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Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. На окраине империи. Рассказы - Уильям Моэм

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"Put her about," he said (поворачивай ее обратно, — сказал он). "I can’t anchor here (я не могу бросить якорь здесь)."

schooner [`skHnq], auxiliary [Lg`zIljqrI], knot [nOt]

It was a seventy-ton schooner with paraffin auxiliary, and it ran, when there was no head wind, between four and five knots an hour. It was a bedraggled object; it had been painted white a very long time ago, but it was now dirty, dingy, and mottled. It smelt strongly of paraffin, and of the copra which was its usual cargo. They were within a hundred feet of the reef now and the captain told the steersman to run along it till they came to the opening. But when they had gone a couple of miles he realised that they had missed it. He went about and slowly worked back again. The white foam of the reef continued without interruption and now the sun was setting. With a curse at the stupidity of the crew the skipper resigned himself to waiting till next morning.

"Put her about," he said. "I can’t anchor here."

They went out to sea a little (они вышли подальше в море; a little — немного, чуточку) and presently it was quite dark (и вскоре стало: «было» совсем/довольно темно). They anchored (они встали на якорь). When the sail was furled (когда парус был убран; to furl — свертывать; складывать) the ship began to roll a good deal (судно начало сильно качаться; a good deal — много; to roll — катить/ся/;вращать/ся/;испытывать бортовую качку). They said in Apia (в Апии говорили) that one day she would roll right over (что однажды эта шхуна: «она» точно перевернется); and the owner, a German-American (а /ее/ владелец, американец немецкого происхождения) who managed one of the largest stores (который стоял во главе/управлял одним из самых крупных магазинов), said that no money was big enough (сказал, что нет таких денег: «никакие деньги /не/ были достаточно большими») to induce him to go out in her (чтобы он решился: «чтобы заставить его» выйти на ней /в открытое море/). The cook, a Chinese in white trousers, very dirty and ragged (кок-китаец в белых брюках, очень грязных и рваных), and a thin white tunic (и в тонком белом кителе; tunic — туника; китель), came to say that supper was ready (пришел сказать, что ужин был готов), and when the skipper went into the cabin (и когда шкипер зашел в каюту) he found the engineer already seated at table (он увидел: «обнаружил» /там/ механика, уже сидевшего за столом). The engineer was a long, lean man with a scraggy neck (механик был долговязым, худощавым мужчиной с тощей шеей; long — длинный). He was dressed in blue overalls and a sleeveless jersey (он был одет в голубой комбинезон и вязаную безрукавку; sleeveless — не имеющий рукавов; jersey — вязаная одежда) which showed his thin arms (которая не скрывала: «показывала» его худые руки) tattooed from elbow to wrist (покрытые татуировками: «татуированные» от локтя до запястья).

"Hell, having to spend the night outside," said the skipper (черт, приходится проводить ночь в открытом море, — сказал шкипер; hell— ад; /разг./ черт возьми!;outside— снаружи; на открытом воздухе, в открытом море).

manage [`mxnIG], engineer ["enGI`nIq], tattoo [tq`tH]

They went out to sea a little and presently it was quite dark. They anchored. When the sail was furled the ship began to roll a good deal. They said in Apia that one day she would roll right over; and the owner, a German-American who managed one of the largest stores, said that no money was big enough to induce him to go out in her. The cook, a Chinese in white trousers, very dirty and ragged, and a thin white tunic, came to say that supper was ready, and when the skipper went into the cabin he found the engineer already seated at table. The engineer was a long, lean man with a scraggy neck. He was dressed in blue overalls and a sleeveless jersey which showed his thin arms tattooed from elbow to wrist.

"Hell, having to spend the night outside," said the skipper.

The engineer did not answer (механик /ничего/ не ответил), and they ate their supper in silence (и они ели свой ужин в тишине/молчании). The cabin was lit by a dim oil-lamp (каюта освещалась тусклой керосиновой лампой). When they had eaten the canned apricots (когда они доели консервированные абрикосы) with which the meal finished (которые были на десерт: «которыми ужин заканчивался»; meal — еда; прием пищи) the Chink brought them a cup of tea (китаец принес им чаю: «чашку чая»; Chink — чинк, китаец/презрит./). The skipper lit a cigar and went on the upper deck (шкипер зажег сигару и вышел на верхнюю палубу; to light — зажигать). The island now was only a darker mass against the night (остров теперь был только /лишь/ более темной массой на фоне ночи). The stars were very bright (звезды были очень яркими). The only sound was the ceaseless breaking of the surf (единственным /доносившимся/ звуком был непрекращающийся шум прибоя; to break — разбивать/ся/). The skipper sank into a deck-chair and smoked idly (шкипер опустился в шезлонг и /стал/ покуривать; idly — праздно, лениво). Presently three or four members of the crew came up and sat down (вскоре трое или четверо членов команды вышли на палубу: «наверх» и сели). One of them had a banjo and another a concertina (у одного из них было банджо, а у другого концертино /шестигранная гармоника/). They began to play, and one of them sang (они начали играть, а один из них запел). The native song sounded strange on these instruments (туземная песня звучала странно на этих инструментах). Then to the singing a couple began to dance (потом под это пение пара /матросов/ начала танцевать). It was a barbaric dance (это был какой-то варварский танец), savage and primeval (дикий и первобытный), rapid (стремительный), with quick movements of the hands and feet (с быстрыми движениями рук и ног; hand — рука/кисть/; foot — ступня) and contortions of the body (и изгибаниями тела; to contort — скручивать, сгибать); it was sensual (он был чувственным), sexual even (даже сексуальным), but sexual without passion (но сексуальным без страсти). It was very animal (он был очень животным), direct (откровенным; direct — прямой), weird without mystery (странным, /но/ без тайны; weird — таинственный, сверхъестественный; странный), natural in short (короче говоря, естественным;in short — коротко, в двух словах), and one might almost say childlike (и можно даже сказать, детским; almost — почти; едва не). At last they grew tired (наконец они устали: «стали/сделались уставшими»). They stretched themselves on the deck and slept (они растянулись на палубе и уснули), and all was silent (и все стало: «было» тихо/спокойно).

