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Во имя Науки! Убийства, пытки, шпионаж и многое другое - Сэм Кин

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in Texas Law Review, by Gregg Bloche, volume 95, issue 6, pages 1329–1355, 2017.

“The Trouble with Harry,” in The American Scholar, by Paul Roazen, volume 62, issue 2, pages 306, 308, 310–312, Spring 1993.

“The World of Soviet Psychology,” in The New York Times Magazine, by Walter Reich, January 30th, 1983, last accessed on November 22nd, 2020, at www.nytimes.com/1983/01/30/magazine/the-world-of-soviet-psychiatry.html

Глава 11. Недобросовестность: секс, власть и Мани

“Ablatio penis: Normal Male Infant Sex-Reassigned as a Girl,” in Archives of Sexual Behavior, by John Money, volume 4, issue 1, 65–71, 1975.

“Am I My Brain or My Genitals? A Nature-Culture Controversy in the Hermaphrodite Debate from the mid-1960s to the late 1990s,” in Gesnerus, by Cynthia Kraus, volume 68, issue 1, pages 80–106, 2011.

“Are hormones a ‘female problem’ for animal research?” in Science, by Rebecca M. Shansky, volume 364, issue 6443, pages 823–826, May 31st, 2019.

As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised As A Girl, by John Colapinto, Harper Perennial, 2006.

“The Biopolitical Birth of Gender: Social Control, Hermaphroditism, and the New Sexual Apparatus,” in Alternatives: Global, Local, Political: Biopolitics beyond Foucault, by Jemima Repo, volume 38, issue 3, pages 228–244, August 2013.

“Body Politics,” in The Washington Post, by Chris Bull, April 30th, 2000 last accessed on November 23rd, 2020, at https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/entertainment/books/ 2000/04/30/body-politics/4d3e07d3-0d74-488d-929d-b2b5f2b3d98d

“The Contributions of John Money: A Personal View,” in The Journal of Sex Research, by Vern L. Bullough, volume 40, issue 3, pages 230–236, August 2003.

“David and Goliath: Nature Needs Nurture,” chapter six of A First Person History of Pediatric Psychoendocrinology, by John Money, Springer 2002 “David Reimer’s Legacy: Limiting Parental Discretion,” in Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender, by Hazel Glenn Beh and Milton Diamond, volume 12, issue 1, pages 5–30, 2005.

“The Five Sexes, Revisited,” in Sciences, by Anne Fausto-Sterling, volume 40, issue 4, pages 18–23, July-August 2000.

“Gender Gap,” in Slate, by John Colapinto, published June 3rd, 2004, last accessed on November 23rd, 2020, at slate.com/technology/2004/06/why-did-david-reimer-commit-suicide.html

“Intersexuality and the Categories of Sex,” in Hypatia, by Georgia Warnke, volume 16, issue 3, pages 126–137, Summer 2001.

“Intersexuals Struggle to Find Their Identity,” in The Bergen County Record, by Ruth Padawer, July 25th, 2004, page A1.

The Man Who Invented Gender: Engaging the Ideas of John Money, by Terry Goldie, UBC Press, 2014.

“Sex Reassignment at Birth: Long-term Review and Clinical Implications,” in Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, by Milton Diamond and Keith H. Sigmundson, volume 151, issue 3, pages 298–304, March 1997.

“The Sexes: Biological Imperatives,” in Time, page 34, Monday, January 8th, 1973.

“Sexual Identity, Monozygotic Twins Reared in Discordant Sex Roles and a BBC Follow-Up,” in Archives of Sexual Behavior, by Milton Diamond, volume 11, issue 2, pages 181–185.

“‘An Unnamed Blank That Craved a Name’: A Genealogy of Intersex as Gender,” in Signs [Sex: A Thematic Issue], by David A. Rubin, volume 37, issue 4, pages 883–908, Summer 2012.

