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Английский язык с Конаном-варваром - Роберт Говард

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The blacks shuffled past, bare splay feet scuffing up the dust, and their voices dwindled down the road.

"Well for us those corpses are lying behind these huts," muttered Conan. "If they look in Aram's death room they'll find another. Let's begone."

"Yes, let us hasten!" begged the girl, almost hysterical again. "My lover is wandering somewhere in the streets alone. The Negroes may take him."

"A devil of a custom this is!" growled Conan, as he led the way toward the city, paralleling the road but keeping behind the huts and straggling trees. "Why don't the citizens clean out these black dogs?"

"They are valuable slaves," murmured the girl (они ценные рабы; value — стоимость, ценность). "There are so many of them that might revolt if they were denied the flesh for which they lust (есть так много их них, которые, возможно, восстали, если бы им отказали в мясе, которого они сильно желают). The people of Zamboula know they skulk the streets at night (люди Замбулы знаю, /что/ они крадутся по улицам ночами), and all are careful to remain within locked doors (и все осторожны, /чтобы/ оставаться = и остаются за запертыми дверями), except when something unforseen happens, as it did to me (за исключением /того/, когда случается нечто непредвиденное, как это делало = случилось со мной). The blacks prey on anything they can catch, but they seldom catch anybody but strangers (черные охотятся на все, /что/ они могут поймать, но они редко ловят кого-нибудь кроме иноземцев).

The people of Zamboula are not concerned with the strangers that pass through the city (людям Замбулы нет дела до чужеземцев, которые проезжают через город; to be concerned with — беспокоиться о чем-л., быть озабоченными чем-л.).

valuable [ˈvæljuəbl], careful [ˈkɛəfʋl], skulk [skʌlk]

"They are valuable slaves," murmured the girl. "There are so many of them that might revolt if they were denied the flesh for which they lust. The people of Zamboula know they skulk the streets at night, and all are careful to remain within locked doors, except when something unforseen happens, as it did to me. The blacks prey on anything they can catch, but they seldom catch anybody but strangers. The people of Zamboula are not concerned with the strangers that pass through the city.

"Such men as Aram Baksh sell these strangers to the blacks (такие люди, как Арам Бахш, продают чужеземцев черным). He would not dare attempt such a thing with a citizen (он бы не осмелился попробовать /сотворить/ такую вещь = такое с горожанином)."

Conan spat in disgust (Конан сплюнул в отвращении; to spit), and a moment later led his companion out into the road which was becoming a street (а секунду спустя вывел свою спутницу на дорогу, которая становилась улицей), with still, unlighted houses on each side (с тихими неосвещенными домами на каждой стороне = по обеим сторонам). Slinking in the shadows was not congenial to his nature (красться в тени было неподобающим его натуре).

"Where did you want to go?" he asked (куда ты хотела идти? — спросил он). The girl did not seem to object to his arm around her waist (девушка, казалась, не возражает его руке вокруг ее талии = чтобы его рука обнимала ее за талию).

would [wʋd], citizen [ˈsɪtɪzn], congenial [kənˈʤi: njəl]

"Such men as Aram Baksh sell these strangers to the blacks. He would not dare attempt such a thing with a citizen."

Conan spat in disgust, and a moment later led his companion out into the road which was becoming a street, with still, unlighted houses on each side. Slinking in the shadows was not congenial to his nature.

"Where did you want to go?" he asked. The girl did not seem to object to his arm around her waist.

"To my house, to rouse my servants," she answered (в мой дом, поднять моих слуг, — ответила она). "To bid them search for my lover (приказать им разыскать моего любовника). I do not wish the city — the priests — anyone — to know of his madness (я не желаю, /чтобы/ город — жрецы — кто-либо — знал о его безумстве). He — he is a young officer with a promising future (он молодой офицер с многообещающим будущим; to promise — обещать). Perhaps we can drive this madness from him if we can find him (возможно, мы сможем вывести это сумасшествие из него, если /мы/ сможем найти его)."

"If we find him?" rumbled Conan (если мы найдем его? — прогремел Конан). "What makes you think I want to spend the night scouring the streets for a lunatic (что заставляет тебя думать = с чего ты взяла, /что/ я хочу провести ночь, обыскивая улицы ради лунатика)?"

servant [ˈsə: vənt], answer [ɑ:nsə], search [sə: ʧ]

"To my house, to rouse my servants," she answered. "To bid them search for my lover. I do not wish the city — the priests — anyone — to know of his madness. He — he is a young officer with a promising future. Perhaps we can drive this madness from him if we can find him."

"If we find him?" rumbled Conan. "What makes you think I want to spend the night scouring the streets for a lunatic?"

She cast a quick glance into his face, and properly interpreted the gleam in his blue eyes (она бросила быстрый взгляд на его лицо и надлежащим образом истолковала огонь в его голубых глазах; to cast — бросать). Any woman could have known that he would follow her wherever she led — for a while, at least (любая женщина могла бы узнать, что он будет следовать за ней, куда бы она ни повела — по крайней мере, некоторое время; to lead — вести). But being a woman, she concealed her knowledge of that fact (но будучи женщиной, она скрыла /ее/ знание этого факта).

"Please," she began with a hint of tears in her voice, "I have no one else to ask for help — you have been kind — (пожалуйста, — начала она с намеком слез = со слезами в /ее/ голосе, — я имею никого больше, /чтобы/ попросить о помощи = мне некого больше просить о помощи — ты был добр)"

"All right!" he grunted (хорошо! — пробурчал он). "All right (хорошо)! What's the young reprobate's name (какое есть имя = как зовут молодого шельмеца; reprobate — негодяй, подлец, распутник)?"

glance [ɡlɑ:ns], interpret [ɪnˈtə: prɪt], tear [tɪə]

She cast a quick glance into his face, and properly interpreted the gleam in his blue eyes. Any woman could have known that he would follow her wherever she led — for a while, at least. But being a woman, she concealed her knowledge of that fact.

