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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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"Grave enough!" said Mr. Jabez Wilson. "Why, I have lost four pound a week."

"As far as you are personally concerned (насколько: «как далеко» вас лично касается)," remarked Holmes (заметил Холмс), "I do not see that you have any grievance against this extraordinary league (я не вижу, чтобы у вас был повод для недовольства этим необычайным Союзом; against — против). On the contrary (наоборот), you are, as I understand (вы, как я понимаю), richer by some 30 pounds (богаче примерно на 30 фунтов), to say nothing of the minute knowledge (не говоря уже о: «сказать ничего о» детальных знаниях; minute — мелкий, подробный) which you have gained on every subject (которые вы получили по каждому предмету) which comes under the letter A (который идет под буквой А = начинается с А). You have lost nothing by them (вы ничего не потеряли /из-за них/)."

concerned [[email protected]'[email protected]:nd], grievance ['gri:[email protected]], knowledge ['nOlIdZ]

"As far as you are personally concerned," remarked Holmes, "I do not see that you have any grievance against this extraordinary league. On the contrary, you are, as I understand, richer by some 30 pounds, to say nothing of the minute knowledge which you have gained on every subject which comes under the letter A. You have lost nothing by them."

"No, sir (не спорю, сэр). But I want to find out about them (но я хочу узнать о них), and who they are (и кто они такие), and what their object was in playing this prank (и какая их цель была в этой шутке: «в игрании этой шутки») — if it was a prank (если это была шутка) — upon me (со мной). It was a pretty expensive joke for them (это была довольно дорогая шутка для них), for it cost them two and thirty pounds (так как она стоила им тридцать два фунта)."

object ['ObdZIkt], prank [pr&Nk], expensive [Ik'spensIv], joke [[email protected]]

"We shall endeavor to clear up these points for you (мы постараемся выяснить эти положения для вас). And, first, one or two questions, Mr. Wilson (а прежде один или два вопроса, мистер Уилсон). This assistant of yours who first called your attention to the advertisement (этот ваш помощник, который первым показал вам: «призвал ваше внимание» объявление) — how long had he been with you (как долго он с вами = давно ли служит у вас)?"

"About a month then (около месяца)."

endeavor [In'[email protected]], questions ['[email protected]], attention [@'tenSn]

"No, sir. But I want to find out about them, and who they are, and what their object was in playing this prank — if it was a prank — upon me. It was a pretty expensive joke for them, for it cost them two and thirty pounds."

"We shall endeavor to clear up these points for you. And, first, one or two questions, Mr. Wilson. This assistant of yours who first called your attention to the advertisement — how long had he been with you?"

"About a month then."

"How did he come (как он пришел = где вы его нашли)?"

"In answer to an advertisement (в ответ на объявление = явился по объявлению)."

"Was he the only applicant (был ли он единственным кандидатом)?"

"No, I had a dozen (нет, у меня была дюжина /претендентов/)."

"Why did you pick him (почему вы выбрали его)?"

"Because he was handy and would come cheap (потому что он был ловким, проворным и обошелся бы дешево)."

applicant ['&[email protected]], dozen [dVzn], handy ['h&ndI], cheap [tSi:p]

"How did he come?"

"In answer to an advertisement."

"Was he the only applicant?"

"No, I had a dozen."

"Why did you pick him?"

"Because he was handy and would come cheap."

"At half-wages, in fact (за ползарплаты, фактически)."


"What is he like, this Vincent Spaulding (каков он из себя, этот Винсент Сполдинг)?"

"Small, stout-built, very quick in his ways (маленький, коренастый, очень живой: «быстрый в своих путях»), no hair on his face (на лице нет волос), though he's not short of thirty (хотя ему уже около тридцати). Has a white splash of acid upon his forehead (имеет белое пятно от /ожога/ кислотой на лбу)."

stout-built [staut'bIlt], quick [kwIk], acid ['&sId], forehead ['fOrId]

"At half-wages, in fact."


"What is he like, this Vincent Spaulding?"

"Small, stout-built, very quick in his ways, no hair on his face, though he's not short of thirty. Has a white splash of acid upon his forehead."

Holmes sat up in his chair in considerable excitement (Холмс выпрямился в кресле в значительном волнении). "I thought as much (я думал именно так = я так и думал)," said he. "Have you ever observed that his ears are pierced for earrings (вы когда-нибудь замечали, что его уши проколоты; ear — ухо; ring — кольцо; earring — серьга)?"

considerable [[email protected]'[email protected]@bl], excitement [Ik'[email protected]], pierced [[email protected]], earring ['[email protected]]

"Yes, sir. He told me that a gypsy had done it for him when he was a lad (он сказал мне, что какой-то цыган сделал это /для него/, когда он был мальчиком = маленьким)."

gypsy ['dZIpsI], lad [l&d]

"Hum (хм)!" said Holmes, sinking back in deep thought (откидываясь в глубокой мысли = раздумье). "He is still with you (он все еще с вами)?"

sinking ['sINkIN], thought [TO:t]

Holmes sat up in his chair in considerable excitement. "I thought as much," said he. "Have you ever observed that his ears are pierced for earrings?"