brought [brLt], idly [`aIdlI], primeval [praI`mJv(q)l]

The engineer did not answer, and they ate their supper in silence. The cabin was lit by a dim oil-lamp. When they had eaten the canned apricots with which the meal finished the Chink brought them a cup of tea. The skipper lit a cigar and went on the upper deck. The island now was only a darker mass against the night. The stars were very bright. The only sound was the ceaseless breaking of the surf. The skipper sank into a deck-chair and smoked idly. Presently three or four members of the crew came up and sat down. One of them had a banjo and another a concertina. They began to play, and one of them sang. The native song sounded strange on these instruments. Then to the singing a couple began to dance. It was a barbaric dance, savage and primeval, rapid, with quick movements of the hands and feet and contortions of the body; it was sensual, sexual even, but sexual without passion. It was very animal, direct, weird without mystery, natural in short, and one might almost say childlike. At last they grew tired. They stretched themselves on the deck and slept, and all was silent.

The skipper lifted himself heavily out of his chair (шкипер поднялся тяжело из своего шезлонга) and clambered down the companion (и спустился вниз по лестнице; to clamber — карабкаться; companion — лестница, ведущая с палубы к каютам). He went into his cabin and got out of his clothes (он пошел в свою каюту и разделся: «вылез из своей одежды»). He climbed into his bunk and lay there (он взобрался на свою койку и лег там). He panted a little in the heat of the night (он задыхался немного от ночной духоты; heat — жара, тепло).

But next morning (но на следующее утро), when the dawn crept over the tranquil sea (когда рассвет забрезжил над безмятежным морем; to creep— ползать; подкрадываться), the opening in the reef which had eluded them the night before (проход в рифе, который ускользнул /от/ них прошлой ночью; before— перед; раньше) was seen a little to the east of where they lay (находился немного восточнее: «был виден немного к востоку от» /того места/, где они находились; tolie— лежать; быть расположенным). The schooner entered the lagoon (шхуна вошла /в/ лагуну). There was not a ripple on the surface of the water (не было ни /малейшей/ ряби на поверхности воды). Deep down among the coral rocks (глубоко внизу среди коралловых рифов; rock — скала; камень/в том числе подводный/) you saw little coloured fish swim (можно было увидеть маленьких разноцветных рыбок: «вы видели, /как/ маленькие цветные рыбки плавали»). When he had anchored his ship (когда он поставил на якорь свое судно) the skipper ate his breakfast and went on deck (шкипер съел свой завтрак и вышел на палубу). The sun shone from an unclouded sky (солнце светило в безоблачном небе; from — из, с), but in the early morning the air was grateful and cool (но ранним утром воздух был приятным и прохладным/свежим). It was Sunday (было воскресенье), and there was a feeling of quietness (и было какое-то ощущение покоя), a silence as though nature were at rest (тишина, как будто бы природа отдыхала: «была в состоянии покоя»), which gave him a peculiar sense of comfort (что давало ему особое чувство комфорта). He sat, looking at the wooded coast (он сидел, глядя на лесистый берег) and felt lazy and well at ease (и чувствовал /себя/ расслаблено и очень непринужденно; lazy — ленивый; располагающий к лени; ease — покой; свобода;непринужденность). Presently a slow smile moved his lips (вскоре слабая улыбка тронула его губы; slow — медленный, несильный) and he threw the stump of his cigar into the water (и он бросил окурок своей сигары в воду).

"I guess I’ll go ashore," he said (я полагаю = пожалуй, я сойду на берег, — сказал он). "Get the boat out (спустите: «вытащите» шлюпку)."

surface [`sWfIs], peculiar [pI`kjHljq], comfort [`kAmfqt]

The skipper lifted himself heavily out of his chair and clambered down the companion. He went into his cabin and got out of his clothes. He climbed into his bunk and lay there. He panted a little in the heat of the night.

But next morning, when the dawn crept over the tranquil sea, the opening in the reef which had eluded them the night before was seen a little to the east of where they lay. The schooner entered the lagoon. There was not a ripple on the surface of the water. Deep down among the coral rocks you saw little coloured fish swim. When he had anchored his ship the skipper ate his breakfast and went on deck. The sun shone from an unclouded sky, but in the early morning the air was grateful and cool. It was Sunday, and there was a feeling of quietness, a silence as though nature were at rest, which gave him a peculiar sense of comfort. He sat, looking at the wooded coast, and felt lazy and well at ease. Presently a slow smile moved his lips and he threw the stump of his cigar into the water.

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