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№ 643. P. 608.


Hill B. A Refuge from Men. P. 128.


Henriques U. R. Q. The Rise and Decline of the Separate System of Prison Discipline // Past & Present. 1972. № 54. P. 62.


Cajani L. Surveillance and Redemption: The Casa di Correzione of San Michel a Ripa in Rome // Institutions of Confinement: Hospitals, Asylums, and Prisons in Western Europe and North America, 1500–1950 / Eds N. Finzsch, R. Jütte. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. P. 301–318; O’Donnell I. Prisoners, Solitude, and Time. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. P. 5–6; Ignatieff M. A Just Measure of Pain. L.: Macmillan, 1978. P. 53.


Howard J. The State of the Prisons in England and Wales. Warrington: William Eyres, 1777. P. 119, 123.


Ibid. P. 43.


Hanway J. Solitude in Imprisonment. L.: J. Bew, 1776. P. 4.




Ibid. P. 70–71.


Ibid. P. 44. О пенитенциарной теории Хэнуэя см.: McGowan R. The Well-Ordered Prison: England, 1780–1865 // The Oxford History of the Prison: The Practice of Punishment in Western Society / Eds N. Morris, D. J. Rothman. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995. P. 86.


Hanway J. Distributive Justice and Mercy. L.: J. Dodsley, 1781. P. 102–103. О христианской вере самого Хэнуэя см.: Hutchins J. H. Jonas Hanway 1712–1786. L.: SPCK, 1940. P. 11.


Hanway J. Solitude in Imprisonment. P. 102–103.


Ignatieff M. A Just Measure of Pain. P. 78.


Hanway J. Solitude in Imprisonment. P. 104.


Beaumont G. de, Tocqueville A. de. On the Penitentiary System in the United States / Transl. F. Lieber [1833]. N. Y.: Augustus M. Kelley, 1970. P. 5.


См., например: Simpson W. Solitary Confinement and the Silent System // The Lancet. 1840. Vol. 40. № 2. P. 370.


[Ferguson R.] Reports of the Commissioners for Pentonville Prison // Quarterly Review. 1847. Vol. 82. № 163. P. 181. Об обернском эксперименте см.: O’Donnell I. Prisoners, Solitude, and Time. P. 8–9.


О тоне дебатов по обе стороны Атлантики см.: Howe S. G. An Essay on Separate and Congregate Systems of Prison Discipline. Boston: William D. Ticknor, 1846. P. 8; Chesterton G. L. Revelations of Prison Life. 2 vols. L.: Hurst and Blackett, 1856. Vol. 1. P. 320.


The New Regulations for Prisons in England and Wales. L.: Shaw & Sons, 1843. P. 40. Этот устав, впервые изданный в 1840 году, был призван обеспечить последовательное соблюдение местными тюрьмами соответствующей практики в исправительных учреждениях для осужденных.


Vyvyan R., Sir. A Letter from Sir Richard Vyvyan, Bt, MP to the Magistrates of Berkshire, on their Newly-Established Practice of Consigning Prisoners to Solitary Confinement before Trial. L.: Ridgway, 1845. P. 9.


Mayhew H., Binny J. The Criminal Prisons of London and Scenes of Prison Life. L.: Charles Griffin, 1862. P. 103.


Их обязанности были изложены в современных правилах. См.: Regulations for Prisons in England and Wales. L.: W. Clowes & Sons, 1840. P. 40–43; Rules for the Government of Pentonville Prison. L.: W. Clowes, 1842. P. 46–49. См. также: Henriques U. R. Q. The Rise and Decline of the Separate System of Prison Discipline. P. 78; Davie N. «Nothing Kept Back, Nothing Exaggerated»: Piety, Penology and Conflict: Joseph Kingsmill, Prison Chaplain (1842–1860) // Law, Crime and Deviance since 1700 / Eds A.-M. Kilday, D. Nash. L.: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. P. 276.


Crone R. Illiterate Inmates: Educating Criminals in 19th-Century England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, <forthcoming>.


Sixth Report of the Commissioners for the Government of the Pentonville Prison, PP 1847–1848, XXXIV, 29.


Beaumont G. de, Tocqueville A. de. On the Penitentiary System in the United States. P. 51.


Ibid. P. 93.


Clay W. L. The Prison Chaplain: A Memoir of the Rev. John Clay, B. D. Cambridge: Macmillan, 1861. P. 301.


Extracts from the Second Report of [William Crawford and Whitworth Russell Esqs,] the Inspectors of Prisons for the Home District. L.: W. Clowes & Sons, 1837. P. 27.


Davie N. «Nothing Kept Back, Nothing Exaggerated». P. 273.


Stockdale E. A Short History of Prison Inspection in England // The British Journal of Criminology. 1983. Vol. 23. № 3. P. 214–216. В Ирландии инспекция уже была.


Dickens Ch. American Notes [1842]. L.: Penguin, 2004. P. 111. [Диккенс Ч. Американские заметки / Пер. Т. Кудрявцевой // Диккенс Ч. Собр. соч.: В 30 т. Т. 9. М.: Гос. изд. худ. лит., 1958. С. 125.]


Ibid. P. 111. [Там же.]


Ibid. P. 113. [Там же. С. 128.] О Диккенсе и тюрьмах см.: Vincent D. Social Reform // The Oxford Handbook of Charles Dickens / Eds R. L. Patten et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. P. 435–436.


Field J., Rev. Prison Discipline and the Advantages of the Separate System of Imprisonment. 2 vols. L.: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1848. Vol. 1. P. 105–108.


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