–5.

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