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Английский язык с Конаном-варваром - Роберт Говард

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grasp [ɡrɑ:sp], toe [təu], power [ˈpauə]

"Don't kill him!" she begged. "In the name of Set, do not slay him! You are strong — overpower him!"

"We'll see," he muttered, grasping his sword in his right hand and clenching his left into a mallet-like fist.

He took a wary step toward the alley — and with a horrible moaning laugh the Tauranian charged. As he came he swung his sword, rising on his toes as he put all the power of his body behind the blows. Sparks flashed blue as Conan parried the blade, and the next instant the madman was stretched senseless in the dust from a thundering buffet of Conan's left fist.

The girl ran forward (девушка выбежала вперед; to run forward — выбежать вперед).

"Oh, he is not — he is not — (о, он не — он не…)"

Conan bent swiftly, turned the man on his side (Конан быстро наклонился, перевернул мужчину на /его/ бок), and ran quick fingers over him (и пробежал быстрыми пальцами по нему = быстро ощупал его пальцами).

"He's not hurt much," he grunted (он не очень ушиблен, — пробормотал он). "Bleeding at the nose, but anybody's likely to do that (кровотечение у = из носа, но у любого пойдет: «кто угодно будет вероятно делать это»), after a clout on the jaw (после затрещины в челюсть; clout — сильный удар, затрещина). He'll come to after a bit, and maybe his mind will be right (он придет в себя через некоторое время, и, возможно, его разум будет в порядке). In the meantime I'll tie his wrists with his sword belt — so (тем временем я свяжу его запястья его поясом для меча — вот так). Now where do you wnt me to take him (теперь куда ты хочешь, чтобы я отнес его: «куда ты хочешь меня отнести его»)?"

forward [ˈfɔ: wəd], hurt [hə: t], jaw [ʤɔ:]

The girl ran forward.

"Oh, he is not — he is not —»

Conan bent swiftly, turned the man on his side, and ran quick fingers over him. "He's not hurt much," he grunted. "Bleeding at the nose, but anybody's likely to do that, after a clout on the jaw. He'll come to after a bit, and maybe his mind will be right. In the meantime I'll tie his wrists with his sword belt — so. Now where do you want me to take him?"

"Wait (подожди)!" She knelt beside the senseless figure, seized the bound hands, and scanned them avidly (она встала на колени возле бесчувственной фигуры, схватила связанные руки и жадно осмотрела их). Then, shaking her head as if in baffled disappointment, she rose (затем тряхнув /своей/ головой, словно в недоуменном разочаровании, она поднялась). She came close to the giant Cimmerian and laid her slender hands on his arching breast (она подошла близко к гигантскому киммерийцу и положила свои тонкие руки на его аркоподобную = выпуклую грудь). Her dark eyes, like wet black jewels in the starlight, gazed up into his (ее темные глаза, как сырые черные драгоценные камни в свете звезд, пристально всмотрелись /вверх/ в его /глаза/).

"You are a man (ты мужчина)! Help me (помоги мне)! Totrasmek must die Тотрасмек должен умереть)! Slay him for me (убей его ради меня)!"

"And put my neck into a Turanian noose?" he grunted (и сунуть мою шею в туранскую петлю? — проворчал он).

knelt [nelt], seize [si: z], jewel [ˈʤu: əl]

"Wait!" She knelt beside the senseless figure, seized the bound hands, and scanned them avidly. Then, shaking her head as if in baffled disappointment, she rose. She came close to the giant Cimmerian and laid her slender hands on his arching breast. Her dark eyes, like wet black jewels in the starlight, gazed up into his.

"You are a man! Help me! Totrasmek must die! Slay him for me!" "And put my neck into a Turanian noose?" he grunted.

"Nay!" The slender arms, strong as pliant steel, were around his corded neck (нет! — тонкие руки, сильные как гибкая сталь, были вокруг его узловатой шеи). Her supple body throbbed against his (ее податливое тело пульсировало рядом с его = прижавшись к его телу). "The Hyrkanians have no love for Totrasmek (гирканийцы не имеют = не испытывают любви к Тотрасмеку).

