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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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lurid ['ljurId], lengthened ['[email protected]], gash [g&S], area ['[email protected]@], withdrawn [wID'drO:n]

At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement. Then it lengthened out until it became a yellow line, and then, without any warning or sound, a gash seemed to open and a hand appeared; a white, almost womanly hand, which felt about in the centre of the little area of light. For a minute or more the hand, with its writhing fingers, protruded out of the floor. Then it was withdrawn as suddenly as it appeared, and all was dark again save the single lurid spark which marked a chink between the stones.

Its disappearance, however, was but momentary (ее исчезновение, однако, было лишь кратковременным). With a rending, tearing sound (с раскалывающим, царапающим звуком), one of the broad, white stones turned over upon its side (одна из широких белых плит перевернулась на боковую сторону) and left a square, gaping hole, through which streamed the light of a lantern (и оставила квадратную глубокую яму, через которую = из которой заструился свет фонаря). Over the edge there peeped a clean-cut, boyish face (над краем /ямы/ выглянуло чисто выбритое мальчишеское лицо), which looked keenly about it (которое внимательно осмотрелось), and then, with a hand on either side of the aperture (и затем, с рукой на каждой стороне проема = упершись в края ямы), drew itself shoulder-high and waist-high (вытянуло себя до уровня плеч и по пояс = из ямы показались плечи, затем поднялось все туловище), until one knee rested upon the edge (пока одно колено уперлось в пол: «остановилось на краю»). In another instant he stood at the side of the hole (в следующий момент он встал /во весь рост/ возле ямы) and was hauling after him a companion (и тянул за собой товарища = помогал влезть своему товарищу), lithe and small like himself (гибкому и маленькому, как и он сам), with a pale face and a shock of very red hair (с бледным лицом и с копной очень рыжих волос).

"It's all clear (все чисто = в порядке)," he whispered. "Have you the chisel and the bags (у тебя стамеска и мешки)? Great Scott (черт возьми)! Jump, Archie, jump, and I'll swing for it (прыгай, Арчи, прыгай, а я за себя постою)!"

tearing ['[email protected]], broad [brO:d], aperture ['&[email protected]@], hauling ['hO:lIN]

Its disappearance, however, was but momentary. With a rending, tearing sound, one of the broad, white stones turned over upon its side and left a square, gaping hole, through which streamed the light of a lantern. Over the edge there peeped a clean-cut, boyish face, which looked keenly about it, and then, with a hand on either side of the aperture, drew itself shoulder-high and waist-high, until one knee rested upon the edge. In another instant he stood at the side of the hole and was hauling after him a companion, lithe and small like himself, with a pale face and a shock of very red hair.

"It's all clear," he whispered. "Have you the chisel and the bags? Great Scott! Jump, Archie, jump, and I'll swing for it!"

Sherlock Holmes had sprung out and seized the intruder by the collar (выскочил /из своего укрытия/ и схватил незваного гостя за воротник). The other dived down the hole (другой нырнул в дыру), and I heard the sound of rending cloth (я услышал звук рвущейся ткани) as Jones clutched at his skirts (когда Джонс схватил его края /одежды/). The light flashed upon the barrel of a revolver (свет блеснул на стволе револьвера), but Holmes's hunting crop came down on the man's wrist (но охотничий хлыст Холмса обрушился на запястье человека), and the pistol clinked upon the stone floor (и пистолет звякнул о каменный пол).

intruder [In'tru:[email protected]], cloth [klA.T], barrel ['b&[email protected]], wrist [rIst]

"It's no use, John Clay (бесполезно, Джон Клэй)," said Holmes blandly (сказал Холмс мягко). "You have no chance at all (у вас нет шансов вообще = вы попались)."

"So I see (вижу)," the other answered with the utmost coolness (ответил тот с величайшим спокойствием). "I fancy that my pal is all right (я полагаю, что мой приятель в порядке), though I see you have got his coat-tails (хотя я вижу, вы поймали фалду его пиджака)."

