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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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dense [dens], neighbours ['[email protected]], sense [sens], stupidity [stju:'pIdItI], grotesque [[email protected]'tesk]

I trust that I am not more dense than my neighbours, but I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity in my dealings with Sherlock Holmes. Here I had heard what he had heard, I had seen what he had seen, and yet from his words it was evident that he saw clearly not only what had happened but what was about to happen, while to me the whole business was still confused and grotesque. As I drove home to my house in Kensington I thought over it all, from the extraordinary story of the red-headed copier of the Encyclopaedia down to the visit to Saxe-Coburg Square, and the ominous words with which he had parted from me. What was this nocturnal expedition, and why should I go armed? Where were we going, and what were we to do? I had the hint from Holmes that this smooth-faced pawnbroker's assistant was a formidable man — a man who might play a deep game. I tried to puzzle it out, but gave it up in despair and set the matter aside until night should bring an explanation.

It was a quarter past nine (была четверть после девяти = четверть десятого) when I started from home and made my way across the Park (когда я вышел из дома и пошел: «сделал свой путь» через парк), and so through Oxford Street to Baker Street (и затем через Оксфорд-стрит /добрался/ до Бейкер-стрит). Two hansoms were standing at the door (два экипажа стояли у двери), and as I entered the passage I heard the sound of voices from above (и когда я зашел в коридор, то услышал звук голосов сверху). On entering his room (войдя: «по вхождении» в комнату) I found Holmes in animated conversation with two men (я нашел = застал Холмса в оживленном разговоре с двумя людьми), one of whom I recognized as Peter Jones (одного из которых я узнал как Питера Джонса), the official police agent (официального полицейского агента), while the other was a long, thin, sad-faced man (тогда как другой был высоким, тощим, мрачным: «печальнолицым» мужчиной), with a very shiny hat and oppressively respectable frock-coat (с очень сверкающим цилиндром и в угнетающе приличном фраке).

quarter ['kwO:[email protected]], passage ['p&sIdZ], recognized ['[email protected]], respectable [rI'[email protected]]

It was a quarter past nine when I started from home and made my way across the Park, and so through Oxford Street to Baker Street. Two hansoms were standing at the door, and as I entered the passage I heard the sound of voices from above. On entering his room I found Holmes in animated conversation with two men, one of whom I recognized as Peter Jones, the official police agent, while the other was a long, thin, sad-faced man, with a very shiny hat and oppressively respectable frock-coat.

"Ha! Our party is complete (ага, наша компания завершена = вот мы и в сборе)," said Holmes, buttoning up his peajacket and taking his heavy hunting crop from the rack (сказал Холмс, застегивая бушлат и беря с полки тяжелый охотничий хлыст). "Watson, I think you know Mr. Jones, of Scotland Yard (я думаю, вы знаете мистера Джонса из Скотланд-Ярда)? Let me introduce you to Mr. Merryweather (позвольте представить вас мистеру Мерриуэзеру), who is to be our companion in tonight's adventure (который будет нашим товарищем в ночном приключении)."

party ['pA:tI], heavy ['hevI], Yard [jA:d]

"We're hunting in couples again, Doctor, you see (мы снова охотимся вместе: «парами», доктор, как вы видите)," said Jones in his consequential way (сказал Джонс в своей важной/весомой манере). "Our friend here is a wonderful man for starting a chase (ваш друг /здесь/ — прекрасный человек для начинания преследования). All he wants is an old dog to help him to do the running down (все, чего он хочет, /так это/ чтобы старый /гончий/ пес помог ему в погоне)."

couples [kVplz], consequential [kA.nsI'kwenSn], wonderful ['[email protected]], chase [tSeIs]

"Ha! Our party is complete," said Holmes, buttoning up his peajacket and taking his heavy hunting crop from the rack. "Watson, I think you know Mr. Jones, of Scotland Yard? Let me introduce you to Mr. Merryweather, who is to be our companion in tonight's adventure."

"We're hunting in couples again, Doctor, you see," said Jones in his consequential way. "Our friend here is a wonderful man for starting a chase. All he wants is an old dog to help him to do the running down."

"I hope a wild goose may not prove to be the end of our chase (я надеюсь, дикий гусь не окажется концом нашей погони = боюсь, мы подстрелим не зверя, а гуся)," observed Mr. Merryweather gloomily (заметил мистер Мерриуэзер мрачно).

goose [gu:s], gloomily ['glu:mIlI]

"You may place considerable confidence in Mr. Holmes, sir (вы можете вполне довериться: «поместить достаточно уверенности» мистеру Холмсу, сэр)," said the police agent loftily (сказал полицейский агент высокомерно). "He has his own little methods (у него есть свои маленькие методы), which are, if he won't mind my saying so (которые, позволю себе заметить: «если вы не будете возражать против моего говорения так»), just a little too theoretical and fantastic (совсем немного умозрительные и фантастические), but he has the makings of a detective in him (но в нем есть задатки детектива). It is not too much to say that once or twice (это не слишком много сказать = нужно признать, что раз или два), as in that business of the Sholto murder and the Agra treasure (как, например, в делах об убийстве Шолто и сокровищах Агры), he has been more nearly correct than the official force (он был более верный, чем официальные силы = он оказался прав, а официальная полиция ошиблась)."

confidence ['[email protected]], theoretical [[email protected]'retIkl], murder ['[email protected]:[email protected]], treasure ['[email protected]]

"I hope a wild goose may not prove to be the end of our chase," observed Mr. Merryweather gloomily.