The priests of Set fear him (жрецы Сета боятся его). He is a mongrel, who rules men by fear and superstition (он полукровка, который правит людьми с помощью страха и суеверия). I worship Set, and the Turanians bow to Erlik, but Totrasmek sacrifices to Hanuman the accursed (я поклоняюсь Сету, а тауранцы кланяются Эрлику, однако Тотрасмек приносит жертвы Хануману проклятому)! The Turanian lords fear his black arts and his power over the hybrid popularion, and they hate him (туранская знать боится его черной магии и его власти над разноплеменным населением). Even Jungir Khan and his mistress Nafertari fear and hate him (даже Джунгир Хан и его госпожа Нафертари боятся и ненавидят его). If he were slain in his temple at night, they would not seek his slayer very closely (если бы он был убит в своем храме ночью, они бы не искали его убийцу очень тщательно; to slay — убивать, уничтожать, лишать жизни)."

love [lʌv], rule [ru: l], hybrid [ˈhaɪbrɪd]

"Nay!" The slender arms, strong as pliant steel, were around his corded neck. Her supple body throbbed against his. "The Hyrkanians have no love for Totrasmek. The priests of Set fear him. He is a mongrel, who rules men by fear and superstition. I worship Set, and the Turanians bow to Erlik, but Totrasmek sacrifices to Hanuman the accursed! The Turanian lords fear his black arts and his power over the hybrid popularion, and they hate him. Even Jungir Khan and his mistress Nafertari fear and hate him. If he were slain in his temple at night, they would not seek his slayer very closely."

"And what of his magic?" rumbled the Cimmerian (а что насчет его магии? -

прогрохотал киммериец).

"You are a fighting man," she answered (ты боец, — ответила она; to fight — сражаться, драться). "To risk your life is part of your profession (рисковать своей жизнью /есть/ часть твоей профессии)."

"For a price," he admitted (за цену = плату, — признал он).

"There will be a price!" she breathed, rising on tiptoes, to gaze into his eyes (будет плата! — прошептала она, поднимаясь на цыпочки, /чтобы/ заглянуть в его глаза).

The nearness of her vibrant body drove a flame through his veins (близость ее трепещущего тела, погнала огонь по его венам). The perfume of her breath mounted to his brain (аромат ее дыхания ударил в /его/ голову). But as his arms closed about her supple figure she avoided them with a lithe movement (но когда его руки сомкнулись на ее гибкой фигурке, она ускользнула /от/ них гибким движением), saying: "Wait! First serve me in this matter (сказав: погоди! Сначала послужи мне в этом деле)."

"Name your price (назови свою цену)." He spoke with some difficulty (он говорил с /неким/ трудом).

breath [breƟ], mount [maunt], spoke [spəuk]

"And what of his magic?" rumbled the Cimmerian.

"You are a fighting man," she answered. "To risk your life is part of your profession."

"For a price," he admitted.

"There will be a price!" she breathed, rising on tiptoes, to gaze into his eyes.

The nearness of her vibrant body drove a flame through his veins. The perfume of her breath mounted to his brain. But as his arms closed about her supple figure she avoided them with a lithe movement, saying: "Wait! First serve me in this matter."

"Name your price." He spoke with some difficulty.

"Pick up my lover," she directed, and the Cimmerian stooped and swung the tall form easily to his broad shoulder (подними моего любовника, — приказала она, и киммериец нагнулся и забросил высокую фигуру легко на свое широкое плечо). At the moment he felt as if he could have toppled over Jungir Khan's palace with equal ease (в этот момент он почувствовал себя /так/, словно /он/ мог бы опрокинуть дворец Джунгир Хана с равной легкостью). The girl murmured an endearment to the unconscious man (девушка прошептала нежность бессознательному мужчине), and there was no hypocrisy in her attitude (и /не/ было никакого лицемерия в ее отношении). She obviously loved Alafdhal sincerely (она очевидно любила Алафдала искренне). Whatever business arrangement she made with Conan would have no bearing on her relationship with Alafdhal (какое бы деловое соглашение она не заключила с Конаном, /оно/ бы никак не повлияло на ее отношения с Алафдалом; to have a bearing on — влиять на, иметь отношение к). Women are more practical about these things than men (женщины более практичны в этих делах, чем мужчины).