“What Did it Mean To Be a Castrato?”, from Gizmodo.com, by Esther Inglis-Arkell, September 24th, 2015, last accessed on November 23rd, 2020, at io9.gizmodo.com/what-did-it-mean-to-be-a-castrato-17327 42399

Глава 12. Фальсификация: супервумен

“21,500 Cases Dismissed due to Forensic Chemist’s Misconduct,” in Chemistry World, by Rebecca Trager, April 25th, 2017, last accessed November 22nd, 2020, at /www.chemistryworld.com/news/21500-cases-dismissed-due-to-forensic-chemists-misconduct/3007173.article

“Annie Dookhan Pursued Renown along a Path of Lies,” in The Boston Globe, by Sally Jacobs, February 3rd, 2013, last accessed November 22nd, 2020, at https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/02/03/chasing-renown-path-paved-with-lies/Axw3AxwmD33lRwXatSv MCL/story.html

Betrayers of Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science, by William Broad and Nicholas Wade, Century, 1983.

“Chemist Built Up Ties to Prosecutors,” The Boston Globe, by Andrea Estes and Scott Allen, December 21st, 2012, page A1.

“The Chemists and the Cover-Up,” in Reason, by Shawn Musgrave, March 2019 issue, last accessed November 22nd, 2020, at https://reason.com/2019/02/09/the-chemists-and-the-cover-up

“Confrontation at the Supreme Court,” in The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights, by Olivia B. Luckett, volume 21, issue 2, pages 219–243, Spring 2016.

“Confronting Science: Melendez-Diaz and the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment,” in The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, by Craig C. King, volume 79, issue 8, pages 24–32, August 2010.

“Crime labs under the microscope after a string of shoddy, suspect and fraudulent results,” in The America Bar Association Journal, by Mark Hansen, September 6, 2013, last accessed on November 22nd, 2020, at https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/crime_labs_under_the _microscope_after_a_string_of_shoddy_suspect

Criminal Genius: A Portrait of High-IQ Offenders, by James C. Oleson, University of California Press, 2016.

“The Final Tally Is In: Cases in Annie Dookhan Drug Lab Scandal Set for Dismissal, County by County,” from MassLive.com, by Gintautas Dumcius, April 19th, 2017, last accessed November 22nd, 2020, at https://www.masslive.com/news/2017/04/the_final_tally_is_in_cases_in.html

“Forensics in Crisis,” in Chemistry World, by Rebecca Trager, June 15th, 2018, last accessed November 22nd, 2020, at https://www.chemistryworld.com/features/forensics-in-crisis/3009117.article

“Former State Chemist Arrested in Drug Scandal,” in The Boston Globe, by Milton J. Valencia and John R. Ellement, September 29th, 2012, page A1.

“Hard Questions after Litany of Forensic Failures at U. S. Labs,” in Chemistry World, by Rebecca Trager, December 1st, 2014, last accessed November 22nd, 2020, chemistryworld.com/news/hard-questions-after-litany-of-forensic-failures-at-us-labs/8030.article

“How a Chemist Dodged Lab Protocols,” in The Boston Globe, by Kay Lazar, September 30th, 2012, page A1.

“How Forensic Lab Techniques Work,” from HowStuffWorks.com, by Stephanie Watson, last accessed on November 23rd, 2020, at science.howstuffworks.com/forensic-lab-technique2.htm

“I Messed Up Bad: Lesson on the Confrontation Clause from the Annie Dookhan Scandal,” in Arizona Law Review, by Sean K. Driscoll, volume 56, issue 3, pages 707–740, 2014.

“Identification of Individuals Potentially Affected by the Alleged Conduct of Chemist Annie Dookhan at the Hinton Drug Laboratory: Final Report to Governor Deval Patrick,” by David E. Meier, Special Counsel to the Governor’s Office, August 2013.

“Interview Summary of Annie Dookhan,” Massachusetts state police reports, last accessed on November 22nd, 2020, at http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/700555-dookhan-interviews-all.html

“Into the Rabbit-Hole: Annie Dookhan Confronts Melendez-Diaz,” in New England Journal on Criminal & Civil Confinement, by Anthony Del Signore, volume 40, issue 1, 161–190, Winter 2014.

“Investigation of the Drug Laboratory at the William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute, 2002–2012,” from the office of Glenn A. Cunha, Inspector General, Office of the Inspector

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