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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Второй сборник рассказов - Arthur Conan Doyle

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“They are both old and tried servants.”

“I understand you to say that your room is on the second floor, that there is no entrance from without, and that from within no one could go up unobserved. It must, then, be somebody in the house who has taken it. To whom would the thief take it? To one of several international spies and secret agents, whose names are tolerably familiar to me. There are three who may be said to be the heads of their profession. I will begin my research by going round and finding if each of them is at his post. If one is missing — especially if he has disappeared since last night — we will have some indication as to where the document has gone.”

“Why should he be missing (а зачем ему уезжать)?” asked the European Secretary (спросил министр по европейским делам). “He would take the letter to an Embassy in London, as likely as not (пожалуй, он мог бы отнести письмо в посольство в Лондоне; as likely as not — вполне вероятно, по всей вероятности, наверное).”

“I fancy not (не думаю). These agents work independently (эти агенты работают самостоятельно; independence — независимость, самостоятельность; to depend on smth. — зависеть от чего-либо), and their relations with the Embassies are often strained (и их отношения с посольствами часто напряженные).”

The Prime Minister nodded his acquiescence (премьер-министр кивком выразил согласие; acquiescence — уступка, /молчаливое или неохотное/ согласие).

“I believe you are right, Mr. Holmes (полагаю, вы правы, мистер Холмс). He would take so valuable a prize to headquarters with his own hands (он доставил бы такую ценную добычу в штаб-квартиру собственноручно: «своими собственными руками»). I think that your course of action is an excellent one (думаю, у вас превосходный план действий). Meanwhile, Hope, we cannot neglect all our other duties on account of this one misfortune (между тем, Хоуп, мы не можем забывать о других наших обязанностях из-за этого несчастья). Should there be any fresh developments during the day (если произойдут какие-либо новые события в течение дня) we shall communicate with you (мы сообщим вам), and you will no doubt let us know the results of your own inquiries (и вы, несомненно, дадите нам знать о результатах ваших собственных расследований).”

The two statesmen bowed (два министра поклонились) and walked gravely from the room (и со степенным видом вышли из комнаты; grave — серьезный, важный; степенный).

embassy [ˈembǝsɪ], acquiescence [ækwɪˈes(ǝ)ns], communicate [kǝˈmju:nɪkeɪt]

“Why should he be missing?” asked the European Secretary. “He would take the letter to an Embassy in London, as likely as not.”

“I fancy not. These agents work independently, and their relations with the Embassies are often strained.”

The Prime Minister nodded his acquiescence.

“I believe you are right, Mr. Holmes. He would take so valuable a prize to headquarters with his own hands. I think that your course of action is an excellent one. Meanwhile, Hope, we cannot neglect all our other duties on account of this one misfortune. Should there be any fresh developments during the day we shall communicate with you, and you will no doubt let us know the results of your own inquiries.”

The two statesmen bowed and walked gravely from the room.

When our illustrious visitors had departed (когда наши высокие гости удалились; illustrious — знаменитый; известный) Holmes lit his pipe in silence (Холмс молча зажег трубку) and sat for some time lost in the deepest thought (и некоторое время сидел, погрузившись в размышления: «в глубочайшую мысль = задумчивость»). I had opened the morning paper (я открыл утреннюю газету) and was immersed in a sensational crime (и углубился в чтение о сенсационном преступлении; to immerse — погружаться, уходить с головой; увлекаться) which had occurred in London the night before (которое произошло в Лондоне накануне вечером), when my friend gave an exclamation (как вдруг мой приятель издал восклицание), sprang to his feet (вскочил на ноги), and laid his pipe down upon the mantelpiece (и положил трубку на каминную полку).

“Yes,” said he, “there is no better way of approaching it (нет лучшего пути подойти к /этой проблеме/; to approach — приближаться). The situation is desperate, but not hopeless (положение отчаянное, но не безнадежное; hope — надежда). Even now, if we could be sure which of them has taken it (даже теперь, если бы мы смогли узнать, кто из них похитил письмо), it is just possible that it has not yet passed out of his hands (вполне возможно, что оно по-прежнему у него: «еще не ушло из его рук»). After all, it is a question of money with these fellows (в конце концов, это вопрос денег, что касается этих людей = этих людей интересуют лишь деньги), and I have the British treasury behind me (а к моим услугам: «за мной» — Британское казначейство; treasury — сокровищница; государственное казначейство). If it’s on the market I’ll buy it (если письмо продается, я куплю его; to be on the market — продаваться; market — рынок) — if it means another penny on the income-tax (/даже/ если это означает дополнительный пенни в подоходном налоге). It is conceivable that the fellow might hold it back to see (возможно, что похититель держит письмо у себя, чтобы узнать; to hold back — сдерживать, удерживать; утаивать) what bids come from this side (какие предложения будут с этой стороны = здесь) before he tries his luck on the other (прежде чем попытать счастье за границей: «на другой /стороне/»; to try one's luck — рискнуть, попытать счастья). There are only those three capable of playing so bold a game (есть только три человека, способных на такую смелую/дерзкую игру) — there are Oberstein (это Оберштейн), La Rothiere (Ля Ротьер), and Eduardo Lucas (и Эдуардо Лукас). I will see each of them (я повидаюсь с каждым из них).”

London [ˈlʌndǝn], treasury [ˈtreʒ(ǝ)rɪ], income-tax [ˈɪnkǝmtæks], capable [ˈkeɪpǝb(ǝ)l]

When our illustrious visitors had departed Holmes lit his pipe in silence and sat for some time lost in the deepest thought. I had opened the morning paper and was immersed in a sensational crime which had occurred in London the night before, when my friend gave an exclamation, sprang to his feet, and laid his pipe down upon the mantelpiece.

