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by Edith Sheffer, W. W. Norton, 2018.

“Can Evil Beget Good? Nazi Data: A Dilemma for Science,” in the Los Angeles Times, Barry Siegel, October 30th, 1998, page 1.

“Eponyms and the Nazi Era: Time to Remember and Time for Change,” in the Israel Medical Association Journal, by Rael D. Strous and Morris C. Edelman, volume 9, issue 3, pages 207–214, March 2007.

“Ethical Complexities of Conducting Research in Developing Countries,” in the New England Journal of Medicine, by Harold Varmus, M.D., and David Satcher, volume 337, pages 1003–1005.

“Ethical Dilemmas with the Use of Nazi Medical Research,” in Proceedings of the 11th Annual History of Medicine Days (W. A. Whitelaw, ed.), by Batya Grundland and Eve Pinchefsky, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Calgary, 2001.

“Ethical Failures and History Lessons: The U. S. Public Health Service Research Studies in Tuskegee and Guatemala,” in Public Health Reviews, by Susan M. Reverby, volume 34, issue 13, 2012.

“The Ethical Use of Unethical Human Research,” by Jonathan Steinberg, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at http://www.bioethics.as.nyu.edu/docs/IO/30171/Steinberg.HumanResearch.pdf

“‘Ethically Impossible’: STD Research in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948,” from The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, September 2011, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https:// bioethicsarchive.georgetown.edu/pcsbi/node/654.html

“Ethically Sound: Ethically Impossible,” the Ethically Sound podcast, from the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https://bioethicsarchive.georgetown.edu/pcsbi/node/5896.html

Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy, by Susan M. Reverby, University of North Carolina Press, 2013.

“Exposed: US Doctors Secretly Infected Hundreds of Guatemalans with Syphilis in the 1940s,” from Democracy Now, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https://www.democracynow.org/2010/10/5 /exposed_us_doctors_secretly_infected_hundreds

“The Guatemala Experiments,” in Pacific Standard Magazine, by Mike Mariani, last accessed November 21st, 2020, at https://psmag.com /news/the-guatemala-experiments

The Knife Man: Blood, Body Snatching, and the Birth of Modern Surgery, by Wendy Moore, Crown, 2006.

“Linking Groupthink to Unethical Behavior in Organizations,” in Journal of Business Ethics, by Ronald R. Sims, volume 11, pages 651–662, 1992.

“Nazi Medical Experimentation: The Ethics Of Using Medical Data From Nazi Experiments,” in The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, by Baruch Cohen, Spring 1990, issue 19, pp. 103–26.

“Nazi Hypothermia Research: Should the Data Be Used?”, Military Medical Ethics, Volume 2, by Robert S. Pozos, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https://ke.army.mil/bordeninstitute/published _volumes/ethicsVol2/Ethics-ch-15.pdf

Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, by Steve Silberman, Avery 2016.

“‘Normal Exposure’ and Inoculation Syphilis: A PHS “Tuskegee” Doctor in Guatemala, 1946–1948,” in Journal of Policy History, by Susan Reverby, volume 23, issue 1, 2011, pages 6–28.

“Obituary: John Charles Cutler / Pioneer in preventing sexual diseases,” in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, by Jan Ackerman, February 12th, 2003, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https://old.post-gazette.com/obituaries/20030212cutler0212p3.asp

“On the Philosophical and Historical Implications of the Infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Trials,” in Proceedings of the 11th Annual History of Medicine Days (W. A. Whitelaw, ed.), by Tomas Jiminez, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Calgary, 2002.

Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, by Annie Jacobsen, Back Bay Books, 2015.

Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis, by Robert N. Proctor, Harvard University Press, 1990.

“Reflections on the Inoculation Syphilis Studies in Guatemala,” Agents of Change podcast, from Lehman University, transcript last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at http://wp.lehman.edu/lehman-today/reflections-on-the-inoculation-syphilis-studies-in-guatemala

“Results of Death-Camp Experiments: Should They Be Used? All 14 Counterarguments,” from PBS NOVA, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/holocaust/experifull.html

The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty, by Simon Baron-Cohen, Basic Books, 2012.

“Thirty Neurological Eponyms Associated with the Nazi Era,” in European Neurology, by Daniel Kondziella, volume 62, issue 1, pages 56–64, 2009.

“The Treatment of Shock from Prolonged Exposure to Cold, Especially in Water,” from Allied Forces, Supreme Headquarters, Combined Intelligence Objectives, by Leo Alexander, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https://collections.nlm.nih.gov/catalog/nlm: nlmuid-101 708929-bk

“The Victims of Unethical Human Experiments and Coerced Research under National Socialism,” in Endeavour, by Paul Weindling, Anna von Villiez, Aleksandra Loewenau, Nichola Farron, volume 40, issue 1, 2015.

“Why Did So Many German Doctors Join the Nazi Party Early?”, in International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, by Omar S. Haque, Julian De Freitas, Ivana Viani, Bradley Niederschulte, Harold J. Bursztajn, volume 35, issues 5–6, pages 473–479, 2012.

“WHO’s malaria vaccine study represents a ‘serious breach of international ethical standards,’” in The British Medical Journal, by Peter Doshi, volume 268, pages 734–735.

Глава 8. Амбиции: хирургия души

“Fighting the Legend of the ‘Lobotomobile,’” by Jack El-Hai, from Wonders & Marvels, last accessed on November 21st, 2020, at https:// www.wondersandmarvels.com/2016/03/fighting-the-legend-of-the-lobotomobile.html

Great and Desperate Cures: The Rise and Decline of Psychosurgery and Other Radical Treatments for Mental Illness, by Elliot S. Valenstein, Basic Books, 1986.

The Great Pretender: The Undercover Mission That Changed Our Understanding of Madness, by Susannah Cahalan, Grand Central Publishing, 2019.

The Lobotomist: A Maverick Medical Genius and His Tragic Quest to Rid the World of Mental Illness, by Jack El-Hai, Wiley, 2007.

An Odd Kind of Fame: Stories of Phineas Gage, by Malcolm Macmillan, The MIT Press, 2000.

“The Operation of Last Resort,” The Saturday Evening Post, by Irving Wallace, October 20, 1951, pages 24–25, 80, 83–84, 89–90, 92, 94–95.

Ten Drugs: How Plants, Powders, and Pills Have Shaped the History of Medicine, by Thomas Hager, Harry N. Abrams, 2019.

Глава 9. Шпионаж: дело выбора

Bombshell: The Secret Story of America’s Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy, by Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel, Times Books, 1997.

The Brother: The Untold Story of the Rosenberg Case, by Sam Roberts, Simon & Schuster, 2014.

Cannibalism: A perfectly natural history, by Bill Schutt, Algonquin, 2017.

Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, by Richard Rhodes, Simon & Schuster, 1996.

“Extracts From Testimony Given by Harry Gold at Spy Trial,” in The New York Times, March 16, 1951, page 9.

The FBI-KGB War: A Special Agent’s Story, by Robert J. Lamphere, Random House, 1986.

Food and Famine in the 21st Century, by William A. Dando, ABC–CLIO, 2012.

“Harry Gold: Spy in the Lab,” in Distillations,

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