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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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presence [prezns], essential [I'senSl], discovered [dIs'[email protected]], bullion ['[email protected]], suit [sju:t]

"And how could you tell that they would make their attempt tonight?" I asked.

"Well, when they closed their League offices that was a sign that they cared no longer about Mr. Jabez Wilson's presence — in other words, that they had completed their tunnel. But it was essential that they should use it soon, as it might be discovered, or the bullion might be removed. Saturday would suit them better than any other day, as it would give them two days for their escape. For all these reasons I expected them to come tonight."

"You reasoned it out beautifully (вы продумали это прекрасно = ваши рассуждения изумительны)," I exclaimed in unfeigned admiration (воскликнул я в неподдельном восхищении; to feign — притворяться; подделывать). "It is so long a chain, and yet every link rings true (это такая длинная цепь = вы создали такую длинную цепь, и каждое звено ее правильно = безупречно)."

beautiful ['bju:tIful], unfeigned [Vn'feInd], admiration [,&[email protected]'reISn], chain [tSeIn], true [tru:]

"It saved me from ennui (это спасло меня от апатии)," he answered, yawning (ответил он, зевая). "Alas (увы)! I already feel it closing in upon me (я уже чувствую ее, приближающуюся ко мне = чувствую, что скука снова одолевает меня). My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence (моя жизнь проведена в одном долгом усилии убежать от = избежать банальностей существования). These little problems help me to do so (эти маленькие проблемы помогают мне сделать это)."

ennui [A:n'wi:], yawning ['jO:nIN], alas [@'lA:s], commonplaces ['[email protected]], existence [Ig'[email protected]]

"You reasoned it out beautifully," I exclaimed in unfeigned admiration. "It is so long a chain, and yet every link rings true."

"It saved me from ennui," he answered, yawning. "Alas! I already feel it closing in upon me. My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence. These little problems help me to do so."

"And you are a benefactor of the race (вы благодетель расы = человечества)," said I.

He shrugged his shoulders (он пожал плечами). "Well, perhaps, after all, it is of some little use (ну, пожалуй, в конце концов, это имеет небольшую пользу = я действительно приношу кое-какую пользу)," he remarked. 'L'homme c'est rien — l'œuvre c'est tout,' (человек — ничто, дело/создание — все (фр.)) as Gustave Flaubert wrote to George Sand (как Густав Флобер написал /в письме/ к Жорж Санд)."

shrugged [SrVgd], shoulders ['[email protected]@z], use [ju:s]

"And you are a benefactor of the race," said I.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, perhaps, after all, it is of some little use," he remarked. 'L'homme c'est rien — l'œuvre c'est tout,' as Gustave Flaubert wrote to George Sand."



Isa Whitney, brother of the late Elias Whitney (Айза Уитни, брат покойного Элиаса Уитни), D.D. (D.D. = Doctor of Divinity — доктора богословия), Principal of the Theological College of St. George's (директора теологического колледжа Св. Георга), was much addicted to opium (сильно пристрастился к опию; addicted to drugs — принимающий наркотики, наркоман; addicted — cклонный /к чему-либо дурному/, предающийся чему-либо). The habit grew upon him (/эта/ привычка поработила его; to grow on — овладеть), as I understand (как я понимаю), from some foolish freak when he was at college (из-за одной глупой затеи, когда он учился в колледже; freak — причуда, чудачество); for having read De Quincey's description of his dreams and sensations (прочитав описание снов и ощущений де Куинси), he had drenched his tobacco with laudanum (он пропитывал = начал пропитывать свой тобак настойкой опия) in an attempt to produce the same effects (в попытке вызвать те же самые воздействия). He found, as so many more have done (он обнаружил, как и многие другие сделали = обнаружили), that the practice is easier to attain than to get rid of (что эту привычку легче приобрести, чем избавиться от нее), and for many years he continued to be a slave to the drug (и в течение многих лет он продолжал быть рабом наркотика), an object of mingled horror and pity to his friends and relatives (объектом смешанных отвращения и жалости для своих друзей и родственников). I can see him now (сейчас я могу видеть его = я так и вижу его), with yellow, pasty face (с желтым, одутловатым лицом), drooping lids (набрякшими веками; to droop — свисать), and pin-point pupils (и сузившимися: «точечными» зрачками), all huddled in a chair (все /тело/, съежившееся в кресле; to huddle — складывать в кучу, свернуться), the wreck and ruin of a noble man (обломки и развалины благородного = прекрасного человека).

principal ['prInsIpl], addicted [@'dIktId], opium ['@[email protected]], laudanum ['lO:[email protected]], wreck [rek]

Isa Whitney, brother of the late Elias Whitney, D.D., Principal of the Theological College of St. George's, was much addicted to opium. The habit grew upon him, as I understand, from some foolish freak when he was at college; for having read De Quincey's description of his dreams and sensations, he had drenched his tobacco with laudanum in an attempt to produce the same effects. He found, as so many more have done, that the practice is easier to attain than to get rid of, and for many years he continued to be a slave to the drug, an object of mingled horror and pity to his friends and relatives. I can see him now, with yellow, pasty face, drooping lids, and pin-point pupils, all huddled in a chair, the wreck and ruin of a noble man.