Sherlock Holmes had sprung out and seized the intruder by the collar. The other dived down the hole, and I heard the sound of rending cloth as Jones clutched at his skirts. The light flashed upon the barrel of a revolver, but Holmes's hunting crop came down on the man's wrist, and the pistol clinked upon the stone floor.

"It's no use, John Clay," said Holmes blandly. "You have no chance at all."

"So I see," the other answered with the utmost coolness. "I fancy that my pal is all right, though I see you have got his coat-tails."

"There are three men waiting for him at the door (там три человека, ожидающие его у двери)," said Holmes.

"Oh, indeed (ах вот как)! You seem to have done the thing very completely (кажется, вы сделали эту вещь очень полно = чисто сработано). I must compliment you (я должен похвалить вас = поздравляю вас)."

"And I you (а я вас)," Holmes answered. "Your red-headed idea was very new and effective (ваша рыжая идея = выдумка насчет рыжих — нова и результативна)."

"You'll see your pal again presently (вы увидите своего приятеля вскоре)," said Jones. "He's quicker at climbing down holes than I am (он более проворный в слезании в ямы = он лучше ныряет в норы, чем я; quick — быстрый, резвый; to climb — карабкаться, лазить). Just hold out while I fix the derbies (просто протяните /руки/, пока я надеваю наручники; to hold out — протягивать)."

pal ['p&l], climbing ['klaImIN], derbies ['[email protected]:bIz]

"There are three men waiting for him at the door," said Holmes.

"Oh, indeed! You seem to have done the thing very completely. I must compliment you."

"And I you," Holmes answered. "Your red-headed idea was very new and effective."

"You'll see your pal again presently," said Jones. "He's quicker at climbing down holes than I am. Just hold out while I fix the derbies."

"I beg that you will not touch me with your filthy hands (я попрошу вас не трогать меня своими грязными руками)," remarked our prisoner as the handcuffs clattered upon his wrists (заметил наш узник, когда наручники: «ручные браслеты» загремели на его запястьях). "You may not be aware that I have royal blood in my veins (вы можете не быть осведомленными = вам, наверное, не известно, что в моих венах = жилах течет королевская кровь). Have the goodness, also, when you address me always to say 'sir' and 'please (будьте добры, также, когда обращаетесь ко мне говорить «сэр» и «пожалуйста»).'"

touch [tVtS], filthy ['fIlTI], handcuffs ['h&ndkVfs], blood [blVd], veins [veInz]

"All right (хорошо)," said Jones with a stare and a snigger (сказал Джонс с изумленным взглядом и хихиканьем). "Well, would you please, sir, march upstairs (не соблаговолите ли вы, сэр, подняться: «прошагать» наверх), where we can get a cab to carry your Highness to the police-station (где вы можете сесть в кеб, который отвезет ваше высочество в полицейский участок)?"

stare [[email protected]], march [mA:tS], Highness ['haInIs]

"I beg that you will not touch me with your filthy hands," remarked our prisoner as the handcuffs clattered upon his wrists. "You may not be aware that I have royal blood in my veins. Have the goodness, also, when you address me always to say 'sir' and 'please.'"

"All right," said Jones with a stare and a snigger. "Well, would you please, sir, march upstairs, where we can get a cab to carry your Highness to the police-station?"

"That is better (так-то лучше)," said John Clay serenely (сказал Клэй спокойно/безмятежно). He made a sweeping bow to the three of us (он сделал широкий поклон = величаво поклонился нам троим) and walked quietly off in the custody of the detective (и медленно удалился под опекой сыщика).

bow [bau], custody ['[email protected]]

"Really, Mr. Holmes (действительно, мистер Холмс)," said Mr. Merryweather as we followed them from the cellar (когда мы проследовали за ними из подвала), "I do not know how the bank can thank you or repay you (я не знаю, как банк может отблагодарить или вознаградить вас). There is no doubt that you have detected and defeated in the most complete manner (без сомнения, вы распознали и провалили самым лучшим образом) one of the most determined attempts at bank robbery (одну из самых решительных = крупных попыток ограбления банка) that have ever come within my experience (которую я когда-либо встречал; experience — опыт)."

defeated [dI'fi:tId], complete [[email protected]'pli:t], robbery ['[email protected]]

"That is better," said John Clay serenely. He made a sweeping bow to the three of us and walked quietly off in the custody of the detective.