"You may place considerable confidence in Mr. Holmes, sir," said the police agent loftily. "He has his own little methods, which are, if he won't mind my saying so, just a little too theoretical and fantastic, but he has the makings of a detective in him. It is not too much to say that once or twice, as in that business of the Sholto murder and the Agra treasure, he has been more nearly correct than the official force."

"Oh, if you say so, Mr. Jones, it is all right (ну, если вы так говорите, мистер Джонс, тогда все в порядке)," said the stranger with deference (сказал незнакомец с почтением). "Still, I confess that I miss my rubber (и все-таки мне, признаться, жаль, что я пропускаю /партию в/ роббер). It is the first Saturday night for seven-and-twenty years that I have not had my rubber (это первый субботний вечер за двадцать семь лет, в который я не играл мою партию в роббер)."

stranger ['[email protected]], deference ['def(@)r(@)ns], confess [[email protected]'fes], rubber ['[email protected]]

"I think you will find (я думаю, что вы найдете = поймете)," said Sherlock Holmes, "that you will play for a higher stake tonight (что вы будете играть на более высокую ставку сегодня вечером) than you have ever done yet (чем вы когда-либо делали), and that the play will be more exciting (и что игра будет более волнующей). For you, Mr. Merryweather, the stake will be some 30,000 pounds (для вас, мистер Мерриуэзер, ставка составит где-то тридцать тысяч фунтов); and for you, Jones, it will be the man upon whom you wish to lay your hands (а для вас, Джонс, это будет человек, на которого вы хотите наложить руки = которого давно хотите поймать)."

stake [steIk], exciting [Ik'saItIN], lay [leI]

"Oh, if you say so, Mr. Jones, it is all right," said the stranger with deference. "Still, I confess that I miss my rubber. It is the first Saturday night for seven-and-twenty years that I have not had my rubber."

"I think you will find," said Sherlock Holmes, "that you will play for a higher stake tonight than you have ever done yet, and that the play will be more exciting. For you, Mr. Merryweather, the stake will be some 30,000 pounds; and for you, Jones, it will be the man upon whom you wish to lay your hands."

"John Clay, the murderer, thief, smasher, and forger (Джон Клэй, убийца, вор, фальшивомонетчик и мошенник). He's a young man, Mr. Merryweather, but he is at the head of his profession (он молод, но он во главе своей профессии = искуснейший вор в стране), and I would rather have my bracelets on him than on any criminal in London (и я бы охотнее имел мои браслеты на нем, чем на любом другом преступнике в Лондоне = ни на кого другого я не надел бы наручники охотнее, чем на него). He's a remarkable man, is young John Clay (он удивительный человек, этот юный Джон Клэй). His grandfather was a royal duke (его дед был королевским герцогом), and he himself has been to Eton and Oxford (а сам он был = учился в Итоне и Оксфорде). His brain is as cunning as his fingers (его мозг так же изощрен, как и его пальцы), and though we meet signs of him at every turn (и хотя мы встречаем его следы на каждом шагу), we never know where to find the man himself (мы никогда не знаем, где найти самого человека). He'll crack a crib in Scotland one week (он совершит кражу со взломом в Шотландии на одной неделе), and be raising money to build an orphanage in Cornwall the next (и будет собирать: «собирающим» деньги на постройку сиротского приюта в Корнуолле на следующей). I've been on his track for years (я на его следу /уже/ годы = гоняюсь за ним уже несколько лет) and have never set eyes on him yet (и еще никогда = ни разу не видел его)."

thief [Ti:f], forger ['fO:[email protected]], royal ['[email protected]], duke [dju:k]

"John Clay, the murderer, thief, smasher, and forger. He's a young man, Mr. Merryweather, but he is at the head of his profession, and I would rather have my bracelets on him than on any criminal in London. He's a remarkable man, is young John Clay. His grandfather was a royal duke, and he himself has been to Eton and Oxford. His brain is as cunning as his fingers, and though we meet signs of him at every turn, we never know where to find the man himself. He'll crack a crib in Scotland one week, and be raising money to build an orphanage in Cornwall the next. I've been on his track for years and have never set eyes on him yet."

"I hope that I may have the pleasure of introducing you tonight (я надеюсь, что могу иметь удовольствие представления = представить его вам). I've had one or two little turns also with Mr. John Clay (мне тоже приходилось раз или два сталкиваться с мистером Джоном Клэем), and I agree with you that he is at the head of his profession (и я согласен с вами, что он самый искусный вор в стране). It is past ten, however, and quite time that we started (после десяти = уже одиннадцатый час, однако, и вполне время, чтобы мы отправились = и нам пора двигаться в путь). If you two will take the first hansom (если вы двое возьмете первый экипаж), Watson and I will follow in the second (Ватсон и я последуем во втором)."

introducing [[email protected]'dju:sIN], hansom [h&nsm], second ['[email protected]]

"I hope that I may have the pleasure of introducing you tonight. I've had one or two little turns also with Mr. John Clay, and I agree with you that he is at the head of his profession. It is past ten, however, and quite time that we started. If you two will take the first hansom, Watson and I will follow in the second."

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