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визитах капелланов в Милбанке см.: [Callow E.] Five Years’ Penal Solitude, By One Who Has Endured It. L.: Richard Bentley & Son, 1878. P. 100.


Shalev Sh. A Sourcebook on Solitary Confinement. L.: Mannheim Centre for Criminology, 2008. P. 17–18; Smith P. Sch. The Effects of Solitary Confinement on Prison Inmates: A Brief History and Review of the Literature // Crime and Justice. 2006. Vol. 34. № 1. P. 451.


Bucknill J. Ch., Tuke D. H. A Manual of Psychological Medicine. L.: John Churchill, 1858. P. 166–169.


The Horrors of Pentonville Prison. I Life // The Examiner. 1879. 18 Jan. № 3703. P. 79.


См., например: «A Ticket of Leave Man». Convict Life. L.: Wyman & Sons, 1880. P. 201. См. также: Balfour J. S. My Prison Life. L.: Chapman & Hall, 1907. P. 66–72; Brocklehurst F. I Was in Prison. L.: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898. P. 22. Эти воспоминания легли в основу нескольких исследований, которые с трудом выдерживают баланс между повествованиями тех, кто пережил молчание, и теми, кто его пережить не смог. См., в частности: Priestley Ph. Victorian Prison Lives: English Prison Biography 1830–1914. L.: Methuen, 1985; O’Donnell I. Prisoners, Solitude, and Time.


Clarke Th. J. Glimpses of an Irish Felon’s Prison Life. P. 93.


См., например: Davitt M. Leaves from a Prison Diary. 2 vols. L.: Chapman & Hall, 1885.


Report from the Departmental Committee on Prisons (Gladstone), PP 1895, LVI, I (C7702), 384.


O’Donovan Rossa J. My Years in English Jails [1874]. Tralee, Co. Kerry: Anvil Books, 1967. P. 164–178; O’Donovan Rossa J. Irish Rebels in English Prisons [1882]. Dingle, Co. Kerry: Brandon Book Publishers, 1991. P. 175–263.


Smith P. Sch. The Effects of Solitary Confinement on Prison Inmates. P. 442. О режиме одиночного содержания в начале XX века см.: Brown A. English Society and the Prison: Time, Culture and Politics in the Development of the Modern Prison 1850–1920. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2003. P. 19–20.


Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, Appointed to Inquire into the Provisions and Operation of the Act 16 & 17 Vict. Cap. 99, intituled, «An Act to Substitute, in certain Cases, other Punishment in lieu of Transportation», 26 July 1856.


Reports of the Directors of Convict Prisons… For the Year 1885–1886. L.: HMSO, 1886. P. IX.


Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Operation of the Acts Relating to Transportation and Penal Servitude, PP 1863 (3190), XXI, I, 40.


Reports of the Directors of Convict Prisons… For the Year 1875. P. 339.


Gurney J. J. Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends. L.: J. & A. Arch, 1824. P. 235.


Stephen C. E. Quaker Strongholds. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1890. P. 21.


Ibid. P. 59.


Stephen C. E. Light Arising: Thoughts on the Central Radiance. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1908. P. 68.


Об Элизабет Фрай и пенитенциарной реформе см.: Isba A. The Excellent Mrs Fry. L.: Continuum, 2010. P. 49–173.


PP 1818 (275), Report from the Committee on the Prisons Within the City of London and Borough of Southwark (1818). P. 35.


Fry E. Observations on the Visiting, Superintendence, and Government, of Female Prisoners. L.: John & Arthur Arch, 1827. P. 23.


PP 1818 (275), Report from the Committee on the Prisons. P. 41.


PP 1835 (438). First Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords Appointed to Inquire into the Present State of the Several Gaols and Houses of Correction in England and Wales (1835). P. 339.


См., например: Walsh W. The Secret History of the Oxford Movement. L.: Swan Sonnenschein, 1897.


Spring Rice M. Working-Class Wives: Their Health and Conditions [1939; 2nd edn.]. L.: Virago, 1981. P. 114.


Langhamer C. Women’s Leisure in England 1920–1960. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000. P. 133.


Jephcott P. Married Women Working. L.: George Allen & Unwin, 1962. P. 3. См. также: Kynaston D. Family Britain 1951–1957. L.: Bloomsbury, 2009. P. 460.


Davies A. Leisure, Gender and Poverty. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1992. P. 35.


Roberts R. The Classic Slum. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. P. 49–50. См. также: Winter J. London’s Teeming Streets 1830–1914. L.: Routledge, 1993. P. 67.


Bakke E. W. The Unemployed Man: A Social Study. L.: Nisbet and Co., 1933. P. 189.


Burnett J. Liquid Pleasures: A Social History of Drinks in Modern Britain. L.: Routledge, 1999. P. 137–139; Kynaston D. Modernity Britain, 1957–1962: Books 1 & 2. L.: Bloomsbury, 2015. P. 62.


Woolf V. A Room of One’s Own [1929]. L.: Chatto & Windus, 1984. P. 97. [Вулф В. Своя комната / Пер. Н. И. Рейнгольд // Вулф В. Обыкновенный читатель. М.: Наука, 2012. С. 517.]


Dayus K. Her People. L.: Virago, 1982. P. 3.


Local Government

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