"Really, Mr. Holmes," said Mr. Merryweather as we followed them from the cellar, "I do not know how the bank can thank you or repay you. There is no doubt that you have detected and defeated in the most complete manner one of the most determined attempts at bank robbery that have ever come within my experience."

"I have had one or two little scores of my own to settle with Mr. John Clay (у меня были один или два маленьких счета, чтобы расплатиться с мистером Джоном Клэем = у меня с ним были свои старые счеты; to settle — урегулировать, привести в порядок)," said Holmes. "I have been at some small expense over this matter (я понес небольшие расходы на этом деле), which I shall expect the bank to refund (которые я ожидаю от банка возместить = которые банк легко возместит мне), but beyond that I am amply repaid (но помимо этого я уже вполне вознагражден) by having had an experience which is in many ways unique (испытав опыт = приключение, которое во многих путях уникально = единственное в своем роде), and by hearing the very remarkable narrative of the Red-headed League (и услышав очень занимательный рассказ о Союзе рыжих)."

scores [skO:z], expense [Ik'spens], refund [ri:'fVnd], amply ['&mplI], unique [ju:'ni:k]

"I have had one or two little scores of my own to settle with Mr. John Clay," said Holmes. "I have been at some small expense over this matter, which I shall expect the bank to refund, but beyond that I am amply repaid by having had an experience which is in many ways unique, and by hearing the very remarkable narrative of the Red-headed League."

"You see, Watson (видите ли, Ватсон)," he explained in the early hours of the morning (объяснил он в ранние утренние часы) as we sat over a glass of whisky and soda in Baker Street (когда мы сидели за стаканчиком виски с содовой на Бэйкер-стрит), "it was perfectly obvious from the first (было совершенно очевидно с самого начала) that the only possible object of this rather fantastic business of the advertisement of the League (что единственной возможной целью это довольного фантастичного дела с объявлением о Союзе), and the copying of the Encyclopaedia (и переписыванием энциклопедии), must be to get this not over-bright pawnbroker out of the way for a number of hours every day (должно было быть /только/ удаление этого не слишком умного: «сверхсмышленого» владельца ссудной кассы в сторону = из дома на несколько часов ежедневно). It was a curious way of managing it (это был курьезный способ исполнения этого /плана/), but, really, it would be difficult to suggest a better (но, действительно, было бы трудно предложить /что-то/ лучше). The method was no doubt suggested to Clay's ingenious mind (способ, без сомнения, был предложен = подсказан изобретательному уму Клэя) by the color of his accomplice's hair (цветом волос его сообщника). The 4 pounds a week was a lure which must draw him (четыре фунта в неделю были приманкой, которая должна вытащить его /из дома/), and what was it to them, who were playing for thousands (а что это значит для них, которые играли на тысячи = рассчитывали получить тысячи)? They put in the advertisement (они дали объявление), one rogue has the temporary office (один жулик снял временную контору), the other rogue incites the man to apply for it (другой жулик подстрекает человека = своего хозяина обратиться туда), and together they manage to secure his absence every morning in the week (а вместе они смогли обеспечить его отсутствие каждое утро в течение недели). From the time that I heard of the assistant having come for half wages (с того момента, когда я услышал о помощнике, работающем за половинное жалованье), it was obvious to me that he had some strong motive for securing the situation (для меня стало очевидным, что у него есть сильный мотив = веская причина для этого: «для обеспечения такой ситуации»)."

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