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История одиночества - Дэвид Винсент

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Boards for England and Wales, and Scotland, Report of the Committee appointed by the President of the Local Government Board and the Secretary for Scotland to consider questions of building construction in connection with the provision of dwellings for the working classes in England and Wales, and Scotland, and report upon methods of securing economy and despatch in the provision of such dwellings [Tudor Walters Report] (1918). Cd 9191, 25.


Report of the Committee appointed by the President of the Local Government Board. P. 25.


Twentieth-Century British Social Trends / Eds A. H. Halsey, J. Webb [3rd edn.]. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000. P. 477.


Snell K. D. M. The Rise of Living Alone and Loneliness in History // Journal of Social History. 2017. Vol. 42. № 1. P. 9; Hall R. et al. The Pattern and Structure of One-Person Households in England and Wales and France // International Journal of Population Geography. 1997. № 3. P. 162–163.


Weightman G. Children of Light: How Electricity Changed Britain Forever. L.: Atlantic Books, 2011. P. 225.


Spring Rice M. Working-Class Wives. P. 132; Gavron H. The Captive Wife: Conflicts of Housebound Mothers. L.: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966. P. 49. См. также: Roberts E. Women and Families: An Oral History, 1940–1970. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. P. 22–27; Light A. Common People: The History of an English Family. L.: Fig Tree, 2014. P. 240.


Johnson A. This Boy. L.: Corgi, 2014. О лондонском жилье вообще см.: White J. London in the Twentieth Century: A City and Its People. L.: Viking, 2001. P. 235–236.


Vincent D. Privacy: A Short History. Cambridge: Polity, 2016. P. 79–80.


Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Homes for Today & Tomorrow. L.: HMSO, 1961. P. 1, 2.


Ibid. P. 15. См. также: Burnett J. A Social History of Housing. L.: Methuen, 1986. P. 304–308.


Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Homes for Today & Tomorrow. P. 2.


Vincent D. Literacy and Popular Culture. England 1750–1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. P. 28–29.


Phillipson Ch., Bernard M., Phillips J., Ogg J. The Family and Community Life of Older People. L.: Routledge, 2001. P. 243.


White C. Women’s Magazines 1693–1968. L.: Michael Joseph, 1970; Barrell J., Braithwaite B. The Business of Women’s Magazines. L.: Kogan Page, 1988; Hoggart R. The Uses of Literacy [1957]. L.: Penguin, 2009. P. 103–111, 182–197; Curran J., Seaton J. Power without Responsibility: The Press, Broadcasting and New Media in Britain [6th edn.]. L.: Routledge, 2003. P. 69–92.


Green E., Hebron S., Woodward D. Women’s Leisure, What Leisure? Houndmills: Macmillan, 1990. P. 84.


Creeke A. B. Stamp Collecting: A Guide for Beginners. L.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, [1915]. P. 273. См. также: Mackay J. Stamp Collecting. L.: Park Lane Press, 1980. P. 74; Melville F. J. Stamp Collecting [4th edn.]. L.: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978. P. 200; Davies H. The Joy of Stamps. L.: Robson Books, 1983. P. 18–21.


Davy T. The Hobbies Story. Dereham: Nostalgia Publications, 1998. P. 19–25; McKibbin R. Work and Hobbies in Britain, 1880–1950 // The Ideologies of Class: Social Relations in Britain, 1880–1950. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. P. 141.


О последующем росте литературы для любителей моделей поездов – как на национальном, так и на глобальном уровне – см.: McHoy P. The World Guide to Model Trains. L.: Ward Lock, 1983. P. 16.


Цит. по: McReavy A. The Toy Story: The Life of Times of Inventor Frank Hornby. L.: Ebery Press, 2002. P. 165.


White C. Women’s Magazines 1693–1968. P. 96.


Briggs A. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. P. 278.


Carr-Saunders A. M., Caradog Jones D., Moser C. A. A Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958. P. 246–247.


Briggs A., Burke P. A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet [3rd edn.]. Cambridge: Polity, 2009. P. 213.


Ellis J. Seeing Things: Television in the Age of Uncertainty. L.: I. B. Tauris, 2000. P. 41; Kynaston D. Family Britain 1951–1957. P. 670–671.


Taylor L., Mullan B. Uninvited Guests: The Intimate Secrets of Television and Radio. L.: Coronet, 1987. P. 184.


Ibid. P. 183. См. также: Collett P., Lamb R. Watching People Watching Television. Oxford: Department of Experimental Psychology, 1986. P. 15; Moran J. Armchair Nation: An Intimate History of Britain in Front of the TV. L.: Profile Books, 2013. P. 272.


Report of the Committee on Broadcasting, 1960 [Pilkington], Cmnd 1763. L.: HMSO, 1962. P. 21.


Halpern J. The History of the Crossword. L.: Andre Deutsch, 2016. P. 15.


Arnot M. A History of the Crossword Puzzle. L.: Papermac, 1982. P. 67.


Balfour S. A Clue to our Lives: 80 Years of the Guardian Crossword. L.: Guardian Books, 2008. P. 4.


Решение кроссворда из The Daily Telegraph стало неотъемлемой частью процесса отбора в Центр правительственной связи (британскую спецслужбу).

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