“Yes,” said he, “there is no better way of approaching it. The situation is desperate, but not hopeless. Even now, if we could be sure which of them has taken it, it is just possible that it has not yet passed out of his hands. After all, it is a question of money with these fellows, and I have the British treasury behind me. If it’s on the market I’ll buy it — if it means another penny on the income-tax. It is conceivable that the fellow might hold it back to see what bids come from this side before he tries his luck on the other. There are only those three capable of playing so bold a game — there are Oberstein, La Rothiere, and Eduardo Lucas. I will see each of them.”

I glanced at my morning paper (я взглянул на утреннюю газету).

“Is that Eduardo Lucas of Godolphin Street (это Эдуардо Лукас с Годолфин-стрит)?”


“You will not see him (вы не повидаетесь с ним).”

“Why not (почему)?”

“He was murdered in his house last night (он был убит в своем доме вчера вечером).”

My friend has so often astonished me in the course of our adventures (мой друг так часто удивлял меня во время наших приключений) that it was with a sense of exultation that I realized (что с чувством торжества я понял = я испытал чувство торжества, увидев) how completely I had astonished him (что совершенно поразил его). He stared in amazement (он уставился /на меня/ в изумлении), and then snatched the paper from my hands (затем выхватил газету из моих рук). This was the paragraph which I had been engaged in reading (вот та заметка, которую я читал; paragraph — абзац; параграф, пункт; краткая газетная заметка) when he rose from his chair (когда он встал со своего кресла).

exultation [ˌeɡzʌlˈteɪʃ(ǝ)n], completely [kǝmˈpli:tlɪ], paragraph [ˈpærǝɡrɑ:f]

I glanced at my morning paper.

“Is that Eduardo Lucas of Godolphin Street?”


“You will not see him.”

“Why not?”

“He was murdered in his house last night.”

My friend has so often astonished me in the course of our adventures that it was with a sense of exultation that I realized how completely I had astonished him. He stared in amazement, and then snatched the paper from my hands. This was the paragraph which I had been engaged in reading when he rose from his chair.

Murder in Westminster

(убийство в Вестминстере)

A crime of mysterious character was committed last night at 16 Godolphin Street (таинственное преступление: «таинственного характера» было совершено вчера вечером в /доме/ номер 16 по Годолфин-стрит), one of the old-fashioned and secluded rows of eighteenth century houses (одной из тех старинных уединенных /улиц, состоящих/ из рядов домов восемнадцатого века) which lie between the river and the Abbey (которые тянутся между рекой и /Вестминстерским/ аббатством), almost in the shadow of the great Tower of the Houses of Parliament (почти в тени большой башни здания парламента; the Houses of Parliament — парламент Великобритании; здание парламента /место заседания британского парламента/). This small but select mansion has been inhabited for some years by Mr. Eduardo Lucas (в этом маленьком, но роскошном особняке несколько лет проживал мистер Эдуардо Лукас; to select — выбирать, отбирать; select — отборный; избранный; элитный), well known in society circles both on account of his charming personality (хорошо известный в обществе: «в общественных кругах» благодаря своему обаятельному характеру; on account — из-за, вследствие, благодаря; charming personality — харизматическая, притягательная личность) and because he has the well-deserved reputation (и заслуженной репутации) of being one of the best amateur tenors in the country (одного из лучших теноров-любителей в стране).

century [ˈsenʧǝrɪ], society [sǝˈsaɪǝtɪ], amateur [ˈæmǝtǝ]

Murder in Westminster

A crime of mysterious character was committed last night at 16 Godolphin Street, one of the old-fashioned and secluded rows of eighteenth century houses which lie between the river and the Abbey, almost in the shadow of the great Tower of the Houses of Parliament. This small but select mansion has been inhabited for some years by Mr. Eduardo Lucas, well known in society circles both on account of his charming personality and because he has the well-deserved reputation of being one of the best amateur tenors in the country.

Mr. Lucas is an unmarried man (мистер Лукас неженатый мужчина; to marry — жениться; выходить замуж), thirty-four years of age (тридцати четырех лет), and his establishment consists of Mrs. Pringle (и его прислуга состоит из миссис Прингл; establishment — основание, учреждение; штат /служащих/; дом, домочадцы), an elderly housekeeper (пожилой экономки; housekeeper; to keep — держать; хранить; вести /что-либо/, управлять /чем-либо/: to keep house — вести хозяйство), and of Mitton, his valet (и Миттона, лакея). The former retires early and sleeps at the top of the house (первая ложится спать рано и спит на верхнем этаже дома). The valet was out for the evening (лакей отсутствовал в тот вечер), visiting a friend at Hammersmith (/отправившись/ навестить приятеля в Хаммерсмите). From ten o’clock onward Mr. Lucas had the house to himself (с десяти часов мистер Лукас имел дом в своем распоряжении = оставался в доме один; onward — вперед; далее: from this time onward — с этого времени). What occurred during that time has not yet transpired (что произошло в это время, пока еще не выяснено; to transpire — обнаруживаться, становиться известным), but at a quarter to twelve Police-constable Barrett (но без четверти двенадцать констебль Баррет), passing along Godolphin Street (проходя по Годолфин-стрит) observed that the door of No. 16 was ajar (заметил, что дверь /дома/ № 16 приоткрыта). He knocked, but received no answer (он постучал, но не получил никакого ответа).

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