"Please," she began with a hint of tears in her voice, "I have no one else to ask for help — you have been kind —»

"All right!" he grunted. "All right! What's the young reprobate's name?"

"Why — Alafdhal (ну, Алафдал). I am Zabibi, a dancing-girl (я Забиби, танцовщица). I have danced often before the satrap, Jungir Khan, and his mistress Nafertari, and before all the lords and royal ladies of Zamboula (я танцевала часто перед сатрапом Джунгир Ханом и его госпожой Нафертари, и перед всеми властителями и дамами королевской крови Замбулы). Totrasmek desired me and, because I repulsed him, he made me the innocent tool of his vengeance against Alafdhal (Тотрасмек возжелал меня, и так как я оттолкнула его, он сделал меня невинным орудием его мести Алафдалу). I asked a love potion of Totrasmek, not suspecting the depth of his guile and hate (я попросила любовный напиток у Тотрасмека, не подозревая о глубине его коварства и ненависти). He gave me a drug to mix with my lover's wine (он дал мне снадобье, /чтобы/ подмешать его к вину моего любовника), and he swore that when Alafdhal drank it, he would love me even more madly than ever and grant my every wish (и он поклялся, что когда Алафдал выпьет его, он полюбит меня еще более безумно, чем когда-либо и удовлетворит мое каждое желание). I mixed the drug secretly with my lover's wine (я тайно подмешала снадобье к вину моего любовника). But having drunk, my lover went raving mad and things came about as I have told you (но выпив, мой любовник впал в бредовое безумие, и дела произошли = все произошло /так/, как я рассказала тебе). Curse Totrasmek, the hybrid snake — ahhh (будь проклят Тотрасмек, помесь змеи — аххх)!"

often [ɔfn], because [bɪˈkɔz], grant [ɡrɑ:nt]

"Why — Alafdhal. I am Zabibi, a dancing-girl. I have danced often before the satrap, Jungir Khan, and his mistress Nafertari, and before all the lords and royal ladies of Zamboula. Totrasmek desired me and, because I repulsed him, he made me the innocent tool of his vengeance against Alafdhal. I asked a love potion of Totrasmek, not suspecting the depth of his guile and hate. He gave me a drug to mix with my lover's wine, and he swore that when Alafdhal drank it, he would love me even more madly than ever and grant my every wish. I mixed the drug secretly with my lover's wine. But having drunk, my lover went raving mad and things came about as I have told you. Curse Totrasmek, the hybrid snake — ahhh!"

She caught his arm convulsively and both stopped short (она судорожно поймала его руку, и оба резко остановились). They had come into a district of shops and stalls, all deserted and unlighted (они вошли в район лавок и ларьков, совершенно пустой и неосвещенный = темный; all — весь, совсем, совершенно), for the hour was late (потому что час был поздний). They were passing an alley, and in its mouth a man was standing, motionless and silent (они проходили через аллею, а в ее входе = в начале ее стоял мужчина, неподвижный и безмолвный). His head was lowered (его голова была опущена), but Conan caught the weird gleam of eery eyes regarding them unblinkingly (но Конан заметил странный блеск жутких глаз, разглядывающих их, не мигая). His skin crawled, not with fear of the sword in the man's hand (у него по коже побежали мурашки не от страха перед мечом в руке мужчины), but because of the uncanny suggestion of his posture and silence (а из-за зловещего предположения в отношении его позы и молчания). They suggested madness (они предполагали безумие). Conan pushed the girl aside and drew his sword (Конан оттолкнул девушку в сторону и вытащил свой меч).

caught [kɔ: t], hour [ˈauə], silent [ˈsaɪlənt]

She caught his arm convulsively and both stopped short. They had come into a district of shops and stalls, all deserted and unlighted, for the hour was late. They were passing an alley, and in its mouth a man was standing, motionless and silent. His head was lowered, but Conan caught the wierd gleam of eery eyes regarding them unblinkingly. His skin crawled, not with fear of the sword in the man's hand, but because of the uncanny suggestion of his posture and silence. They suggested madness. Conan pushed the girl aside and drew his sword.

"Don't kill him!" she begged (не убивай его! — умоляла она). "In the name of Set, do not slay him (во имя Сета не убивай его)! You are strong — overpower him (ты сильный — одолей его)!"

"We'll see," he muttered, grasping his sword in his right hand and clenching his left into a mallet-like fist (/мы/ посмотрим, — проворчал он, зажимая свой меч в /его/ правой руке и сжимая свою левую в молотоподобный кулак = кулак- молот).

He took a wary step toward the alley — and with a horrible moaning laugh the Tauranian charged (он сделал осторожный шаг в сторону аллеи — и со страшным стонущим смехом тауранец напал). As he came he swung his sword, rising on his toes (когда он подходил, он размахивал своим мечом, поднимаясь на носки) as he put all the power of his body behind the blows (когда он вкладывал = вкладывая всю силу своего тела за = в удары; to put — класть, вкладывать). Sparks flashed blue (искры вспыхнули голубым = вспыхнули голубые искры) as Conan parried the blade (когда Конан парировал клинок), and the next instant the madman was stretched senseless in the dust from a thundering buffet of Conan's left fist (и в следующее мгновение безумец распростерся без чувств в пыли от оглушающего удара левого кулака Конана).

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