tall [tɔ: l], easily [ˈi: zɪlɪ], equal [ˈi: kwəl]

"Pick up my lover," she directed, and the Cimmerian stooped and swung the tall form easily to his broad shoulder. At the moment he felt as if he could have toppled over Jungir Khan's palace with equal ease. The girl murmured an endearment to the unconscious man, and there was no hypocrisy in her attitude. She obviously loved Alafdhal sincerely. Whatever business arrangement she made with Conan would have no bearing on her relationship with Alafdhal. Women are more practical about these things than men.

"Follow me (иди за мной)!" She hurried along the street, while the Cimmerian strode easily after her (она поспешила по улице, в то время как киммериец шагал легко за ней), in no way discomforted by his limp burden (никоим образом не стесненный своей безвольной ношей). He kept a wary eye out for black shadows skulking under arches but saw nothing suspicious (он осторожно высматривал черные тени, крадущиеся под арками, но /не/ увидел ничего подозрительного; to keep an eye — присматривать, следить). Doubtless the men of Darfar were all gathered at the roasting pit (несомненно, все люди из Дарфара собрались у ямы для поджаривания; doubt — сомнение). The girl turned down a narrow side street and presently knocked cautiously at an arched door (девушка свернула в боковую улочку и теперь постучала осторожно в дверь под аркой).

wary [ˈwɛərɪ], doubtless [ˈdautlɪs], saw [sɔ:]

"Follow me!" She hurried along the street, while the Cimmerian strode easily after her, in no way discomforted by his limp burden. He kept a wary eye out for black shadows skulking under arches but saw nothing suspicious. Doubtless the men of Darfar were all gathered at the roasting pit. The girl turned down a narrow side street and presently knocked cautiously at an arched door.

Almost instantly a wicket opened in the upper panel and a black face glanced out (почти мгновенно открылось окошечко в верхней секции /двери/, и черное лицо выглянуло наружу). She bent close to the opening, whispering swiftly (она склонилась близко к отверстию, быстро прошептав /что-то/). Bolts creaked in their sockets, and the door opened (засовы скрипнули в их гнездах, и дверь открылась). A giant black man stood framed against the soft glow of a copper lamp (гигантский негр стоял /в рамке/ на фоне мягкого света медной лампы). A quick glance showed Conan the man was not from Darfar (быстрый взгляд показал Конану, /что/ мужчина был не из Дарфара). His teeth were unfiled and his kinky hair was cropped close to his skull (его зубы не были обточены, а его курчавые волосы были пострижены коротко: «близко к его черепу»). He was from the Wadai (он был из Вадая).

giant [ˈʤaɪənt], teeth [ti: Ɵ], was [wɔz]

Almost instantly a wicket opened in the upper panel and a black face glanced out. She bent close to the opening, whispering swiftly. Bolts creaked in their sockets, and the door opened. A giant black man stood framed against the soft glow of a copper lamp. A quick glance showed Conan the man was not from Darfar. His teeth were unfiled and his kinky hair was cropped close to his skull. He was from the Wadai.

At a word from Zabibi, Conan gave the limp body into the black's arms (при слове /от/ Забиби = по указанию Забиби Конан отдал безвольное тело в руки черного) and saw the young officer laid on a velvet divan (и увидел, /как/ молодого офицера положили на бархатный диван). He showed no signs of returning consciousness (он /не/ проявлял никаких признаков возвращения в сознание). The blow that had rendered him senseless might have felled an ox (удар, который сделал его бессознательным = лишил его чувств, вероятно, свалил бы быка). Zabibi bent over him for an instant, her fingers nervously twining and twisting (Забиби склонилась над ним на мгновение, ее пальцы нервно переплетались и изгибались). Then she straightened and beckoned the Cimmerian (затем он выпрямилась и поманила киммерийца).

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