"Yes, sir. He told me that a gypsy had done it for him when he was a lad."

"Hum!" said Holmes, sinking back in deep thought. "He is still with you?"

"Oh, yes, sir; I have only just left him (я только что оставил его = видел его)."

"And has your business been attended to in your absence (а хорошо ли он справлялся с вашими делами в ваше отсутствие; to attend to — заботиться, следить)?"

"Nothing to complain of, sir (ничего чтобы пожаловаться = не могу жаловаться, сэр). There's never very much to do of a morning (утром никогда не бывает много работы)."

absence ['&[email protected]], complain [[email protected]'pleIn], sir [[email protected]:]

"That will do, Mr. Wilson (достаточно, мистер Уилсон). I shall be happy to give you an opinion upon the subject in the course of a day or two (я буду счастлив = буду иметь удовольствие высказать вам мое мнение по этой теме через день или два; in the course of — в течение). Today is Saturday (сегодня суббота), and I hope that by Monday we may come to a conclusion (и я надеюсь, что к понедельнику мы сможем прийти к заключению = все выясним)."

opinion [@'[email protected]], course [kO:s], Saturday ['s&[email protected]], conclusion [[email protected]'klu:Zn]

"Oh, yes, sir; I have only just left him."

"And has your business been attended to in your absence?"

"Nothing to complain of, sir. There's never very much to do of a morning."

"That will do, Mr. Wilson. I shall be happy to give you an opinion upon the subject in the course of a day or two. Today is Saturday, and I hope that by Monday we may come to a conclusion."

"Well, Watson," said Holmes when our visitor had left us (когда наш посетитель покинул нас = ушел), "what do you make of it all (что вы обо всем этом думаете: «что вы делаете из этого всего»)?"

"I make nothing of it (я ничего не думаю)," I answered frankly (ответил я откровенно). "It is a most mysterious business (это совершенно таинственное дело)."

frankly ['fr&NklI], mysterious [mI'[email protected]]

"As a rule (как правило)," said Holmes, "the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be (чем более странная вещь = случай, тем менее таинственным он оказывается). It is your commonplace, featureless crimes (это заурядные, бесцветные преступления) which are really puzzling (которые действительно озадачивают), just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify (так же как и заурядное лицо наиболее трудно опознать). But I must be prompt over this matter (но я должен = мне нужно быть быстрым с этим делом)."

"What are you going to do, then (что вы собираетесь делать в таком случае)?" I asked.

rule [ru:l], bizarre [bI'zA:], featureless ['fi:[email protected]], identify [aI'dentIfaI]

"Well, Watson," said Holmes when our visitor had left us, "what do you make of it all?"

"I make nothing of it," I answered frankly. "It is a most mysterious business."

"As a rule," said Holmes, "the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be. It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify. But I must be prompt over this matter."

"What are you going to do, then?" I asked.

"To smoke (курить)," he answered. "It is quite a three pipe problem (это как раз трехтрубочная проблема = задача на три трубки табаку), and I beg that you won't speak to me for fifty minutes (и я попрошу, чтобы вы не говорили со мной пятьдесят минут)." He curled himself up in his chair (он свернулся в своем кресле), with his thin knees drawn up to his hawk-like nose (подтянув худые колени к ястребиному носу; hawk — ястреб), and there he sat with his eyes closed and his black clay pipe (и вот = в такой позе он сидел с закрытыми глазами и своей черной глиняной трубкой) thrusting out like the bill of some strange bird (торчащей, как клюв какой-то странной птицы; to thrust out — высунуть). I had come to the conclusion (я пришел к заключению) that he had dropped asleep (что он уснул), and indeed was nodding myself (и сам уже начал дремать, клевать носом), when he suddenly sprang out of his chair with the gesture of a man (когда он внезапно вскочил со своего кресла с жестом = видом человека) who has made up his mind (который «собрал свой разум» = принял решение) and put his pipe down upon the mantelpiece (и положил свою трубку на каминную полку).

pipe [paIp], hawk [hO:k], gesture ['[email protected]], mantelpiece ['m&ntlpi:s]

"To smoke," he answered. "It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won't speak to me for fifty minutes." He curled himself up in his chair, with his thin knees drawn up to his hawk-like nose, and there he sat with his eyes closed and his black clay pipe thrusting out like the bill of some strange bird. I had come to the conclusion that he had dropped asleep, and indeed was nodding myself, when he suddenly sprang out of his chair with the gesture of a man who has made up his mind and put his pipe down upon the mantelpiece.

"Sarasate plays at the St. James's Hall this afternoon (Сарасате играет в Сент-Джеймс-холле сегодня днем)," he remarked. "What do you think, Watson (что вы думаете /об этом/, Ватсон)? Could your patients spare you for a few hours (могут ли ваши пациенты обойтись без вас в течение нескольких часов; to spare — экономить, беречь)?"

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