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Baseline human gut microbiota profle in healthy people and standard reporting template // PLOS One, 14(9). 2019. e0206484.

Lee A. K., Carrick F. N. Phascolarctidae. Fauna of Australia 1b: Mammalia, Volume 31. Canberra: Australian Government Printing Service. 1989.

Milton G. W., Hingson D. J., George E. P. The secretory capacity of the stomach of the wombat (Vombatus hirsutus) and the cardiogastric gland // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 93. 1968. PP. 60–68. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/part/47914.

Moore B. D., Foley W. J. A review of feeding and diet selection in koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Australian Journal of Zoolog, 48(3). 2000. PP. 317–333.

Smith H. F., Parker W., Kotzé S. H., Laurin M. Multiple independent appearances of the cecal appendix in mammalian evolution and an investigation of related ecological and anatomical factors // Comptes Rendus Palevol, 12(6). 2013. PP. 339–354.

Ziółkowska N., Lewczuk B., Petryński W., Palkowska K., Prusik M., Targońska K. et al. Light and electron microscopy of the European Beaver (Castor fiber) stomach reveal unique morphological features with possible general biological significance // PLOS One, 9(4). 2014. e94590.


Описание поведения самок коалы во время брачного сезона сделано на основе данных смотрителей зоопарков и экологов.

10. Путь от сумки на закорки

Примечание: видео кормления какашками можно найти по ссылке I Contain Multitudes: Microbe Minute, (2017). How eating poop is the key to koala’s survival. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4RQX1ci5TY.

Bercovitch F. B., Tobey J. R., Andrus C. H., Doyle L. Mating patterns and reproductive success in captive koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) // Journal of Zoolog, 270(3). 2006. PP. 512–516.

Bobek G., Deane E. M. Possible antimicrobial compounds from the pouch of the koala. Phascolarctos cinereus // Letters in Peptide Science, 8(3–5). 2002. PP. 133–137.

Charlton B. D. The acoustic structure and information content of female koala vocal signals // PLOS One, 10(10). 2015. e0138670.

Charlton B. D., Ellis W. A. H., Brumm J., Nilsson K., Fitch, W. T. Female koalas prefer bellows in which lower formants indicate larger males // Animal Behaviour, 84(6). 2012. PP. 1565–1571.

Charlton B. D., Ellis W. A. H., McKinnon A. J., Cowin G. J., Brumm J., Nilsson K., Fitch W. T. Cues to body size in the formant spacing of male koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) bellows: honesty in an exaggerated trait // Journal of Experimental Biolog, 214(20). 2011. PP. 3414–3422.

Charlton B. D., Whisson D. A., Reby D. Free-ranging male koalas use size-related variation in formant frequencies to assess rival males // PLOS One, 8(7). 2013. e70279.

Ellis W., Fitzgibbon S., Pye G., Whipple B., Barth B., Johnston S., Seddon J., Melzer A., Higgins D., Bercovitch F. The role of bioacoustic signals in koala sexual selection: insights from seasonal patterns of associations revealed with GPS-proximity units // PLOS One, 10(7). 2015. e0130657.

Farley K. Learning and teaching science: Women making careers 1890–1920 // On the Edge of Discovery: Australian Women in Science / Ed. K. Farley. Melbourne: Text Publishing. 1993.

Gibbs M. The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. Sydney: Angus and Robertson. 1947.

Johnston S., McGowan M., O’Callaghan P., Cox R., Nicolson V. Studies of the oestrous cycle, oestrus and pregnancy in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) // Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 120. 2000. PP. 49–57.

Krockenberger A. K., Hume I. D., Cork S. J. Production of milk and nutrition of the dependent young of free-ranging koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) // Physiological Zoolog, 71(1). 1998. PP. 45–56.

Larkins D. Naughty natives: the secret love lives of Australian animals // ABC News, 14 February 2017. https://www. abc. net. au/news/2017-02-14/naughty-natives-love-life-of-australian-animals/8265026.

Martin R., Handasyde K. The Koala: Natural History, Conservation and Management. Sydney: UNSW Press. 1999.

Minchin K. Notes on the weaning of a young koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Records of the South Australian Museum, 6. 1937. PP. 1–3.

Shao Y., Forster S. C., Tsaliki E., Vervier K., Strong A., Simpson N. et al. Stunted microbiota and opportunistic pathogen colonization in caesareansection birth // Nature, 574. 2019. PP. 117–121.

Watchorn D. J., Whisson D. A. Quantifying the interactions between koalas in a high-density population during the breeding period // Australian Mammalog, 42(1). 2020. PP. 28–37.

Whisson D. A., Dixon V., Taylor M. L., Melzer A. Failure to respond to food resource decline has catastrophic consequences for koalas in a high-density population in southern Australia // PLOS One, 11(1). 2016. P. 12.

11. Социальные одиночки


Занимательное видео матери и детеныша коалы можно найти по ссылке: The Koala Channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD37JJs_Twk.

На первом известном рисунке гигантской иглоногой совы (Ninox strenua), сделанном Х. К. Рихтером (опубликованным Gould, J., The Birds of Australia. R. and J. E. Taylor, London. 1840), изображена сова, держащая в лапах молодую коалу.

Цитата о вомбатах, которые всех ненавидят, взята из Wahlquist (2016).

Anon. Koala at Japanese zoo becomes the world’s oldest in captivity // The Japan Times, 2 March. 2021. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/03/02/national/oldest-koala.

Davies N., Gramotnev G., Seabrook L., Bradley A., Baxter G., Rhodes J., Lunney D., McAlpine C. Movement patterns of an arboreal marsupial at the edge of its range: a case study of the koala // Movement Ecolog, 1(1). 2013. P. 8.

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Ellis W. A. H., Melzer A., Bercovitch F. B. Spatiotemporal dynamics of habitat use by koalas: the checkerboard model // Behavioral Ecolog and Sociobiolog, 63(8). 2009. PP. 1181–1188.

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Martin R., Handasyde K. The Koala: Natural History, Conservation and Management. UNSW Press, Sydney. 1999.

Melzer A., Tucker G., Hodgson J., Elliott B. A note on predation on koalas Phascolarctos cinereus by raptors, including wedge-tailed eagles Aquila audax, in Queensland // Queensland Naturalist, 41. 2003. PP. 38–41.

Mitchell P. Social behaviour and communication of koalas // Biolog of the Koala / Ed. A. K. Lee, K. A Handasyde, G. D. Sanson. Surrey Beatty, UK. 1990. PP. 151–170.

Norman J. A., Phillips S. S., Blackmore C. J., Goldingay R., Christidis L. Integrating measures of long-distance dispersal into vertebrate conservation planning: scaling relationships and parentage-based dispersal analysis in the koala // Conservation Genetics, 20. 2019. PP. 1163–1174.

Robbins A., Loader J., De Villiers D., Beyer H. L., Hanger J. Predation by carpet pythons (Morelia spilota) is an important cause of mortality in a free-living koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) population in south-east Queensland // Australian Veterinary Journal, 97(9). 2019.

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