One night (однажды вечером) — it was in June '89 — there came a ring to my bell (пришел = раздался звонок в мой колокольчик), about the hour when a man gives his first yawn and glances at the clock (около того часа = примерно в то время, когда человек дает свой первый зевок = когда начинаешь уже зевать и посматриваешь на часы). I sat up in my chair (я выпрямился в кресле), and my wife laid her needlework down in her lap (и моя жена положила свое шитье на колени; needlework: needle — игла, work — работа) and made a little face of disappointment (и сделала небольшое выражение разочарованного лица = недовольно поморщилась).

yawn [jO:n], needlework ['ni:[email protected]:k], disappointment [,[email protected]'[email protected]]

"A patient (пациент)!" said she. "You'll have to go out (тебе придется выйти /к нему/)."

I groaned (я вздохнул), for I was newly come back from a weary day (так как я недавно вернулся после целого дня утомительной работы: «из утомительного дня»).

groan [[email protected]], newly ['nju:lI], weary ['[email protected]]

One night — it was in June '89 — there came a ring to my bell, about the hour when a man gives his first yawn and glances at the clock. I sat up in my chair, and my wife laid her needlework down in her lap and made a little face of disappointment.

"A patient!" said she. "You'll have to go out."

I groaned, for I was newly come back from a weary day.

We heard the door open (мы услышали, как открылась дверь), a few hurried words (несколько торопливых слов), and then quick steps upon the linoleum (и затем быстрые шаги по линолеуму). Our own door flew open (наша /собственная/ дверь распахнулась; to fly open — распахнуться), and a lady, clad in some dark-colored stuff (и дама, одетая в темное платье; to clothe — одевать; stuff — материал, ткань), with a black veil (с черной вуалью /на лице/), entered the room (вошла в комнату).

linoleum [lI'[email protected]@m], stuff [stVf], veil [veIl]

"You will excuse my calling so late (вы извините мое посещение так поздно = что я так поздно пришла)," she began (начала она), and then, suddenly losing her self-control (и затем, внезапно теряя = потеряв самообладание), she ran forward, threw her arms about my wife's neck (она кинулась вперед, обняла мою жену: «бросила свои руки вокруг шеи моей жены»), and sobbed upon her shoulder (и зарыдала на ее плече). "Oh, I'm in such trouble (о, я в такой беде)!" she cried (воскликнула она); "I do so want a little help (мне так нужна помощь; to do перед основным глаголом используется для усиления)."

excuse [Ik'skju:s], forward ['fO:[email protected]], trouble [trVbl]

We heard the door open, a few hurried words, and then quick steps upon the linoleum. Our own door flew open, and a lady, clad in some dark-colored stuff, with a black veil, entered the room.

"You will excuse my calling so late," she began, and then, suddenly losing her self-control, she ran forward, threw her arms about my wife's neck, and sobbed upon her shoulder. "Oh, I'm in such trouble!" she cried; "I do so want a little help."

"Why (как)," said my wife, pulling up her veil (поднимая ее вуаль), "it is Kate Whitney (это /же/ Кейт Уитни). How you startled me, Kate (как ты напугала меня, Кейт)! I had not an idea who you were when you came in (я не имела понятия, кто это, когда ты вошла = мне в голову не пришло, что это ты)."

"I didn't know what to do, so I came straight to you (я не знала, что делать, поэтому я пошла прямо к тебе)." That was always the way (это был всегда путь = это было обычным явлением). Folk who were in grief (люди, которые были в печали = в беде) came to my wife like birds to a lighthouse (устремлялись к моей жене, как птицы к маяку).

straight [streIt], grief [gri:f], wife [waIf], lighthouse ['laIthaus]

"It was very sweet of you to come (это было очень мило с твоей стороны зайти = ты правильно сделала, что пришла). Now, you must have some wine and water (теперь ты должна выпить немного вина и воды), and sit here comfortably and tell us all about it (садись здесь поудобнее и расскажи нам все об этом). Or should you rather that I sent James off to bed (или ты, может быть, хочешь, чтобы я отправила Джеймса спать)?"

wine [waIn], water ['wO:[email protected]], comfortably ['[email protected]@blI]

"Why," said my wife, pulling up her veil, "it is Kate Whitney. How you startled me, Kate! I had not an idea who you were when you came in."

"I didn't know what to do, so l came straight to you." That was always the way. Folk who were in grief came to my wife like birds to a lighthouse.

"It was very sweet of you to come. Now, you must have some wine and water, and sit here comfortably and tell us all about it. Or should you rather that I sent James off to bed?"

"Oh, no, no! I want the doctor's advice and help, too (я хочу совета и помощи /от/ доктора также). It's about Isa (это об Айзе = дело касается Айзы). He has not been home for two days (его не было дома два дня). I am so frightened about him (я так боюсь за него)!"

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